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Cost Audit Order dated 30th June 2011 in modification of Order dated 3rd May 2011

June 30, 2011 1796 Views 0 comment Print

F. No. 52/26/CAB-2010 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 233B of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), the Central Government, being of the opinion that it is necessary to do so, hereby directs that all companies to which the Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Rules, 2011 apply, and which are engaged in the production, processing, manufacturing or mining of the following products/activities, including intermediate products and articles or allied products thereof, and wherein the aggregate value of the turnover made by the company from sale or supply of all products or activities during the immediately preceding financial year exceeds hundred crores of rupees; or wherein the company’s equity or debt securities are listed or are in the process of listing on any stock exchange, whether in India or outside India, shall get its cost accounting records, in respect of each of its financial year commencing on or after the 1st day of April, 2011, audited by a cost auditor who shall be, either a cost accountant or a firm of cost accountants, holding valid certificate of practice under the provisions of Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 (23 of 1959).

Constitution Of New DRP At Delhi

June 29, 2011 1261 Views 0 comment Print

ORDER NO. 5/FT&TR/2011 [F.NO. 500/15/2011-FTD-1], DATED 27-6-2011 -In partial modification of Order No. 4/FT&TR/2011, and in exercise of powers conferred under section 144C of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the Board hereby constitutes the Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) comprising of three Commissioners of Income-tax/Directors of Income-tax as Members of DRP-II at Delhi, who shall perform such duties in addition to their regular duties with immediate effect and until further order:

Committee to examine ways to strengthen laws to curb black-money

June 23, 2011 1031 Views 0 comment Print

It has been decided with the approval of competent authority to constitute a Committee to examine ways to strengthen laws to curb the generation of black-money in India, its illegal transfer abroad and its recovery. The Committee shall consist of the following officers:- (i) Chairman, CBDT – Chairman of Committee

Insurance – Levy of Penalty under section 105B of the Insurance Act, 1938

June 9, 2011 1791 Views 0 comment Print

ORDER NO. IRDA/F&I/ORD/RSS/114/06/2011, DATED 7-6-2011 – The insurer was obliged under sections 32B and 32C of the Insurance Act, 1938 read with the IRDA (Obligations of Insurers to Rural or Social Sectors) Regulations, 2002, as amended from time to time, to cover prescribed percentage of Gross Direct Premium in the Rural Sector and prescribed number of lives in the Social Sector of its general insurance business.

No-action Letter under SEBI (Informal Guidance) Scheme, 2003

May 25, 2011 2544 Views 0 comment Print

Request for No-Action Letter under Securities and Exchange Board of India (Informal Guidance) Scheme, 2003 [The Scheme] in the matter of acquisition of shares of M/s. Disa India Limited [Target Company/Applicant] under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 [Takeover Regulations]

Clarification on SEBI (SAST) Regulations under SEBI (Informal Guidance) Scheme – LETTER NO. CFD/DCR/16403/11, DATED 23-05-2011

May 25, 2011 8700 Views 0 comment Print

. In your letter and other correspondences under reference, you have inter alia represented as follows:- i. Terruzzi Fercalx SpA (TERRUZZI), a foreign company incorporated in Italy had acquired 33.50 lacs shares representing 40.90% of Vulcan Engineers Ltd (VEL) by way of preferential allotment on November 20, 2009 and acquired remaining 21.30 lacs shares representing 25.86% shareholding of VEL from the original promoters of VEL under Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) dated October 12, 2009, Thereafter, TERRUZZI made an open offer under Takeover Regulations wherein it acquired 0.15% share capital of VEL. As on the date of the letter, TERRUZZI holds 54.8 lacs shares representing 66.91% of the shareholding of VEL.

Comments invited on proposed rules for preferential allotment u/s 81 of Companies Act, 1956

May 24, 2011 2871 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub Section (1-A) of Section 81 of the Companies Act 1956 read with Section 642 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules in supersession of unlisted Public companies (Preferential Allotment) Rules, 2003. 1. Short Title and Commencement -(i) These rules may be called Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment and Private Placement) Rules 2011 (ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication on official Gazette.

Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) Revised Constitution w.e.f. 23.05.2011

May 23, 2011 2219 Views 0 comment Print

Order No.4/FT&TR/2011 – In exercise of powers conferred under section 144C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and in supersession of Order No.1/FT&TR-I/2011 dated 12.012011 and Order No.3/FT&TR-I/2D11 dated 31.03.201, the Board hereby constitutes the Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) comprising of three Commissioners of Income Tax/Directors of Income Tax as Members of DRP at the places given below, who shall perform such duties in addition to their regular duties with effect from 23.05.2011 and until further order:

CBDT – Transfers / Postings of Additional/ Joint CITs in International Taxation and Transfer Pricing

May 10, 2011 1001 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT Vide Order No. 81 of 2011 dated 9.5.2011, the CBDT has transferred & posted Additional/ Joint CITs in the Directorate of International Taxation & Transfer Pricing. Vide Order No. 82 of 2011 dated 9.5.2011, the CBDT has transferred & posted Deputy/ Assistant CITs.

Cost Audit Order for Cement, Tyres, Tubes, Steel Tubes, Steel Pipes, Paper, Insecticides Industries

May 5, 2011 1917 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 233B of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), the Central Government, being of the opinion that it is necessary to do so, hereby directs that all companies to which any of the following rules apply, and wherein the aggregate value of the turnover made by the company from sale or supply of all products or activities during the immediately preceding financial year exceeds hundred crores of rupees; or wherein the company’s equity or debt securities are listed or are in the process of listing on any stock exchange, whether in India or outside India, shall get its cost accounting records, in respect of each of its financial year commencing on or after the 1st day of April, 2011, audited by a cost auditor who shall be, either a cost accountant or a firm of cost accountants, holding valid certificate of practice under the provisions of Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 (23 of 1959).

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