Income Tax : Understand eTDS return corrections, the six-year revision limit, and challenges in claiming TDS credit. Learn how tax adjustments ...
Income Tax : Understand the difference between Nil TDS Return and Regular TDS Return, their filing requirements, penalties, and importance for ...
Income Tax : Learn how to revise TDS returns online via TRACES, correct errors, and ensure compliance. Get step-by-step guidance and understand...
Income Tax : Learn common mistakes in filing Nil TDS Returns and how to avoid them. Ensure compliance, prevent penalties, and keep accurate rec...
Income Tax : Learn about corrections with revised TDS returns. Understand errors, correction types, and filing processes to ensure accurate TDS...
Income Tax : CPC (TDS) reminds deductors to file TDS Statement 26Q for Q2 FY 2024-25. Late/non-filing may attract fees and affect TDS credit fo...
Income Tax : Release of File Validation Utilities (FVUs) and Return Preparation Utility for e-TDS/TCS Statements File Validation Utility (FVU)...
Income Tax : Latest updates in RPU Version 4.7 for Regular & Correction quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements starting FY 2023-24. Discover key featur...
Income Tax : Latest updates in File Validation Utility (FVU) versions 2.178 and 8.2 for e-TDS/TCS statements. Learn about new columns, features...
Income Tax : Needless to say, in the regime of stringent statutory provisions, it is important to have a reliable software that not only helps ...
Income Tax : Read the detailed analysis of Birla Cement Works STFF Provident Fund's appeal against the late fee imposed under section 234E of t...
Income Tax : Explore the Kerala High Court's ruling deleting section 234E penalty for TDS return delay caused by filing in Form 24Q instead of ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad has allowed the appeal of Kanta Govind Singh against the levy of a late filing fee under section 234E for a TDS ret...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune held that late fees u/s 234E of the Income Tax Act can be levied only prospectively with effect from 01.06.2015....
Income Tax : This writ petition has been filed, challenging the levy of fees under Section 234E of the Income Tax Act, for the financial year 2...
Income Tax : Get details on Circular No. 04/2024 by CBTD. Ex-post facto extension for Form No. 26QE due date till 30.05.2023. Waiver of fees an...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes extends deadline for submitting Q1 TDS/TCS statements for the financial year 2023-24 until September...
Income Tax : CBDT extends due date for filing of TDS statement in Form 26Q for the second quarter of Financial Year 2022-23 This is to inform...
Income Tax : The due date of furnishing of Return of Income for the Assessment Year 2021-22, which is 31st July 2021 under sub-section (1) of s...
Income Tax : CBDT revises Form No. 12BA (Statement showing particulars of perquisites, other fringe benefits or amenities and profits in lieu o...
Understand eTDS return corrections, the six-year revision limit, and challenges in claiming TDS credit. Learn how tax adjustments impact deductees.
CPC (TDS) reminds deductors to file TDS Statement 26Q for Q2 FY 2024-25. Late/non-filing may attract fees and affect TDS credit for deductees.
Understand the difference between Nil TDS Return and Regular TDS Return, their filing requirements, penalties, and importance for MSMEs and startups.
Learn how to revise TDS returns online via TRACES, correct errors, and ensure compliance. Get step-by-step guidance and understand the benefits and challenges involved.
Learn common mistakes in filing Nil TDS Returns and how to avoid them. Ensure compliance, prevent penalties, and keep accurate records for timely submissions.
Learn about corrections with revised TDS returns. Understand errors, correction types, and filing processes to ensure accurate TDS returns. Avoid penalties and fines.
Release of File Validation Utilities (FVUs) and Return Preparation Utility for e-TDS/TCS Statements File Validation Utility (FVU) e-TDS / e-TCS returns prepared for FY 2005-06 and onwards (i.e. Forms 24Q, 26Q, 27Q and 27EQ) can be validated using this utility. A. FVU Version 8.6 for quarterly e-TDS/TCS statement pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards Download e-TDS/TCS FVU.exe […]
Encountering FVU errors (T_FV_6351 and T_FV_6354) while filing Form 24Q for Q4 of FY 23-24? Learn the reasons and resolutions to ensure error-free TDS returns.
Read the detailed analysis of Birla Cement Works STFF Provident Fund’s appeal against the late fee imposed under section 234E of the Income Tax Act. ITAT Jodhpur’s order considered technical errors and the impact of COVID-19.
Learn about TDS return filing: who must file, due dates, forms, required documents, penalties, how to check status, revising returns, and claiming TDS credit.