Joint Venture -taxable services provided by the members of the Joint Venture (JV) to the JV and vice versa and inter se between the members of the JV
Investing in the share market could be a scary thing. The temptation of making big money has always hurled the investors into stock markets. However, doing well with equities isn’t easy. It not just requires discipline and patience, but also a lot of research and a comprehensive understanding of the stock market, among others.
Smart people take risks while the ignorant ones wait for it. Life is a risky business. You never know when it will hit you harder. So better to be prepared. Women across the world are always perceived as better planners in comparison to their male counterparts.
As difficulties are still being faced in submission of Aadhar as identify document by the pensioners & Members of EPS 1995 in the state of Assam, the issue is again re-examined & it has been decided that Aadhar may not be insisted from new members who join EPS 1995 till 31.03.2018 in Assam.
Liquor manufacture in India is very complicated with very few cases where brand owner, distiller and bottler are the same entity. Since license for distilleries are highly regulated by the State, brand owners get the liquor manufactured / bottled through on license lease basis which could be either by leasing of the distillery or factory (immovable property) itself or leasing of liquor license.
CIT may consider an order of the AO to be erroneous not only it contains some apparent error of reasoning or of law or of fact on the face of it but also because it is a stereo typed order which simply accepts what the assessee has stated in his return and fails to make enquirers which are called for in the circumstances of the case.
RBI has imposed, on February 27, 2018, a monetary penalty of ₹ 20 million on Indian Overseas Bank (the bank) for non-compliance with the directions issued by RBI on Know Your Customer (KYC) norms. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI under the provisions of Section 47A(1)(c) read with Section 46(4)(i) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, taking into account failure of the bank to adhere to the aforesaid directions/guidelines issued by RBI.
Estate of Late Vrajlal Mehta Vs ACIT (ITAT Mumbai) We noticed that explanation of the assessee that two bank accounts belonged to Shri Rajesh Mehta have been accepted by the search officials as well as Assessing Officer. We notice that the balance available in those bank accounts have been assessed by the learned CIT(A) only, […]
Dharam Deep Public School Vs. Dy. CIT (ITAT Delhi) Section 200A of the Act deals with processing of statement of tax deducted at source, whereas, section 234E of the Act deals with fee for default in furnishing statements.Iit was held that ‘intimation raising demand prior to 01/06/2015, u/s 200A of the Act, levying fee u/s […]
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), the apex body for Income Tax Assessments has set up a high powered committee of nine members to prepare a roadmap by February 28, 2018 to do e-based income tax assessment.