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Income Tax : Understand advance tax rules, due dates, and penalties for non-compliance. Learn how to avoid interest charges under sections 234B...
Income Tax : Receiving an income tax notice can be disconcerting, particularly for individuals who are not well-versed with tax laws and compli...
Income Tax : Discover key highlights of India's Income Tax Bill 2025, effective April 2026, featuring simplified tax structures, revised slabs,...
Income Tax : Supreme Court clarifies the applicability of TOLA to reassessment notices under the Income Tax Act, addressing the interplay with ...
Income Tax : Penny stocks, often associated with small, illiquid companies, have been a subject of concern due to their susceptibility to price...
Income Tax : Get insights on key amendments in the Income-tax Act, 1961, including changes to Sections 9A, 44BBD, 10(10D), and 158BB under the ...
Income Tax : JAOs face workload imbalances, limited manpower, and systemic issues post-Faceless Assessment Scheme. Suggestions for better resou...
Income Tax : ITGOA urges CBDT to address workload imbalances in JAO charges. Proposes systematic reorganization to ensure equitable distributio...
Income Tax : IT officials can access digital records during searches under IT Act, 1961, but personal emails and social media access is not all...
Income Tax : The updated return facility encourages voluntary tax compliance, allowing taxpayers to correct income omissions. Proposal to exten...
Income Tax : ITAT Hyderabad held that disallowance under section 14A of the Income Tax Act is rightly deleted by CIT(A) since assessee has not ...
Income Tax : ITAT Nagpur held that addition under section 69C towards unexplained expenditure is liable to be deleted due to lack of corroborat...
Income Tax : Rajasthan High Court quashes income tax reassessment for NRI property purchase. Learn why source of funds matters in tax cases....
Income Tax : Madras High Court held that reopening of assessment u/s. 148 of the Income Tax Act based on the judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Cou...
Income Tax : ITAT Nagpur held that cultivation of mushroom falls within the purview of agriculture and hence income from sale of mushroom is ag...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies the Income-tax (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2025, updating Forms 26Q and 27Q to include Section 194T on payments to fi...
Income Tax : Income Tax offices across India will remain open on March 29-31, 2025, for pending work, as per CBDT order under Section 119 of th...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Income Tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2025, introducing safe harbour rules for assessment year 2025-26. Full details o...
Income Tax : Guidelines for Assessing Officers on handling high-risk e-Verification cases under the e-Verification Scheme 2021, including steps...
Income Tax : CBDT allows data sharing with Delhi's IT Dept. for social welfare scheme identification under Income Tax Act Section 138. Read the...
The issue under consideration is whether the disallowance u/s 69C of entire purchase amount by considering it as bogus is justified in law?
The issue under consideration is whether AO is correct in invoking section 50C where no reference to valuation officer despite being request made by assessee?
Assessing Officer was of the firm belief that operation of Explanation 7 to section 9(1)(i) of the Act is prospective, since it has been inserted by the Finance Act, 2015 and made effective from 01.04.2016 and, therefore, not applicable in the year under consideration.
Like most other laws tax law is also an ever evolving subject. Tax laws, every now and then result into difference of opinion between the revenue authorities and tax payers on various issues. Indian Income-tax law has many such issues one of which is benefit of Additional Depreciation.
Section 44AD versus Section 44AB: What to choose ? As per recent amendments in Finance Act, 2020 where one of major amendment was made in Section 44AB by inserting a proviso to clause (a), which reads as follows:- Audit of accounts of certain persons carrying on business or profession. 44AB. Every person,— (a) carrying on […]
The due date for furnishing of Income Tax Returns for the taxpayers (including their partners) who are required to get their accounts audited [for whom the due date (i.e. before the extension by the said notification) as per the Act is 31st October, 2020] has been extended to 31st January, 2021.
CA N. D. Gupta who is also Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha has requested Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Honourable Minister of Finance for Extension for due date of Filing Income Tax Returns and Audit Report under the Income Tax Act for Financial year ended 31.03.2020. N. D. Gupta B.Com (Hons.), FCA Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha […]
Pursuant to clause (a) of Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘the IT Act’), Tax Audit is mandatory if business is having total sales, turnover or gross receipts more than Rs. 1 crore in any Previous Year (‘PY’). Clause (a) of Section 44AB of the IT Act read as under- ‘(a) carrying on […]
DCIT Vs Orbit Exports Ltd. (ITAT Mumbai) We find that assessee had also received interest subsidy under TUF scheme of Rs.56,54,913/- and interest subsidy of Rs.29,18,192/- from Government of Gujarat and Maharashtra. We find that this subsidy originally was offered as revenue receipt by the assessee in its return of income, which was sought to […]
A provision does not become an exemption provision merely because the marginal notes to the section or the heading of the section call it so.Tax law contains chapters dealing with incomes which do not form part of total income. There are chapters dealing with deductions and allowances. Chapter III refers to various incomes which are exempt from tax. It excludes certain types of income from the ambit of ‘total income’ as defined under the Income-Tax Act, 1961.