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1. What is Form 15G and Form 15H?

Form 15G and Form 15H are forms you can submit to prevent TDS deduction on your income, if you meet the conditions mentioned below. For this, PAN is compulsory. Some banks allow you to submit these forms online through the bank’s website. Form 15H is for senior citizens, those who are 60 years or older; while Form 15G is for everybody else.

Form 15G and Form 15H are valid for one financial year. So, please submit these forms every year at the beginning of the financial year. This will ensure the bank does not deduct any TDS on your interest income.

Section 197A – No TDS Deduction – Form 15G & Form 15H

  • For FY 2020-21, in view of the spread of the disease COVID-19, taxpayers may not be able to submit the forms in the first week of April 2020. Hence, the government has extended the validity of the Form 15G and Form 15H expiring on 31 March 2020 up to 30 June 2020. Taxpayers can submit the Form 15G and Form 15H in the first week of July 2020. For the period beginning 1 April 2020 and up to 30 June 2020, the Form 15G and 15H submitted for FY 2019-20 will be valid proof for non-deduction of TDS. Section 197A of Income Tax Act, 1961 and Rule 29C of Income Tax Rules, 1962 contain the provisions related to the filing of Form 15G and Form 15H for non-deduction of income tax or TDS on certain incomes.
  • Rule 29C rule prescribes the form to be furnished for non-deduction of income tax on certain incomes as below-

Rule 29c(1)- A declaration –

under section 197A(1) or under section 197A(1A) shall be in Form No.15G and under section 197A(1C) shall be in Form No.15H.

  • Section 197A(1) or section 197A(1A) applies to an Individual below 60 years of age. It also applies to non-Individuals.

Section 197A(1C) applies only to Individuals who is a senior citizen.

  • The provisions of Section 197A are discussed below:

♦ Section 197A(1): No deduction of income tax shall be made for –

Section 194 – TDS on dividend paid to a resident in India if exceeds Rs. 5,000. Section 194EE – TDS on payments in respect of deposits under National Savings Scheme, etc. if exceeds Rs. 2,500.

in case of –

      • an Individual, who is resident in India,
      • if such individual furnishes
      • to the payer
      • a declaration in writing in duplicate
      • in the prescribed form and,
      • verified in the prescribed manner,
      • when-
      • tax on his estimated total income of the previous year in which such income is includible is NIL.

Please note that here rebate u/s 87A is not considered for the purpose of this section.

♦ Section 197A(1A):No deduction for income tax shall be made for –

Section 192A – TDS on payment from Employees’ Provident Funds if exceeds Rs. 50,000.

Section 193 – Interest on securities if exceeds Rs. 10,000 except securities held in dematerialized form and listed securities.

Section 194A – Interest other than interest on securities if exceeds Rs. 40,000 for bank and PO/Rs. 50,000 for senior citizen, and Rs. 5,000 from others.

Section 194D – TDS on Insurance Commission if exceeds Rs. 15,000

Section 194DA – TDS on Life Insurance Policy maturity proceeds if exceeds Rs. 1,00,000

Section 194I – TDS on Rent payment if exceeds Rs. 2,40,000

Section 194K – TDS on Payment of any income in respect of units of mutual fund if exceeds Rs. 5,000

in case of a person-

      • not being a company or firm
      • if such person furnishes a declaration
      • in writing in duplicate
      • in the prescribed form and
      • verified in the prescribed manner.
      • when-
      • tax on his estimated total income of the previous year in which such income is includible
      • is NIL

Please note that here rebate u/s 87A is not considered for the purpose of this section.

♦ Section 197A(1B): The provisions of section 197A(1) or section 197A(1A) shall not apply –

    • when the aggregate of income referred to above sections or
    • the aggregate of the amount of such incomes-
    • credited or paid or likely to be credited or paid
    • during the previous year
    • in which such income is to be included
    • exceeds the basic exemption limit.

This provision means if the income for which Form 15G is being furnished such income shall not exceed the basic exemption limit. For example, in case of a bank, if payment of interest during a financial year exceeds the basic exemption limit(Rs. 2,50,000 at present) then Form 15G cannot be filed.

♦ Section 197A(1C): Contains filing of declaration for no deduction in the prescribed form for-

Section 194 – TDS on dividend paid to a resident in India if exceeds Rs. 5,000. Section 194EE – TDS on payments in respect of deposits under National Savings Scheme, etc. if exceeds Rs. 2,500.

Section 192A – TDS on payment from Employees’ Provident Funds if exceeds Rs. 50,000.

Section 193 – Interest on securities if exceeds Rs. 10,000 except securities held in dematerialized form and listed securities.

Section 194A – Interest other than interest on securities if exceeds Rs. 40,000 for bank and PO/Rs. 50,000 for senior citizen, and Rs. 5,000 from others.

Section 194D – TDS on Insurance Commission if exceeds Rs. 15,000

Section 194DA – TDS on Life Insurance Policy maturity proceeds if exceeds Rs. 1,00,000

Section 194I – TDS on Rent payment if exceeds Rs. 2,40,000

Section 194K – TDS on Payment of any income in respect of units of mutual fund if exceeds Rs. 5,000

      • by an individual residentin India
      • who is a senior citizen.
      • Thus, a non-resident senior citizen is expressly prohibitedfrom filing of Form15H. In case of filing of Form 15G by a non-resident, it is impliedly prohibited, but for a senior citizen, it is expressly The condition mentioned in section 197A(1B) is not applicable to a senior citizen filing Form 15H. In other words, Form 15H can be filed even if the aggregate of income referred to above sections exceeds the basic exemption limit which is Rs. 3,00,000 at present for a senior citizen and Rs. 5,00,000 for a very senior citizen but his tax on total income shall be nil.

Please note that The CBDT has come up with “Notification No. 41/2019/F. No. 370142/5/2019-TPL dated 22 nd May, 2019” which reads as below:

 “Provided that such person shall accept the declaration in a case where income of the assessee, who is eligible for rebate of income-tax under section 87A, is higher than the income for which declaration can be accepted as per this note, but his tax liability shall be nil after taking into account the rebate available to him under the said section 87A.” which means rebate u/s 87A is considered for the purpose of this section. This can be explained with the help of following comparative letter:-

Age Interest Income Other Income Deductions Taxable Income 15G/15H allowed? Remarks
Below 60 Years Rs. 3 Lakhs Rs. 1 Lakh Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 2.50 Lakhs 15G not allowed Interest income is above exemption limit of Rs. 2.50 Lakhs
Rs. 2.50 Lakhs Rs. 1.60 Lakhs Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 2.60 Lakhs 15G not allowed Taxable income is above exemption limit of Rs. 2.50 Lakhs
Rs. 2.50 Lakhs Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 2.50 Lakhs 15G allowed Both conditions satisfied
60 Years and above Rs. 2.50 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lakhs Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 3 Lakhs 15H allowed Taxable income is within Rs. 3 Lakhs
Rs. 2.50 Lakhs Rs. 4.50 Lakhs Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 5.50 Lakhs 15H not allowed Taxable income is both above exemption limit of Rs. 3 Lakhs and  5 Lakhs which means benefit of rebate u/s 87A also could not be availed
80 Years and above Rs. 4 Lakhs Rs. 2.50 Lakhs Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakhs 15H allowed Taxable income is within Rs. 5 Lakhs
Rs. 4 Lakhs Rs. 3 Lakhs Rs. 1.50 Lakhs Rs. 5.50 Lakhs 15H not allowed Taxable income is above exemption limit of Rs. 5 Lakhs


Taxable pre-mature withdrawal from provident fund [Section 192A]
Interest [Section 193 and 194A] or Rent [Section 194-I] or Insurance Commission [Section 194D]
Dividend [Section 194]
Payment in respect of life insurance policy [Section 194DA]
National Saving Scheme [Section 194EE]
Income in respect of units of mutual fund [Section 194K]
Condition 1– Who is recipient
Other than a company or firm
Resident individual
Other than a company or firm
Resident individual
Other than a company or firm
Condition 2– What is tax on total income of the previous year
Condition 3– How much is total of income covered by Sections 192A, 193, 194, 194A, 194D, 194DA, 194EE, 194-I and 194K
Not exceeding the maximum amount not chargeable to tax

Extract of Section 197A of Income Tax Act, 1961

Section 197A – No TDS Deduction – Form 15G & Form 15H

197A.  (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 194 or section 194EE, no deduction of tax shall be made under any of the said sections in the case of an individual, who is resident in India, if such individual furnishes to the person responsible for paying any income of the nature referred to in section 194 or, as the case may be, section 194EE, a declaration in writing in duplicate in the prescribed form and verified in the prescribed manner to the effect that the tax on his estimated total income of the previous year in which such income is to be included in computing his total income will be nil.

Section 197A

(1A) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 192A or section 193 or section 194A or section 194D or section 194DA or section 194-I or section 194K, no deduction of tax shall be made under any of the said sections in the case of a person (not being a company or a firm), if such person furnishes to the person responsible for paying any income of the nature referred to in section 192A or section 193 or section 194A or section 194D or section 194DA or section 194-I or section 194K, as the case may be, a declaration in writing in duplicate in the prescribed form and verified in the prescribed manner to the effect that the tax on his estimated total income of the previous year in which such income is to be included in computing his total income will be nil.

(1B) The provisions of this section shall not apply where the amount of any income of the nature referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (1A), as the case may be, or the aggregate of the amounts of such incomes credited or paid or likely to be credited or paid during the previous year in which such income is to be included exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income-tax.

(1C) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 192A or section 193 or section 194 or section 194A or section 194D or section 194DA or section 194EE or section 194-I or section 194K or sub-section (1B) of this section, no deduction of tax shall be made in the case of an individual resident in India, who is of the age of sixty years or more at any time during the previous year, if such individual furnishes to the person responsible for paying any income of the nature referred to in section 192A or section 193 or section 194 or section 194A or section 194D or section 194DA or section 194EE or section 194-I or section 194K, as the case may be, a declaration in writing in duplicate in the prescribed form and verified in the prescribed manner to the effect that the tax on his estimated total income of the previous year in which such income is to be included in computing his total income will be nil.

(1D) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, no deduction of tax shall be made by the Offshore Banking Unit from the interest paid—

(a)  on deposit made on or after the 1st day of April, 2005, by a non-resident or a person not ordinarily resident in India; or

(b)  on borrowing, on or after the 1st day of April, 2005, from a non-resident or a person not ordinarily resident in India.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section “Offshore Banking Unit” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (u) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005.

(1E) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, no deduction of tax shall be made from any payment to any person for, or on behalf of, the New Pension System Trust referred to in clause (44) of section 10.

[(1F) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, no deduction of tax shall be made, or deduction of tax shall be made at such lower rate, from such payment to such person or class of persons, including institution, association or body or class of institutions, associations or bodies, as may be notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette, in this behalf.]

(2) The person responsible for paying any income of the nature referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (1A) or sub-section (1C) shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or Principal Commissioner or Commissioner one copy of the declaration referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (1A) or sub-section (1C) on or before the seventh day of the month next following the month in which the declaration is furnished to him.

(Republished with amendments)

Read Also:-

192 Section 192 TDS on Salary- Analysis
192A Section 192A | TDS on Payment of Accumulated balance due to an Employee
193 Section 193 TDS from Interest on Securities – Analysis
194 Section 194 TDS on payment of dividend
194A Section 194A TDS on Interest (other than Interest on Securities)
194B Section 194B TDS on winnings from Lottery, Game Shows & Puzzle etc
194BB Section 194BB TDS on Winning from Horse Races
194C Section 194C TDS on Payment to Contractor
194D Section 194D TDS on Insurance Commission- Analysis
194DA Section 194DA TDS on Payment in respect of Life Insurance Policy
194E Section 194E TDS on Payments to Non-Resident Sportsmen or Sports Association
194EE Section 194EE TDS on Payments in respect of Deposit under NSS
194F Section 194F TDS on Payments on account of repurchase of units by Mutual Fund or UTI
194G Section 194G TDS on Commission on Sale of Lottery Tickets- Analysis
194H Section 194H TDS on Commission & Brokerage- Analysis
194I Section 194I TDS on Rent – Analysis
194-IA Section 194IA TDS on Purchase of Immovable Property
194-IB Section 194IB TDS on Rent of Property
194-IC Section 194IC TDS on Payment Made Under Specified Agreement
194J Section 194J TDS on Professional or Technical Fees
194K Section 194K TDS on Income In Respect of Units of Mutual Fund
194-LA Section 194LA TDS on Payments of Compensation on Acquisition of certain Immovable Property
194-LB Section 194LB TDS on Income by way of Interest from Infrastructure Debt Fund 
194-LBA Section 194LBA TDS on Certain Income from Units of a Business Trust
194-LBB Section 194LBB TDS on Income in Respect of Units of Investment Fund
194-LBC Section 194LBC TDS on Income in Respect of Investment in Securitization Trust
194-LC Section 194LC | TDS on Interest Income from Indian Company or Business trust
194-LD Section 194LD TDS on Interest Income on certain Bonds/Government Securities
194M Section 194M TDS on payments of certain Sums by Individual & HUF
194N Section 194N TDS on cash withdrawal from banks/post offices
194O Section 194O TDS on E-commerce Operator- Analysis
194P Section 194P Deduction of tax in case of specified senior citizen
194Q Section 194Q Deduction of tax at source on payment of certain sum for purchase of goods
195 Section 195 TDS on Non-Resident Payments
195A Section 195A Income Payable ‘Net of Tax’
196B Section 196B TDS on long term capital gains from units referred to in section 115AB
196C Section 196C TDS on Income from foreign currency bonds or GDRs
196D Section 196D TDS on Income of foreign institutional investors from securities
197 Section 197 Certificate For TDS Deduction at Lower Rate
197A Section 197A – No TDS Deduction – Form 15G & Form 15H
198 Section 198 Tax Deducted at Source shall be deemed to be income received
200 (1) & (2) Section 200(1) & (2) Time Limit for Deposit of Tax Deducted at Source
200 (3) Section 200(3) Forms & Time Limit for Submitting Quarterly TDS Returns
203 Section 203 TDS Certificate
200A Section 200A Processing of Statements of Tax Deducted at Source
201 Section 201 Consequences of Non-Compliance to TDS
203A Section 203A Tax Deduction And Collection Account Number
206AA Section 206AA Mandatory Requirement of Furnishing PAN-TDS
206AB &
Section 206AB & 206CCA Higher Rate of TDS/TCS in Case of Non-Filers of Return
206C Section 206C Tax Collection at Source (TCS)
206CC Section 206CC Mandatory Requirement of Furnishing PAN
40(a)(i) Disallowance for Non deduction of Tax at Source


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  1. v.raj says:

    The provisions for filing Form H to avoid deduction of TDS on certain incomes appears to be somewhat confusing. It requires a form to be filed for EACH investment, In practical experience an individual may have 20-30 different investments.
    Apart from this, the main issue is:
    If an individual DOES NOT HAVE ANY TAXABLE INCOME, why should it not be possible to file a SINGLE FORM 15H which can then be simply sent to all the investment companies etc.

  2. Umesh Prasad Singh says:

    A senior citizen’s annul income is only interest from bank deposits Rs. 5,50,000/-.
    He is eligible to claim exemption/deduction of Rs. 50,000/- only on bank interest income. Thus left with Rs. 5,00,000/- net/taxable income. Is his/her Form 15H acceptable by bank since Rebate u/s 87A is also available to him/her.
    With Regards….

  3. ASHOK PATEL says:

    if my income of previous year was 259630 taxable
    so on this year it is only 240500 so bank should not allow me a 15h form submission.n deduct my TDS accordingly.it rules. so is it true? kindly give me advice in my mail id. THANKS.

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