Read all latest corporate law news, articles, notifications & circular on News on laws related to DIPP Labour Minimum Wages Gratuity PF Arbitration Negotiable instrument Essential Commodities SRFAESI Competition Act Corporate Law
Corporate Law : Learn the detailed process for registering a political party with the Election Commission of India, including required documents, ...
Corporate Law : The arrest of advocate Zafar Ali highlights the urgent need for the Advocate Protection Act to safeguard legal professionals again...
Corporate Law : Explore key AI and data privacy legal developments in India since 2024, including the DPDP Act, TRAI rules, court cases, and globa...
Corporate Law : BNSS aims to speed up justice in India, but are core issues like adjournments and judge shortages addressed? Explore the gaps and ...
Corporate Law : The study explores the types of foreign investments—Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Institutional Investment (FII), Ext...
Corporate Law : Govt approves Rs.22,919 crore scheme to boost electronics component manufacturing. Aims to attract Rs.59,350 crore investment & ge...
Corporate Law : CAIT raises concerns about deceptive opinion trading platforms, urging action to prevent user harm and ensure compliance with IT R...
Corporate Law : Provisional list of audit firms of listed companies yet to file NFRA-2 for 2023-24. Filing deadline was 30.11.2024; fines apply fo...
Corporate Law : List of audit firms yet to file NFRA-2 for 2022-23. Filing deadline was 30.11.2023; penalties apply for non-compliance. Late submi...
Corporate Law : CCI investigated 35 cartels, signed MoUs with global regulators, introduced 'Lesser Penalty Plus,' and conducted 1,446 advocacy ev...
Corporate Law : Vide the present appeal it is mainly contesting that when a cell phone is sold along with a charger, there is only one Maximum Ret...
Corporate Law : Understand the legal distinctions between Gift, Settlement, and Will. Learn their key features, legal validity, and judicial prece...
Corporate Law : NCLT Mumbai held that payment made after Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process [CIRP] without consent of Interim Resolution Prof...
Corporate Law : NCLT Mumbai approved ACME Cleantech Solutions Private Limited resolution plan as moved by resolution professional of Reliance Big ...
Corporate Law : Gujarat High Court allows condonation of delay in filing Form 10B for a charitable trust, overturning CIT order and directing tax ...
Corporate Law : CBIC appoints a Common Adjudicating Authority to finalize the provisional assessment in the SVB case of M/s Delhi Airport Metro Ex...
Corporate Law : IBBI suspends registered valuer Veer Singh for 3 months over non-compliance with valuation rules in CIRP case, citing lack of tran...
Corporate Law : IBBI suspends valuer Vipan Kumar for three months over violations in valuation reports. Issues include lack of proper documentatio...
Corporate Law : IRDAI mandates strict adherence to cyber security guidelines, including incident reporting, forensic audits, and compliance measur...
Corporate Law : Companies must report delayed payments over 45 days to MSMEs in a half-yearly return to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs under MS...
Whereas in the matter of Principles of Natural Justice, and the field of Justice Delivery the saying Justice Delayed is Justice Denied is honestly accepted, it seems that there is no weightage to such proverb in the Right to Information Act, 2005. In fact, there is no guarantee about supply of information within particular span of period.
CIBIL scores are increasingly becoming important in our life. This three digit numerical expression of our credit wellbeing does not only impact the access to loans and funding, but has started to have a bearing on other financial aspects as well. Thus, it becomes highly important for one to be able to maintain a good […]
Managing regulatory challenges in a Global Marketplace obviously makes one think of more headaches and more work; anxiety for the unknown, complexities around it, the fear of recall, penalties and prosecutions. The Author resonances that Compliances are the partner to Business Excellence. Compliance is an integral part of strategic business decision making the Company potent, […]
The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI ACT) was enacted by Government of India to enable banks and financial institutions to realise long-term assets, manage problems of liquidity, asset liability mismatches and improve by exercising powers to take possession of securities, sell them and reduce non-performing assets by adopting measures for recovery or reconstruction.
The Central Government vide Notification No. 1/2015-Narcotics Control-1 dated 5th October, 2015 has notified the general conditions for grant of license for cultivation of opium poppy on account of the Central Government during the Opium Crop Year commencing on the 1st day of October, 2015 and ending with the 30th day of September, 2016.
The purpose of law is to ensure the dignity of human beings and to enable them to lead a decent life as free citizen having their human rights and constitutional rights protected and upholding the principles of natural justice. But the way the SARFAESI Act is interpreted and implemented by the secured creditor, authorised officer and the presiding officer of DRT and even by some of the High Court and Supreme Court judges make one believe whether the Act is an infringement into the human rights and constitutional rights of the citizens.
Those applicants under Right to Information Act, who could not receive the Information required by him/her or have aggrieved with the Order passed by the PIO or does not receive a decision within the time limit as applicable, have a right to Appeal to the First Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of Right to Information Act, 2005
No.1/20/2014 -MC/288 With reference to the above mentioned subject, it is stated that the Public Accounts Committee (16th Lok Sabha) have recommended vide Para No.16 of Report No, 20 that Ministry expedite the implementation of their Standing Audit Cammittee (SAC) recommendation to have action initiated against officers responsible for serious lapses in furnishing remedial/corrective ATNs on Audit paras. The Committee, further reiterating its earlier recommendation, desire that a system of fixing responsibility for serious lapses be put in place by all Ministries.
The Applicants’ seeking information under Section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, could make their request in writing in a language of English, Hindi or in the regional official language of the area, and could submit their “Applications’ to the Public Information Officer (PIO) appointed at an office, where you think or assume or believe that the information required would be available. Even, the Applicants’ have the option of submitting their application either online or offline.
As per Advance Law Lexicon Vakalatnama includes memorandum of appearance or any other document by which an advocate is empowered to appear or plead before any court, tribunal or other authority.