It is necessary to ENABLE the execution of macros in Return-Preparation-Utility in order to enter, validate and generate an .XML file for upload. Follow these steps to ENABLE execution of macros depending on the version of [Microsoft Office Excel] being used to open the Return-Preparation-Utility :
[Microsoft Office Excel 2003]
Navigate through the following excel menu option to reduce the level of security in executing macros :
Tools –> Macros –> Security –> Low
Tools –> Macros –> Security –> Medium
Save the excel-utility and re-open it.
[Microsoft Office Excel 2007]
Navigate through the following excel menu options to reduce the level of security in executing macros :
Excel Options –> Trust Centre –> Trust Centre Settings –> Macro Settings –> Enable all macros
Excel Options –> Trust Centre –> Trust Centre Settings –> ActiveX Settings –> Enable all controls without restriction and without prompting
Save the excel-utility and re-open it.
[Microsoft Office Excel 2010]
When you open the EXCEL-UTILITY, the yellow Message Bar appears with a shield icon and the Enable Content button.
Click on the Enable Content to enable the macros.
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Republished with Amendments
macro enabled but still asks me to enable it office 2007
i am using microsoft excel 2013 and i am facing runtime problem while generating ITR 5. Please help
I created the xml file and saved the ITR3 but when i want to make some corrections further in the ITR3 the macro does not run even after doing the enablings in excel options pl
macro enable but showing compile error in hidden module
Thanks macro enable information