Goods and Services Tax : Explore the Kerala High Courts directive on rectification applications for wrongly claimed ITC under CGST and SGST instead of IGST...
Goods and Services Tax : Implications of Karnataka's E-Way Bill notification on movement of gold, silver, and precious stones. Learn about intra-state and ...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn what e-Invoice is and what advantages in GST it offers businesses. Get detailed info on the process to generate an e-Invoice...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the implications of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on CGST and SGST paid in states where a registered person is not located. Learn...
Goods and Services Tax : Under GST, the Central Government collects CGST, SGST or IGST which is depend upon if the transaction is intrastate or it is inter...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the Ministry of Finance latest report on GST revenue collection in October 2023. Discover detailed analysis, state-wise fi...
Goods and Services Tax : In July 2023, India's GST revenue collection reached ₹1,65,105 crore, marking an 11% YoY growth. Domestic transactions saw a 15%...
Goods and Services Tax : GST collection for October 2021 registered the second highest since implementation of GST ₹ 1,30,127 crore gross GST revenue col...
Goods and Services Tax : GST Council has made several recommendations related to GST Rate Reduction on Good and Services, Late Return Filing Fees Waiver, E...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC extended Due date for filing of Annual return for FY 2017-18 in FORMs GSTR-9, GSTR-9A and GSTR-9C extended to 31st March, 201...
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta HC rules IGST credit wrongly claimed instead of CGST and SGST need not be reversed. Key details on the Cosyn Limited case...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala High Court's recent case involving Divya S.R. under CGST and SGST Acts. The court directs consideration of a rectification ...
Goods and Services Tax : HC directed the Authorities to refund the sanctioned amount. Held that, circular cannot stand in way of a benefit under a statutor...
Goods and Services Tax : A tax like Goods and Services Tax was highly publicised and termed as popular. We had yet not seen a celebration of New Tax regime...
Goods and Services Tax : In this case Delhi High Court held that as of date there is no clarity on whether all legal services (not restricted to representa...
Goods and Services Tax : West Bengal allows virtual hearings for GST cases via video conferencing. Taxpayers can request this mode for ease of access. Read...
Goods and Services Tax : The Delhi GST Amendment Act 2024 introduces definitions for online gaming, money gaming, and virtual digital assets, amending tax ...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala SGST's new circular streamlines adjudication of interconnected show cause notices with a single authority for consistent de...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala SGST instructs taxpayers to file Kerala Flood Cess returns for compliance. Non-filing may lead to penalties, interest, and ...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala SGST outlines a common adjudicating authority for show cause notices involving multiple taxpayers, ensuring uniform decisio...
The input tax credit utilization rule has undergone a huge roller coaster ride since introduction of the Goods and Service Tax Law. Every registered taxpayer dealing with the GST would be much concerned about the input tax credit utilization rules since it directly affects its finance and working capital at a large. Stage-wise provisions dealing […]
Office of the Commissioner of State Tax (GST), 8th floor, New Building, GST Bhavan, Mazgaon, Mumbai-400010. TRADE CIRCULAR To, …………… …………… No. JC (1-10)-1/GST/2019/CBIC Circular(s)/ADM-8 Mumbai, dated 05.07.2019 Trade Circular (GST) No. 39 T of 2019. Subject: Deemed adoption of certain. Circulars issued by CBIC. Ref. : CBIC Circulars issued during calendar year 2017 and […]
As per section 148 of the Companies Act 2013, the specific companies are required to maintain the cost records (having turnover exceeding Rupees Thirty-Five Crores*) and/or are supposed file Cost Audit Reports (for companies having turnover exceeding Fifty/Hundred Crores*) with Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Q.1 What do you mean by SGST? Ans. Under GST, SGST is a tax levied on Intra State supplies of both goods and services by the State Government and will be governed by the SGST Act. As explained above, CGST will also be levied on the same Intra State supply but will be governed by […]
Basic Understanding on CGST & SGST Paid in another State (Inter State Transaction without IGST) ♠ Very often a taxpayer can find himself in a situation where he is possession of Invoices for interstate purchases or interstate expenses incurred by him and he has paid CGST and SGST on such invoices of another state and […]
Treatment of wrong kind of tax payment viz, CGST and SGST /UTGST In lieu of IGST and vice versa. Introduction: ♣ It is possible to come across situations where a registered person has paid the wrong kind of tax viz, CGST and SGST / UTGST in lieu of IGST and vice versa. Therefore, such incorrect […]
While the taxpayers have been rejoicing with the introduction of GST that levy of Cess has been done away with, there are constitutional powers granted to GST Council for levy of cess during a national calamity/disaster. The said power has been exercised by the GST council and the state Government of Kerala, levying ‘Kerala Flood […]
Q.1 What is the rate of Kerala Flood Cess? Ans: The rates of Cess are as follows: Goods taxed at the rate of 1.5% KGST-0.25% Cess Goods taxed at the rate of 6%,9% and 14% KGST-1% Cess All services under SGST-1% Cess Q.2 What are the types of supply which would attract Kerala Flood Cess? […]
The effective date of implementation of Kerala Flood Cess is from 1st July 2019 Government have decided to appoint the date of levy and collection of the Kerala Flood Cess with effect from the 1st day of July,2019 instead of earlier decided 1st June 2019. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Taxes (B) Department NOTIFICATION G.O.(P) No.81/2019/TAXES Dated, […]
Government have decided to postpone the date of applicability of Kerala Flood Cess Rules 2019 with effect from the 1st day of July,2019 instead of earlier decided 1st June 2019. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Taxes (B) Department NOTIFICATION G.O. (P) No.82/2019/TAXES Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 31st May,2019 S.R.O. No……………………. /2019.– In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause […]