Income Tax : The faceless tax assessment scheme in India faces legal disputes over jurisdiction between JAO and FAO. Learn about key court ruli...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore Income Tax systems, from Form 26AS and AIS for tax data to CPC-ITR and faceless assessments ensuring transparency and effi...
Income Tax : Proposed amendment removes the deadline for notifying faceless schemes under the Income-tax Act, allowing notifications beyond Mar...
Income Tax : Taxpayer injustice due to high-pitched assessments and misuse of Section 115BBE of the Income Tax Act in 2017-18 and 2018-19 asses...
Income Tax : Explore faceless assessment, reassessment, and recomputation under the Income Tax Act, as per Finance Act 2021, and related judici...
Income Tax : CBI registers case against 9, including Deputy Commissioner, 2 Inspectors, and 5 CAs, for sabotaging Faceless Tax Scheme; searches...
Income Tax : Learn to handle faceless income tax assessments using AI tools like ChatGPT in a 2-hour live course on Sept 15, 2024. Enhance effi...
Income Tax : Income Tax Faceless Appeals before CIT (A). How to deal with this appeal in new Faceless Regime. Get the Answer of many Questions ...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of faceless tax assessment, benefits, and government's steps to address taxpayer grievances. Get insights into ...
Income Tax : KARNATAKA STATE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION (R) Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022 To, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Hon. Union Mi...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court quashes notice u/s 148 issued by jurisdictional AO, ruling that only NFAC has authority post CBDT Circ...
Income Tax : Gujarat HC sets aside faceless assessment order due to lack of personal hearing via video conference, directing a fresh order in c...
Corporate Law : Madras High Court dismisses writ petitions challenging JAO's jurisdiction in issuing Section 148 notices under IT Act, citing comp...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana HC invalidates Section 148 notice due to non-compliance with faceless assessment provisions under Section 144B of...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court sets aside notice under Section 148 in Mohan Jit Singh case, following prior judgments in similar case...
Custom Duty : F. No.450/26/2019-Cus. IV(Pt) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Indirect Taxes &...
Income Tax : In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 144B of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the fo...
Income Tax : In pursuance of para 4 of S.O. 5429(E) Notification No. 139/2021/F.No.370142/66/2021- TPL, dated the 28th December, 2021, notifyin...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies jurisdiction of CIT(A) under Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 vide Notification No. 113/2022-Income Tax Dated: 13th...
Pardesi Developers Private Limited Vs National Faceless Assessment Centre (Delhi High Court) Assessment—Faceless assessment—Draft assessment order passed without issue of show-cause notice—In the present case no prior show-cause notice as well as draft assessment order had been issued, there is a violation of principles of natural justice as well as mandatory procedure prescribed under “Faceless […]
I am directed to convey that the following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is prescribed with the approval of CBDT for completing the penalties under the FPS-2021:-
In a move aimed to further improve taxpayer services in alignment with the Taxpayers’ Charter, the Income Tax Department creates dedicated e-mail ids for registering grievances in respect of pending cases under the Faceless Scheme. Grievances can be furnished as under: Grievance Related to Email ID For Faceless assessments For Faceless penalty For […]
Aravali Shikshan Avum Anusandhan Sansthan Vs National E-Assessment Centre & Others (Rajasthan High Court) Aravali Shikshan Avum Anusandhan Sansthan (“the Petitioner”), has filed the current writ petition against the order passed by the National Faceless Assessment Center under Section 144-B along with Section 143(3) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (“the IT Act”) imposing Additional […]
RKKR Foundation Vs National Faceless Assessment Centre Delhi (Delhi High Court) According to us, what has emerged clearly is that, a request for accommodation was made by the petitioner on 27.04.2021, wherein a reference was made to the CBDT circular dated 24.04.2021, whereby, the limitation for passing the assessment order had been extended till 30.06.2021. […]
YCD Industries Vs National Faceless Assessment Centre (Delhi High Court) The statute [i.e. Section 144B(1)(xiv), (xv), (xvi)b and (xxii)] provides for issuance of a show cause notice-cum-draft assessment order, and an opportunity to the petitioner/assessee to respond to the same where income of the assessee is varied by the respondent/revenue. Admittedly, the petitioner’s income was […]
Satia Industries Limited Vs National Faceless Assessment Centre (Delhi High Court) In the case of Satia Industries Limited Vs. National Faceless Assessment Centre, Delhi in W.P.(C ) 5587/2021 & CM APPL. 17382/2021 (Delhi High Court), it has been considered that since an adverse view was taken, and petitioner’s income got varied, provisions of section 144B(7) […]
Sudhir Desh Ahuja Vs National Faceless Assessment Centre & Ors (Delhi High Court) Impugned orders are liable to be set aside for the following reasons: (i) Firstly, the AO failed to deal with the request of the petitioner, for according an adjournment in the matter. Wife and son of the petitioner were admitted to hospital […]
Direct Taxes Professionals’ Association made a Representation for issues assessees are facing in Faceless Assessments / Penalties and Faceless Appeals to CBDT Chairman. Full text of their Representation is as follows:- DIRECT TAXES PROFESSIONALS’ ASSOCIATION Income Tax Building, 3, Govt. Place West, Ground Floor, Kolkata 700001 Ph 033-22420638 Email : Ref. No. – DTPA/Rep/21-22/28 […]
Civitech Developers Private Limited Vs National E-Assessment Centre (Delhi High Court) Personal hearing, if prayed, should be allowed else E-assessment order vitiates for non compliance of statutory provisions & Principles of Natural Justice The scheme of faceless E- Assessment provides for personal hearing in certain circumstances. In case where the request for personal video link […]