Article explains Procedure for SURRENDER OF DIRECTOR IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DIN) alongwith relevant Rules and Provisions of COmpanies Act, 2013. Article also explains How a person can surrender his extra DIN, if he have multiple of DIN, Procedure for Filling of Compounding Application with the Regional Director in Form GNL-1, Procedure for Filling of Application with […]
It is a common sight of small investors, who are new to the stock market, trying their so-called luck, squandering money, getting dejected and forever staying out of the market. For those who are interested in the stock market, but have not been able to make their way through it due to inexperience or misinformation, […]
Virus from China has changed work environment everywhere. Epidemic nature of this virus had forced business community to allow its employees to have Work from Home (WFH). Earlier this was seen as facility offered for Work life Balance, now it is Business Continuity Plan (BCP). However effective use of WFH is need of hour. Giving […]
In this article, I am going to explain about how to file LLP annual return i.e. Form-11 of LLP. WHAT IS LLP FORM -11? Form-11 is an annual return of LLP, it is mandatory annual compliance for all LLPs, irrespective of turnover or profit or business activity. Annual return or Form-11 includes the details of […]
Adherence to provisions of the code is the first and foremost duty of an IP. It is incumbent upon IPs to build and safeguard the reputation of the profession which should enjoy the trust of the society and inspire confidence of all the stakeholders.
Provision of canteen facility to employees, as a part of their pay package, is not a supply per se and accordingly no GST needs to be charged on such perquisites.
1. Background When a foreign Company holds shares of foreign companies which having substantial interest in Indian entities and derive their value from Indian assets. In this article we are addressing if a company transfers its stake of Foreign entity outside India whether capital gains will be applicable on the said transaction. This Article addresses […]
Article summarises 5 recent Judicial ruling in which it was held that 1. Order of Prohibition passed by DC without authorization is invalid 2. Best Judgement assessment cannot be invoked on failure to file GSTR-3B 3. The ex-parte assessment order passed during lockdown period needs to be Quashed 4. No GST on Whole Time Director’s […]
Rule 27 embodies a fundamental principal that a Respondent who may not have been aggrieved by the final order of the Lower Authority or the Court, and therefore, has not filed an appeal against the same, is entitled to defend such an order before the Appellate forum on all grounds, including the ground which has been held against him by the Lower Authority, though the final order is in its favour.
History repeats itself with the second article of mine, updated with latest instructions on government securities, particularly after the first one published in 2018 on the same subject. Introduction of an electronic screen-based trading system, dematerialized holding, straight through processing, establishment of the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL) as the Central Counter Party (CCP) […]