Case Law Details
Case Name : ACIT Vs. M/s. Essar Steel Ltd. (ITAT Mumbai)
Related Assessment Year : 1998-1999
Courts :
All ITAT ITAT Mumbai
Instruction No.1979 dated 27.3.2000, provided that no appeal would be filed before Tribunal if the tax effect was less than Rs.1.00 lacs, and thereafter Instruction dated 17.7.2003 clarified that monetary limit/tax effect mentioned in the Circular has to be read as revenue effect which would mean tax, interest, penalty. Further, vide circular dated 24.10.2005 CBDT enhanced monetary limit for filing appeal before the Tribunal to Rs.2.00 lacs and vide Instruction No.16.7.2007 it was clarified that the tax effect would mean tax only and no interest. CBDT by subsequ
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