Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue
Directorate General Of Systems & Data Management
Customs & Central Excise
4th & 5th Floor, Hotel Samrat, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi – 110021
F.No:IV.(24)/35/2016-Systems/Dated: 27thMarch 2017
All Chief Commissioners/ Director General,
Central Excise, Service Tax and Customs
Subject: Providing building wise data of formations and Sanctioned Strength in various Cadres and details of Lead Nodal Officers
The Cadre Reorganization of the department is being done pursuant to GST and DG HRD has called for meetings with Chief Commissioners of Zones in April 2017. Directorate General of Systems has been given the task of augmenting the Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN). After the GST reorganization, several changes will take place in the location of Commissionerates, Divisions and Ranges. For augmentation of hardware, the building wise data of the list of formations housed in that building and the sanctioned strength of various cadres is required. Accordingly it is requested to provide the data in Annexure B as per the guidelines in Annexure A. The comprehensive list of buildings where Local Area Network (LAN) has been uploaded as Annexure D on the Antarang portal and same can be downloaded from there. If any of these buildings are being vacated, a special mention of the same may be made.
2. As mentioned in this office letter No. IV(24)/35/2016-Systems dated 12/01/2017 and 03/03/2017, the Desktops/AIOs are being sent to sites and it was requested to inform the details of the Lead Nodal Officer, Alternate Lead Nodal Officer and the Joint/Additional Commissioner (Administration). However, till date these details have not been received from about 50% of the total number of sites. As already mentioned in letter dated 03/03/2017, if these details are not provided, it will not be possible to dispatch Desktops/AlOs to that site. The comprehensive list of buildings where Local Area Network (LAN) with the details of their Lead Nodal Officers have been uploaded as Annexure D on the Antarang portal and same can be downloaded from there. It is requested to provide the details of Lead Nodal Officer etc. wherever they are not available. Also, if there is any discrepancy in the list, the same may be informed immediately by email at Since the Annexure D is voluminous it is not annexed in the letter the same may be downloaded from Antarang. Also, this letter along with Annexures is being sent by emails to Chief Commissioners/ Director Generals.
3. You will appreciate that the work of Local Area Network is being done in more than 1200 sites spread all over the country. For expeditious progress of the work it is requested that a Joint/Additional Commissioner in your zone may be appointed to coordinate the work of Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) with the Lead Nodal Officers of all the buildings/ sites in your Zone.The contact details of the Joint/ Additional Commissioner including Name, Mobile Number and Email ID may be communicated to this office by Email at
(S. Ramesh)
Member (IT)
Copy to all Commissioners, Central Excise, Service Tax and Customs