Notification No. 44 dated 31.01.2020 read with Notification No. 06 dated 16.05.2020 is amended to the extent that only items as described above, exported against the mentioned HS codes or falling under any other HS code, are prohibited for export, as part of prohibition on personal protection equipments. MI other items are freely exportable.
All authorised payment systems operators and participants are hereby advised to undertake targeted multi-lingual campaigns by way of SMSs, advertisements in print and visual media, etc., to educate their users on safe and secure use of digital payments.
Mahavir Enterprise Vs Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Gujarat High Court) (Gujarat High Court) Therefore, to sum up, the High Court can interfere under Article 226 of the Constitution of India against a show cause notice where the same is issued by an authority in exercise of the power which is absent; the facts does […]
On the GST side an analysis of e-way bill data reveals encouraging trend about revival of our economy. The value of supplies of goods, which had reduced to ahout 10% of Pre-lockdown period of March 2020 in Lockdown 1.0, has now reached more than 80% of pre-lockdown level during first Fortnight of June 2020.
Meaning of TAX: Tax is a compulsory payment to be made by every resident of India. It is a charge or burden laid upon persons or the property for the support of a Government. Government decided the rates and the items on which tax will be charged, like income tax, GST, etc Tax can be defined […]
Section 42- Companies Act, 2013- Offer or invitation for subscription of securities on private placement. The Companies Act, 2013 offers bunch of avenues to companies for raising funds and one of those is raising funds by issuing various securities. One of the avenue available with the companies is to raise funds by issuing securities through […]
Format of Consent Letter From Statutory Auditor under Companies Act, 2013. Date: ————– To, The Board of Directors Name of Company————- Address—————————- Sub: Consent Letter Dear Sir(s), Pursuant to the section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder, I/We, Name of Auditor/Auditor(s) firm, Chartered Accountant(s) hereby give my/our consent for being […]
Article on Section 68 with recent development in Case Laws in Bombay High Court in case of Pr. CIT vs Alag Securities Pvt Ltd. vide ITA No. 1512 of 2017 dated June 12, 2020 UNXEPLAINED CASH CREDITS, INVESTMENT, MONEY UNDER PROVISIONS OF INCOME TAX ACT, 1961 CASH CREDIT [SECTION 68] define as where any sum is […]
Introduction The world is battling with horrors like the COVID-19, which has left the entire world to a standstill. MSME is the maximum hit sector due to this global pandemic. So considering this fact that the MSME sector is the lifeline of the Indian economy, the government announced immediate relief measures to re-energise this sector. […]
Article explains Meaning of Insurance, Requirements of Insurance Contract, Principles of Insurance Contract, Benefits of Insurance Contract, Types of Insurance and Life Insurance, its benefits & types. Insurance Insurance can be defined as—- transferring or lifting of risk from one individual to a group and sharing of losses on an equitable basis by all members […]