Income Tax : Arbitrary criteria exist for the allotment of audit of public sector units. Every department made their own different rules and co...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI invites members for observer roles in May 2025 CA exams. Check eligibility, duties, honorarium, and apply online before March...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces the Draft Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel (MEF) 2024-25 for review. Applicants can check details and raise queries un...
CA, CS, CMA : Apply online for CAG empanelment 2025-26 from Jan 7 to Feb 17, 2025. Submit acknowledgment and documents by Feb 28, 2025. Check el...
CA, CS, CMA : Get ready for MEF 2024-25! Learn how to register, check eligibility, and submit your Multipurpose Empanelment Form for audit firms...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces the extended deadline to 10th September 2023 for online empanelment of members as observers for the Nov/Dec 2023 CA...
Empanelment of members for the assignment of Checkers for CA examinations to be held in November 2015- Checking of totaling of marks etc in the answer books of CA examinations, after they have been evaluated by the examiners, is being assigned/carried out by members of the Institute, who are empanelled for the purpose.
Please find placed below revised draft final Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel for the year 2014-15. To view your category, please click on the relevant interval:. MEF00001-05000 MEF05001-10000 MEF10001-15000 MEF15001-20000 MEF20001-25000 MEF25001-30000 MEF30001-35000 MEF35001-40000 MEF40001-45000 MEF45001-50000 MEF50001-55000 MEF55001-60000 MEF60001 onwards
We would like to inform that the revised Draft Bank Branch Auditors’ panel for the year 2013-14 has been hosted on, considering all the complaints received from member till 25th November, 2013, paper received thereof, relevant list received from Auditors’ on 26th November, 2013 and the same will be available till 29th November, 2013 upto 3 o’clock.
MEFICAI has notified on December 17, 2012 ‘Draft Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel for the year 2012-13′ with reference to application for the multipurpose panel for the year 2012-13.
Invitation for empanelment as Resource Persons for the programmes to be organized by the Committee for Capacity Building of CA Firms and Small & Medium Practitioners (CCBCAF&SMP). The Committee for Capacity Building of CA Firms and Small & Medium Practitioners(CCBCAF&SMP) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India proposes to organize the following programmes during the year 2012-2013 which are broadly relevant to the Members of ICAI in Practice.
Empanelment of Chartered Accountants/firms for Audit of Credit and Other Co-operative Societies. I am happy to inform you that the joint efforts of the PDC & WIRC have yielded results and the Maharashtra Government has entrusted the task of preparing the Panel of Chartered Accountants/firms for undertaking Statutory Audits of Credit and Other Co-operative Societies (other than UCBs) to the ICAI. In this regard, you are requested to provide following information for inclusion of your / your firm name in the Panel
Every year, Professional Development Committee of the Institute hosts the Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) on This year also, MEF 2010-11 was hosted on May 1, 2010. As per the decision of the Council of the Institute taken at its
Empanelment of Chartered Accountant firms for Audit of Urban Co-operative Banks of Maharashtra.(Last Date 25th November, 2010)1. Only those Maharashtra based partnership firms which are there in the Bank Branch Auditor’s Panel 2010-11, are eligible to apply. To check your eligibility, pl visit
Empanelment of Individual Chartered Accountants/ proprietary firms for Audit of Urban Credit Societies and other Societies (other than UCBs) of Maharashtra.(Last Date 25th November, 2010) 1. Empanelment of Proprietorship Chartered Accountant firms and members practicing in individual name for Audit of Urban Credit Societies and other Co- operative Societies (Only those Maharashtra based proprietorship firms […]
Multipurpose Empanelment Form for the year 2010-11 is an on line application instead of offline application Members can fill up the application form directly in the site it self and Upload it. Members can view the Application and can Edit the Application in different stages.