Understand Advance Tax rules for FY 2024-25, including eligibility, deadlines, and payment process. Learn about exemptions, revisions, and Form 26AS updates.
Learn how to address GST notices on excess ITC claimed in GSTR-3B compared to GSTR-2B with structured replies, reconciliation steps, and supporting documents.
GST compliance on Buy One Get One Free offers, secondary discounts, and issuance of credit notes clarified by CBIC, including Input Tax Credit details.
Understand the concept of Updated Return under section 139(8A) of the Income Tax Act. File corrected returns, reduce losses, and rectify incorrect disclosures.
Commercial Tax Department of Government of Madhya Pradesh issued Notification number FA3-08/2018/1/V (85) dated 02/12/2021 and make amendment in earlier notification issued on 24th April 2018. New amendments are effective from 02.12.2021. As per amendment, now following 41 Items are covered under the purview of E-way Bill in case of Inter District Transfer and subject […]
Summary of Fresh Start Process (Individual and Partnership Firm) under the Insolvency and bankruptcy code 2016 (IBC, 2016) THE INSOLVENCY AND BANKRUPTCY CODE, 2016 Part III (Chapter II) Fresh Start Process 1.) Who may File Application for Fresh Start in I&B Code 2016? (Section 80) Any Debtor who fulfil following eligibility criteria may file application […]
Transfer of Property Act is a general law related to transfer of property. It generally deals with immovable property only. Objectives Basic objective of this act is to formulate rules, regulations and procedures for transfer of property. Scheme of the Act Transfer may take effect by 2 different ways 1. Transfer by Act of Parties. […]
Section 194O TDS by E-Commerce Operator PROVISION When E-Commerce Operator provides its platform to E-Commerce participant for sale of goods or services or both then, E-Commerce operator must deduct 1% TDS at the time of credit of amount of sale of goods, service or both to the account of e commerce participant or at the […]
कोई भी व्यक्ति जो विक्रेता है यदि किसी अन्य व्यक्ति (क्रेता) से प्रतिफल के रूप में कोई राशी प्राप्त करता है और यदि किसी भी वित्तीय वर्ष में राशी 50 लाख रुपये से अधिक होती है तो उक्त विक्रेता को राशी प्राप्त करते समय विक्रय प्रतिफल का 0.1% क्रेता से TCS के रूप में संग्रह करना होगाI