Company Law : Starting a business in India requires choosing the right business structure. One Person Company (OPC) registration is a popular op...
Company Law : As per the first proviso to section 3(1) of the Companies Act 2013, at the time of incorporation of OPC, the sole member of OPC is...
Company Law : Learn the step-by-step process for converting a Private Limited Company into a One Person Company (OPC) as per the Companies Act, ...
Company Law : Learn how to convert an OPC into a public limited company with our comprehensive guide, including steps, approvals, and documentat...
Company Law : Understand the requirements of Annual General Meeting (AGM) for One Person Companies (OPCs) in India under the Companies Act, 2013...
Company Law : Learn the step-by-step procedures and find answers to frequently asked questions about incorporating and converting a One Person C...
Company Law : During the current year (from 01.01.2021 to 10.12.2021) total 9781 number of One Person Companies (OPCs) were registered under the...
Company Law : It is requested extend the timelines for annual filing of OPCs upto 31st December, 2020. This will ease the difficulties faced by ...
Income Tax : The Finance Act, 2016 introduced a tax rate of 29% of total income to (domestic) company assessees provided its total turnover or...
Company Law : One person company is a concept introduced in India by the Companies Act, 2013. The concept opens up new vistas of business opport...
Company Law : (1) These rules may be called the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2021. (2) They shall come into forc...
Company Law : MCA amends One Person Companies (OPCs) rules vide Companies (Incorporation) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 MCA amends rules 6 relate...
Difference between Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and One Person Company (OPC) Choice of Business- An Important Decision Selection of the form of business entity is one of the most important decisions before starting a business. This decision is required to be revisited periodically as the business develops. In this Edition we the difference between the […]
One Person Company (OPC) is a choice of Business entity for entrepreneurs who want to have full control over the business. OPC is a type of Private Company as per Section 2(68) and Section 3(1) (c). Rule 3 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules 2014 say, only a natural person who is an Indian citizen and […]
Meaning of One Person Company One-person company means as its name says that only one person in a company as a member. In other words, we can say one-person company can be incorporated by having an only one member. The Companies Act, 2013 completely revolutionised corporate laws in India by introducing several new concepts that […]
Article explains Section and Rules of Company Law Applicable to One Person Company (OPC), Forms Applicable to One Person Company (OPC), FAQs on One Person Company (OPC) and Points to be kept in mind while drafting MOA and AOA of OPC. Section and Rules of Company Law Applicable to One Person Company (OPC) Rule 3, […]
One Person Company (OPC) The One Person Company signifies the form of a Company that can be formed with just one Director and a Member as against a Private Limited Company, which requires at least two directors and two members and a Public Company that requires at least three directors and seven members. The compliance […]
As the name suggests, One Person Company is a type of Private Company which can be formed only by a Natural Person who is resident of India. One Person will act as the Director as well as shareholder of the Company. As the concept of OPC is quite famous and prevailing in outside countries also, […]
With the development of the practice, there will be more and more exception phenomena which can not be explained by the original thoughts or theories. Once these exceptions developed to such an extent that waved peoples confidence in the former thoughts or theories, crisis will happen, and scientific revolution begins. – Thomas S. Kuhn
Till 31st March, 2014, if you wanted to set up a private company, you needed at least one other person because the law mandated a minimum of two shareholders. So, for the person wanting to venture alone, the only option was proprietorship, an onerous task since it is not legally recognized as a separate entity.
Article Analyses following Section applicable to One Person Company (OPC) under Companies Act, 2013– -Definition of One Person Company (Sec.2(62)) -Definition of Financial Statement (Sec.2(40)) -Formation of One Person Company (Sec.3) -Memorandum (Sec. 4(1)(f)) -Registered Office of One Person Company (Sec.12(3) Proviso) -Annual Return (Sec.92(1) Proviso) -Annual General Meeting (Sec.96(1)) -Applicability of Chapter VII (Management […]
There has always been a confusion among people when they want to start a business. I should go for Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP or Company. You definitely ask your friends, family members and co colleagues. You are very serious about your new venture, you have already validated your idea, done the right market research, but selection […]