Income Tax : Explore top tax-saving options beyond Section 80C for FY 2023-24, including NPS, health insurance premiums, medical expenses, home...
Income Tax : Explore deductions under Sections 24b, 80EE, and 80EEA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, for interest on borrowed capital or housing lo...
Income Tax : Discover the tax advantages of home loans under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Explore Sections 24B, 80C, 80EE, and 80EEA, which offer ...
Income Tax : Article delve into the details of Section 80EE, its eligibility criteria, and how to claim the deduction while optimizing your inc...
Income Tax : In this article I want to introduce tax planning hints for taxpayers having housing loans and what are additional benefits availab...
From FY 19-20 onwards in the Finance Act, 2019, government has allowed a major relief u/s 23 and 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 by allowing the taxpayers to declare in their tax return the value of their ‘Two’ houses as self –occupied, on a NIL basis. That means, now a person can enjoy […]
The direct tax proposals of budget 2014 have been tax friendly. It is also worth noting that budget proposals have received the assent of President and now it is law of land under Indian Income Tax Act. It provides for tax advantage in the form of increased basic exemption limit for individuals by Rs.50K.
Many individuals who are receiving income under the head salary ask about the methods which can legally help in saving tax on salaried people. It is a fact that are not allowed to claim expenses except those specified under the Income Tax Act. Therefore, they can only invest in or claim certain expenses which are […]
The boon for the first time home buyers, the section 80EE has been reintroduced from FY 2016-17. According to which, the interest paid on loan for buying house property shall be allowed upto Rs. 50,000/-. The said deduction can be claimed over and above Rs. 2,00,000/- under section 24 and Rs. 1,50,000/- under section 80C. […]
Budget 2016: In furtherance of the goal of the Government of providing ‘housing for all’, it is proposed to incentivise first-home buyers availing home loans, by providing additional deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for residential house property from any financial institution up to Rs. 50,000.
The government wants you to own a house and the same becomes evident from the various tax benefits allowed under the income tax laws to the persons who own a house. Let us understand the various beneficial tax provisions which prove that the government wants you to own a house.
Income tax can be defined as the percentage of your income which you pay to the government in order to fund infrastructural development. Taxes account for a major portion of the income which is earned by the Indian government. In most cases these taxes can prove to be very harsh on the taxpayer. Hence the government has made some provisions wherein the taxpayer can save on the tax.
EMI on Home loan has two components. One component is repayment towards principal amount of loan and the other is interest portion. The article will describe regarding the tax benefit an assessee can avail on making payment of EMI. Loan can be taken for construction or purchase or repair or renewal or reconstruction of residential […]
Buying a house is a dream for many and involves a lot financial planning. Home Loan journey can be quite eventful and confusing. Flying to your new place every day seems like an exciting way to live. But, even birds need a place to come to a nest of their own. Therefore, here i am […]
Treatment of Interest against House Property in computation of Income [Section 24(b), 80EE, 80 EEA] After calculating the gross annual value (GAV) which is fairly simple to compute, most of the confusion to calculate the income under house property lies in computing the amount of interest deductible from the GAV. Section 24(b) of the Income […]