Company Law India: Read latest Company law news & updates, acts, circular, notifications & articles issued by MCA amendment in companies Act 2013. Article on Loans Company formation XBRL, Schedule VI IFRS.
Company Law : joint audit involves two or more audit firms working together to issue an audit opinion on the financial statements of an organiza...
Company Law : SC rules that NCLT cannot decide on public law matters under MMDR Act in IBC cases, reaffirming High Court jurisdiction under Arti...
Company Law : Pvt Ltd ROC Filing is a essential compliance requirement for non-public confined groups in India. Filing ROC returns on time facil...
Company Law : Learn the ISIN issuance process, required documents, and compliance steps for dematerializing securities under the Companies Act, ...
Company Law : Understand purpose, filing requirements, due dates and penalties of Form MSME-1 for companies with outstanding dues to MSME suppli...
Company Law : The government addresses SFIO cases, IBC amendments, CSR compliance, and ESG reporting norms for publicly traded companies....
Company Law : Understand MCA V3 user types, registration, and login. Learn how to update profiles and resolve common issues....
Company Law : Find the provisional list of audit firms of listed companies that haven't filed NFRA-2 forms for the reporting period 2023-24. Upd...
Company Law : The Companies Act 2013 mandates corporate governance, transparency, and CSR reporting. Key provisions include financial disclosure...
Company Law : Understand the compliance regime for private limited companies in India, including business closure timelines and government measu...
Company Law : When the corporate debtor failed to pay the outstanding power obligation, appellant subsequently cut off the electrical service. O...
Company Law : The plain reading of the above provisions of Section 60(5)(c) clearly indicates that the NCLT is empowered to adjudicate any quest...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi quashes CIRP against Alcuris Healthcare, ruling profit-sharing disputes do not constitute operational debt under IBC. ...
Company Law : NCLAT dismisses appeals in Saturn Ventures case, upholding RP’s findings on asset ownership and rejecting fraudulent transaction...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi held that Liquidator is jurisdictionally empowered to proceed with private sale of Corporate Debtor by adopting Swiss ...
Company Law : The appeal by Maptech Poly Products Pvt Ltd against a penalty for non-maintenance of its registered office was dismissed by the Re...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels' appeal led to a penalty reduction for non-compliance with Section 149(3) of the Companies Act. The company pai...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels appealed against CSR non-compliance penalties. The Regional Director reduced the fine after reviewing submissio...
Company Law : Konoria Plaschem faced penalties for failing to appoint an internal auditor from 2014-2020. The fine was reduced on appeal. Read t...
Company Law : Water & Sanitation (India) for Urban Poor failed to hold board meetings from 2011-2019, leading to penalties. The fine was later r...
Incorporating Internal Financial Control Over Financial reporting empirically (Listed Companies Call) As captioned, I will surely not sail through statutory sections sight u/s 134, 143,177 of Companies Act, 2013 but certainly carve into crux of the topic. This article will dive deep intro review as well as testing touch of IFC (Per se means internal […]
Every Listed Company and the Company having 1000 Members or more (other than Nidhi Companies and Company registered under Chapter XB & XC of SEBI ICDR Regulations) is required to conduct Voting Electronically (through E-means) on every Resolution except items specified under Rule 22(16) of The Companies (Management and Administration) Rules 2014. Section 108 read […]
Date and Number of notification : Notification No. S.O. 1256(E) Dated 18.03.2021 Effective Date of the Notification : 01.04.2021 Schedule V : Generally the company has to pay managerial remuneration as per Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013. However if the company has inadequate profits/no profits in any financial year then the managerial remuneration […]
The Companies Act, 2013 completely revolutionized corporate laws in India by introducing several new concepts that did not exist previously. One such game-changer was the introduction of the One Person Company concept. This led to the recognition of a completely new way of starting businesses that accorded flexibility which a company form of entity can […]
ICSI Request for extension of timelines for depositing unspent amount of ongoing CSR project in separate bank account under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 due to the second wave of COVID-19
Who needs to apply? ♦ As per Section 153 of the Companies Act read with Rule 9(1) of Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules 2014: Every individual who intends to be appointed as director of an existing company shall make an application for allotment of DIN(Director Identity Number) in Form DIR-3. ♦ As per […]
Since the time immemorial, the independent directors have been acting as a catalyst in ensuring highest level of corporate governance in the corporate sector. The enormous responsibility bestowed upon the independent directors is to maintain an ethical code of conduct and uphold the integrity in the organization in these exigent times. However, no one can dissent to the fact that these directors have to perform actions with reasonable care and due diligence and have to undertake huge liability in case of any contraventions and negligence.
Baalu Renukadevi Vs Union of India (Madras High Court) Rules 9 and 10 of Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014 deals with the application for allotment of DIN. Rule 10(6) specifies that the DIN is valid for the life time of the applicant and shall not be allotted to any other person. Rule […]
Procedure for conversion of LLP to Private Limited Company Ministry of Corporate Affairs has passed a notification on 31st May, 2016 in such notification its allowed conversion of LLP into Company. This article will give you glimpse of provisions prescribed, procedure involved, in conversion of LLP into a private limited company. 1. Provisions to refer: Section […]
Meaning of Independent Directors and their Meeting thereof as per Companies Act, 2013 Independent Director help in bringing Independent judgement and act as a bridge between management and shareholders by encouraging the principles of Corporate Governance through providing transparency, accountability and disclosures in the working of the Company and assist the Company in implementing the […]