Company Law : Starting a business in India requires choosing the right business structure. One Person Company (OPC) registration is a popular op...
Company Law : As per the first proviso to section 3(1) of the Companies Act 2013, at the time of incorporation of OPC, the sole member of OPC is...
Company Law : Learn the step-by-step process for converting a Private Limited Company into a One Person Company (OPC) as per the Companies Act, ...
Company Law : Learn how to convert an OPC into a public limited company with our comprehensive guide, including steps, approvals, and documentat...
Company Law : Understand the requirements of Annual General Meeting (AGM) for One Person Companies (OPCs) in India under the Companies Act, 2013...
Company Law : Learn the step-by-step procedures and find answers to frequently asked questions about incorporating and converting a One Person C...
Company Law : During the current year (from 01.01.2021 to 10.12.2021) total 9781 number of One Person Companies (OPCs) were registered under the...
Company Law : It is requested extend the timelines for annual filing of OPCs upto 31st December, 2020. This will ease the difficulties faced by ...
Income Tax : The Finance Act, 2016 introduced a tax rate of 29% of total income to (domestic) company assessees provided its total turnover or...
Company Law : One person company is a concept introduced in India by the Companies Act, 2013. The concept opens up new vistas of business opport...
Company Law : (1) These rules may be called the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2021. (2) They shall come into forc...
Company Law : MCA amends One Person Companies (OPCs) rules vide Companies (Incorporation) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 MCA amends rules 6 relate...
Discover the advantages of One Person Company (OPC) compared to Sole Proprietorship in India. Explore limited liability, separate legal entity, continuity, and compliance requirements. FAQs on OPC formation, directors, capital, conversions, and fundraising. Learn about the unique features that make OPC a preferred choice for entrepreneurs. Get insights from a Chartered Accountant with expertise in Company Law, Audits, and Taxation. Connect with the author for personalized business advisory services.
Learn the step-by-step procedures and find answers to frequently asked questions about incorporating and converting a One Person Company (OPC) in India. Understand the forms to be filed, thresholds for conversion, eligibility criteria, and more.
Navigate the GST registration process for One Person Companies (OPCs) with ease. Learn the step-by-step guide for online registration, including the workaround for selecting OPC. Understand the necessary documents required, from PAN cards to address proofs. Follow the detailed process, from generating a Temporary Reference Number (TRN) to receiving the Registration Certificate (RC). Empower yourself with a comprehensive guide to streamline GST registration for your One Person Company.
Explore the benefits, legal status, and exemptions of One Person Company (OPC) under the Companies Act 2013. Understand the simplified formation process, reduced compliances, and limited liability protection for members. Follow the annual compliance checklist for seamless operations.
Creation of a One Person Company (OPC) was recently instigated as a significant improvement over sole proprietorship. In year 2005, JJ Irani Expert Committee recommended formation of OPC.
To doing business or start business with the tag of OPC is now very common these days due to less compliance and easy to establish but when the business start grows, company want to expand its identity with more effective and legally term. Now the OPC company has an option under companies act 2013 to move forward for convert itself, voluntary into Private Limited/Limited.
OPCs are required to file two annual forms, namely MGT 7A and AOC 4, every year. It’s important to understand what these forms are and their respective due dates for OPC Annual Filing.
Explore the concept and benefits of One Person Company (OPC) in India. Learn about incorporation, benefits, points to consider, and legal compliances. Discover why OPCs are a convenient option for small businesses.
One person Company is totally a revolutionized concept brought by Companies Act, 2013 where a single person can easily form a company of his own enjoying both the benefits of sole ownership as well as corporate identity.
Learn about the advantages, disadvantages, and formation process of One Person Company (OPC) in India. Start your own business with this unique form of business entity.