Lenin Kumar Ray Vs Express Publications (Madurai) Ltd. (Supreme Court) Considering the nature of duties being performed, an Assistant Engineer will not fall under the ambit of ‘workman’ as contemplated under ID Act.
The Supreme Court examines the applicability of Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments Act in a case regarding the permanent status of employees in Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation.
The Supreme Court upheld the legality of employee transfers under certified standing orders, dismissing the challenge made by Divgi Metal Wares Employees Association.
The Supreme Court ruling clarifies that a regional manager’s supervisory duties exclude him from being classified as a ‘workman’ under the Industrial Disputes Act.
Application for change of date of birth can be rejected on the ground of delay, particularly, when it is made at fag end of the service: Supreme Court in Barsua Iron Ore Mines Vs United Mines Mazdoor Union And Ors.
The Supreme Court ruled on the regularization of workers in the Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. dispute, confirming the Tribunal’s decision for equal treatment.
Supreme Court remands VVF Ltd. wage revision case to the Tribunal, highlighting the industry-cum-region test and financial capacity as key criteria for decision-making.
Hon’ble Allahabad HC allowed the writ petitions of the respondent, wh0 are doctor, and were terminated on ground of remaining absent from the service for along time. Before that all of the respondents applied for voluntarily retirement scheme (VRS). Order of termination was passed under article 311 (2) of the Constitution of India without holding any disciplinary enquiry. HC further held that clause (b) of the second proviso to Article 311(2) of the Constitution was not applicable.
We cannot be a party to an innocent party suffering injustice merely because his chosen advocate defaulted: SC in Dwarika Prasad (D) THR. LRs. Vs Prithvi Raj Singh
Supreme Court held that refund of 100% court fees granted as the amount of court fees involved was not excessive and the dispute was resolved amicably by mediation under section 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 [CPC].