Income Tax : Redundancy of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in India's evolving tax landscape, focusing on its history, challenges & potential simpl...
Income Tax : Unveiling the intricacies of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in India. Understand its purpose, computation, and recent developments. N...
Income Tax : MAT credit should be accounted in books as it satisfies definition of Asset as per Framework for preparation and presentation of F...
Income Tax : MAT stands for Minimum Alternate Tax and AMT stands for Alternate Minimum Tax. Initially the concept of MAT was introduced for com...
Company Law : MAT or minimum alternative tax refers to a tax paid to by a company in advance. We should note that companies must pay tax accordi...
Income Tax : In order to attract fresh investment in manufacturing and provide boost to 'Make-in India' initiative of the Government, another p...
Income Tax : The computation of book profit under section 115JB is a complicated and vexed issue with diverse interpretations possible on vario...
Income Tax : Relaxation in the provisions relating to levy of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in case of companies against whom an application for ...
Income Tax : Relevant part of MAT-Ind AS Committee Report dated 17th June, 2017 containing recommendations regarding amendment to the provision...
Income Tax : Apex Industry body ASSOCHAM has advocated continuation of the exemption from MAT (Minimum Alternative Tax) by the insertion of a s...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court examined tax issues in Apollo Tyres Ltd. vs. CIT, including the role of assessing officers under Section 115-J a...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that as capital profit are to be excluded while computing book profit u/s 115JB, similarly, the adjustment of lo...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that penalty u/s 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act alleging inaccurate particulars not leviable as assessee was subj...
Income Tax : ITAT held that if advances received by the assessee from customers on which TDS Credits has been claimed, has been offered as inco...
Income Tax : PCIT-4 Vs Krishi Rasayan Exports Pvt. Ltd (Calcutta High Court) Whether the interest subsidy and excise refund would be treated as...
Income Tax : Representations have been received from the stakeholders seeking clarification on following issues relating to exercise of option ...
Income Tax : Details of the amount required to be increased or decreased in accordance with sub-section (2A) of section 115JB- [Applicable only...
Income Tax : Clarifications with FAQs on computation of book profit for the purposes of levy of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) under section 115JB...
Income Tax : CBDT press release on Issues arising from the implementation of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) provisions relating to Indian Accounti...
Income Tax : References are being received by the Board that in certain cases appellate authorities are dismissing appeals without going into t...
The Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) is income tax imposed by the United States federal government on individuals, corporations, estates and trusts. The AMT was enacted in 1982.
Section 115JB was inserted by the Finance Act, 2000, w.e.f. 01/04/2001. It had replaced Section 115JA, which was inserted by the Finance Act, 1996 w.e.f. 01/04/1997. Section 115JA was replacement of earlier Section 115J, which was inserted by the Finance Act, 1987 w.e.f. 01/04/1988. The objective and philosophy of the provisions of Section 115J, Section 115JA and Section 115JB are same; however, the method of computation has been slightly changed in these sections.
The facts in brief qua the issue raised in the grounds are that assessee filed its return of income electronically for the AY. 2009-10 on 23-09-2009, declaring NIL income. This return was processed u/s. 143(1) of the Act and the total income was determined at Rs. 69,19,580/- u/s.
MAT stands for Minimum Alternate Tax and AMT stands for Alternate Minimum Tax. Initially the concept of MAT was introduced for companies and progressively it has been made applicable to all other taxpayers in the form of AMT.
It is proposed to amend section 115JB to provide that the aggregate amount of unabsorbed depreciation and loss brought forward (excluding unabsorbed depreciation) shall be allowed to be reduced from the book profit, if a company’s application for corporate insolvency resolution process under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 has been admitted by the Adjudicating Authority.
Minimum Alternate Tax, though on the statute since practically 3 decades now, has always been a subject matter of controversy. Even after all the amendments to it over the years, most recently to align it with the Ind-AS provisions, there is still room for filling in certain gaps. This article seeks to raise certain concerns, which, hopefully, will be addressed by the Union Budget 2018.
The computation of book profit under section 115JB is a complicated and vexed issue with diverse interpretations possible on various issues. These issues need to be clarified to reduce litigation before the appellate authorities, which is one of the aims of the Government.
The computation of MAT for the year in which first time adoption of Ind AS has been taken place will include, apart from current year adjustments, the adjustments which are made in the preceding financial year as well as on the transition date.
Relaxation in the provisions relating to levy of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in case of companies against whom an application for corporate insolvency resolution process has been admitted under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 The existing provisions of section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘the Act’), inter alia, provide, that, for the purposes […]
A bench comprising Vijay Pal Rao (JM) and Vikram Singh Yadav (AM) of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) recently declared that Interest u/s 234B of the Income Tax Act can be levied on ground of non-payment of advance tax in respect of Alternative Minimum Tax.