Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110 011
Trade Notice No. 38/2020-21
New Delhi, dated the 15th January, 2021
Subject: Introduction of online e-PRC System for Application seeking Policy/Procedure relaxation in terms of Para 2.58 of FTP 2015-20.
Presently, this Directorate is receiving applications for seeking policy/procedure relaxation in terms of Para 2.58 of FTP 2015-20 in manual form ( the form of hard copy of prescribed format ANF 2D along with proof of payment of application fee and other related documents). As a consequence, rest of the process also happens in manual mode and takes time.
2. As a part of IT Revamp of the organisation, this Directorate has decided to introduce a new module (online e-PRC System) for seeking policy/procedure relaxation in terms of Para 2.58 of FTP. Therefore, from 25.01.2021 onwards, all applications seeking policy/procedure relaxation are mandatorily required to be submitted online through the exporter’s dashboard on the DGFT Website. Manual submission of application seeking policy/procedure relaxation would no longer be allowed from 25.01.2021 onwards.
3. Accordingly, all exporters/importers seeking relaxation of FTP/HBP provisions are required to submit their application electronically only. Physical copies of the application(s) seeking policy/procedure relaxation received after 25.01.2021 will not be acted upon by this Directorate.
4. Please navigate to -› Services Policy Relaxation Committee to access the new e-module. Please note that the entire process is designed to be paperless and contactless and any PRC submission, communication, clarification, correction as well as the approval on submitted applications would be electronic.
5. For any help and guidance on this new process, the Help manual & FAQs may be accessed on –> Learn -› Application Help & FAQs. For any further assistance you may utilize any of the following channels:-
i. Raise a service request/suggestion ticket through the DGFT Helpdesk service link under Services -> ‘Complaints & Suggestions’
ii. Call the toll-free Helpline number 1800-111-550
iii. Send an email to
(Vijay Kumar)
Additional Director General of Foreign Trade