All of us who have invested in ULIPs over the years have this question before us? In most situations ULIP have given below expected returns and you may tempted to think of cutting your loss
Term Plan Life Insurance is a plan in which a person takes a life cover and pays a premium for the period of cover. The premium is usually paid annually, however other options as half-yearly and quarterly premium are also available. In case the person dies during the plan period, the beneficiary named in the policy will get the assured sum, and in case the person lives up to the period of maturity, he gets nothing.
I remember of a recent incident, where a young man of about 30 years, who came to me for a consultation. He wanted to check with me different modes of borrowing money at a lower interest rate to pay off his high cost credit card debt.
A written and a registered Will, is the best and most convenient way for you to pass on your estate to the persons whom you want to.
Is there any simple technique or easy method to spend less and save more? So as to find out a simple technique for this, we need to understand why are we not able to control our spending?
It may look very strange when everyone is advocating Mutual Fund Sip for long term, what is the necessity for this debate on Is Mutual Fund SIP for Short term or long term?.
Investing in mutual funds seems interesting, with number of websites, TV and other finance and wealth magazines publishing various information.However it is a challenging task and involves knowledge regarding the shares and securities market and various laws that govern mutual funds is necessary before investing in them.
In spite of steady, regular income there are so many individuals who live paycheque to paycheque, carry their credit card outstanding, and fail to save anything for retirement.
Today I am going to debunk a few investment myths. You will know ‘why individual investors are failing miserably and how you can avoid being one of them’.
During my TV interviews, in each and every show, either the anchor or one of the callers will ask this question.