Read all latest corporate law news, articles, notifications & circular on News on laws related to DIPP Labour Minimum Wages Gratuity PF Arbitration Negotiable instrument Essential Commodities SRFAESI Competition Act Corporate Law
Corporate Law : The arrest of advocate Zafar Ali highlights the urgent need for the Advocate Protection Act to safeguard legal professionals again...
Corporate Law : Explore key AI and data privacy legal developments in India since 2024, including the DPDP Act, TRAI rules, court cases, and globa...
Corporate Law : BNSS aims to speed up justice in India, but are core issues like adjournments and judge shortages addressed? Explore the gaps and ...
Corporate Law : The study explores the types of foreign investments—Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Institutional Investment (FII), Ext...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court acquits six in post-Godhra riots case, citing lack of incriminating evidence and wrongful conviction by the Gujarat ...
Corporate Law : CAIT raises concerns about deceptive opinion trading platforms, urging action to prevent user harm and ensure compliance with IT R...
Corporate Law : Provisional list of audit firms of listed companies yet to file NFRA-2 for 2023-24. Filing deadline was 30.11.2024; fines apply fo...
Corporate Law : List of audit firms yet to file NFRA-2 for 2022-23. Filing deadline was 30.11.2023; penalties apply for non-compliance. Late submi...
Corporate Law : CCI investigated 35 cartels, signed MoUs with global regulators, introduced 'Lesser Penalty Plus,' and conducted 1,446 advocacy ev...
Corporate Law : NPS Vatsalya Scheme, launched on 18th September 2024, is a contributory pension plan aimed at fostering a fully pensioned society....
Corporate Law : Gujarat High Court allows condonation of delay in filing Form 10B for a charitable trust, overturning CIT order and directing tax ...
Corporate Law : The borrowers defaulted on loan repayment, prompting the petitioner to initiate proceedings under the SARFAESI Act. Physical posse...
Corporate Law : Madras High Court directs the Regional Passport Office to process Seeniselvam’s passport application despite a pending crimina...
Corporate Law : Karnataka High Court held that once the dispute is referred to the Labour Court or the Tribunal, the Government will have no power...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court held that imposition of penalty under section 271DA of the Income Tax Act is justifiable since there is no inordi...
Corporate Law : Companies must report delayed payments over 45 days to MSMEs in a half-yearly return to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs under MS...
Corporate Law : IBBI issues disciplinary order against insolvency professional Umesh Poddar for delayed disclosures and auction process irregulari...
Corporate Law : RTI appeal seeking CIRP status and payment timeline of Future Supply Chain dismissed due to an 8-month delay beyond the deadline. ...
Corporate Law : Hinges (Quality Control) Order 2025 mandates Indian Standards compliance for hinges, with exemptions for exports and R&D. Effectiv...
Corporate Law : The Bhavishya portal is mandatory for processing central government pension cases since 2017, ensuring timely settlements per CCS ...
Recently, the country was gripped with controversy surrounding the due parliamentary procedures to be followed for passing of the Farm bills and Labour bills in the Upper House of the Parliament.
V. Venkata Sivakumar Vs IBBI (Madras High Court) In this writ petition, the Petitioner challenges the constitutional validity of Regulation 7A of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016 (the IP Regulations) read with Bye-Law 12A of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) (Model Bye-Laws and Governing Board of […]
Compulsory use of Standard Mark.- Goods or articles specified in the column (1) of the Table shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard specified in column (2) of the said Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a license from the Bureau as per Scheme-I of Schedule-II of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018:
In case an application processed by a natural person or startup or small entity is fully or partly transferred to a person other than a natural person, startup or small entity, the difference, if any, in the scale of fees between the fees charged from the natural person, startup or small entity and the fees chargeable from the person other than a natural person, startup or small entity in the same matter, shall be paid by the new applicant with the request for transfer.
Rajnesh Vs Neha & Anr. (Supreme Court) (i) The present Criminal Appeal arises out of an application for Interim Maintenance filed in a petition u/S. 125 Cr.P.C. by the Respondent-wife and minor son. The Respondent No.1-wife left the matrimonial home in January 2013, shortly after the birth of the son-Respondent No.2. On 02.09.2013, the wife […]
(1) This Ordinance may be called the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020. (2) Save as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, it shall come into force at once.
Construction Contractors are those Sole Proprietors, Partnership Firms, HUF’s, and Companies who build, construct what is designed by Architects or Civil Engineers on Paper. Construction Companies can mainly differentiate based on the type of work they perform and type of specialization they acquire. There are different tasks such as design, financial planning, acquisition of land, […]
LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP: Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act came into force for most part, on 31st March, 2009 followed by its Rules on 1st April, 2009. It is hybrid form which incorporates benefits of both partnership and companies. It has the following features: Separate legal entity in the eyes of Law. Cost of incorporation is very less. […]
Union commerce and Industry Minister Shri Piyush Goyal today said that Futuristic vision combined with decisiveness has provided India with a solid Startup ecosystem. At the inauguration of 1st Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Startup Forum, he said that Youth is our wealth, and in these times of vulnerability & uncertainty, they have responded with agility, adaptability & ability.
Satish Chander Ahuja Vs Sneha Ahuja (Supreme Court) Conclusion: Suit filed in civil court for mandatory and permanent injunction was fully maintainable and the issues raised by assessee-father-in-law as well as by daughter-in-law claiming a right under Section 19 were to be addressed and decided on the basis of evidence, which was led by the […]