Income Tax : Download Revised Form No. 49A in for Application for Allotment of Permanent Account Number for residents, Revised Form No. 49AA ...
Income Tax : Indian citizen residing abroad, foreign citizen and other than individual (like company or trust or firm etc.) who wants to apply ...
Income Tax : Permanent account number means a number which the Assessing Officer may allot to any person for the purpose of identification and ...
Income Tax : CBDT again played hide and seek game with the tax payers like the one it played in Sep-Oct 2013 with regard to extension of due da...
Income Tax : Download Revised Form 49A Excel Auto utility - This form should be used when the applicant has never applied for a PAN or does not...
Income Tax : In case of PAN applications from non-individuals, Seal and/or Stamp is not required on PAN application Form 49A or 49AA or Form fo...
Income Tax : Download Automatic Excel Utility for Application for allotment of New PAN (Form 49A) – applicable for Citizens of India. This fo...
Income Tax : This excel utility should be used when PAN has already been allotted to the applicant but applicant wants to make change/correctio...
Income Tax : Income tax department has released a new form for New PAN Card or/And Changes or correction in PAN Data. the new form is simple ...
Income Tax : The file has a built in auto fill form facility . The user is required to fill the pop up data forms and PAN Form 49A in excel sha...
Goods and Services Tax : Himachal Pradesh High Court held that prima facie investigation cannot be basis of an order of cancellation of GST registration. D...
Goods and Services Tax : Delhi HC clarifies Rule 86A of CGST Rules, restricting debit of ITC in ECL. Blocking applies only to available ITC, no requirement...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how Gujarat High Court ruled that credit ledger balance can be utilized for pre-deposit when filing GST appeals. Details in ...
Income Tax : CBDT has added Transgender in Option to select Gender while filling Form number 49A and Form number 49AA related to PAN Applicatio...
Income Tax : Notification No. 26/2014-Income Tax CBDT has revised PAN Application form 49A and 49AA wef from 16.05.2014 vide its notification n...
Income Tax : F.No: oPAN/1/3/2003/Part Change in procedure for PAN allotment wef 03.02.2014 - From 03.02.2014 onwards, every PAN applicant has ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 96/2013 - Income Tax The list of documents to be submitted along with PAN Application Form49A/49AA has been revis...
Income Tax : Press Release No. 402/92/2006-MC (04 of 2010) A new provision relating to tax deduction at source (TDS) under the Income Tax Act ...
Himachal Pradesh High Court held that prima facie investigation cannot be basis of an order of cancellation of GST registration. Drastic penalty of cancellation of GST registration can be imposed only after completion of investigation.
Delhi HC clarifies Rule 86A of CGST Rules, restricting debit of ITC in ECL. Blocking applies only to available ITC, no requirement to replenish past usage.
Learn how Gujarat High Court ruled that credit ledger balance can be utilized for pre-deposit when filing GST appeals. Details in the Shiv Crackers case.
Download Revised Form No. 49A in for Application for Allotment of Permanent Account Number for residents, Revised Form No. 49AA Application for Allotment of Permanent Account Number for Foreign Companies, Citizens and Foreign Entities as applicable from 16.05.2014.
Indian citizen residing abroad, foreign citizen and other than individual (like company or trust or firm etc.) who wants to apply for PAN should fill the PAN application 49AA. Basically PAN application for Non Resident can be bifurcated into three categories
CBDT has added Transgender in Option to select Gender while filling Form number 49A and Form number 49AA related to PAN Application for Individual Resident and Non-Resident applicants. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) Notification No. 18/2018 New Delhi, the 9th April, 2018 Income-tax G.S.R. 352(E).—In exercise of the powers […]
In case of PAN applications from non-individuals, Seal and/or Stamp is not required on PAN application Form 49A or 49AA or Form for Change or Correction.
Permanent account number means a number which the Assessing Officer may allot to any person for the purpose of identification and includes a permanent account number having ten alphanumeric characters and issued in the form of a laminated card. [Form 49A].
Notification No. 26/2014-Income Tax CBDT has revised PAN Application form 49A and 49AA wef from 16.05.2014 vide its notification no. 26/2014 , Dated- 16-5-2014. Revised Form 49A and 49AA provides option to get printed Mothers Name on PAN card. So those applying for New PAN card or for revised PAN card have the option to get printed on their PAN card printed the name of his/her mother.
CBDT again played hide and seek game with the tax payers like the one it played in Sep-Oct 2013 with regard to extension of due date for filling of ITR and TARs. CBDT has issued two notifications, First on 23rd Dec 2013 requiring addittional proof of Date of Birth along with Proof of Identity (POI) […]