CA, CS, CMA : Your attention is drawn towards a need of the hour that Tax Audits allotment be monitored through the department. It is certain th...
CA, CS, CMA : Professional Development Committee (PDC) is pleased to host the thoroughly revamped Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the ye...
CA, CS, CMA : Valuing the closing stock at net realizable value method is duly recognized by AS-2 issued by the ICAI but, the onus is on the ass...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI extends MEF 2024-25 submission deadline to October 21, 2024. No further extensions. Visit MEF portal for queries or complaint...
CA, CS, CMA : Get ready for MEF 2024-25! Learn how to register, check eligibility, and submit your Multipurpose Empanelment Form for audit firms...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces a one-time window for MEF 2023-24 applications from 20th to 22nd November. Don't miss out, members!...
CA, CS, CMA : Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) is now hosted at MEFICAI website. Members can fill up the application form directly on the M...
CA, CS, CMA : Members may kindly note that the Revised MEF Form for the year 2021-22 is expected to be made live (at in the month o...
CA, CS, CMA : This is to inform that Multipurpose Empanelment Form for the year 2015-16 has been made live at Last date for sub...
As your good self are aware that the Council at its 280th meeting held from 7th to 9th August 9, 2008, considered the cited matter. After detailed discussion, the Council authorised CA. Vinod Jain, Chairman, CLC to finalize the Schedule VI and Saral Schedule VI for small and medium companies while appreciating the views/suggestions emerged during the Council meeting and views to be received from the Council members.
Valuing the closing stock at net realizable value method is duly recognized by AS-2 issued by the ICAI but, the onus is on the assessee to prove that the net realizable value whatever has been shown by him is the correct net realizable value and is less than the cost: the assessee has to satisfy the Assessing Officer by adducing the evidence that the net realizable value is less than the cost. D. Subhashchandra & Co. v. ACIT
While the legal profession in India is still weighing the pros and cons of opening up to foreign competition, chartered accountants have gone ahead and taken the plunge. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has signed an agreement with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), allowing both countries to recognise the qualification of CAs from the other country.
The recent planning and initiative of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) are now directed to make India as a destination for accounting as well as auditing services. Apart from converging with the international financial reporting standards (IFRS) by April 1, 2011, it is now planning to convergence with the international auditing standards.
THE financial meltdown is expected to bring new opportunities for chartered accountants as companies will seek better control over their finances. So, if BSchools are a worried lot and preferences are fast changing from finance to consulting, the CAs are in demand like never before. Also, as per the ICAI top brass, while the financial sector has been in a turmoil, there is no news of any CA being sacked by any company.
Declaration in respect of MEF 2008-09 not received – As per our records, declaration has not been received from applicants mentioned in the below list. Individual SMS communication has already been sent to all concerned at mobile nos. of the contact person provided in MEF application. In case of non-receipt of the declaration, your MEF application is liable to be rejected from the panel. Related applicants are requested to kindly send proof of sending alongwith a copy of the same immediately at the following address
The last date for submission of application on the website www.meficai. org October, has been extended to 6th 2008 and the last date for receipt of duly signed hard copy of declaration (alongwith the acknowledgement of soft submission of application) at the Institute’s Delhi office has been extended to 16th October, 2008.
ICAI – Announcement Announcement reagrding MEF for the year 2008-09 *Multipurpose Empanelment Application Form for the year 2008-09* Multipurpose Empanelment Application Form for the year 2008-09 is expected to be hosted on 15th June, 2008. *Everyone is advised to check their last year’s data and fill in all the blank columns and the relevant details. […]
Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) 2007-08. View Multipurpose Panel 2007-08 Corrections are being processed, the final panel will be available as soon as possible.