Daffodills Pharmaceuticals Ltd. v. State of U.P. (Supreme Court): An indefinite or excessively long blacklisting period without due process is unfair and contrary to principles of natural justice.
Supreme Court sets aside High Court’s dismissal on merits in Benny D’Souza vs Melwin D’Souza case, restores RSA No.196/2022 for rehearing.
Supreme Court held that a holding company and its subsidiary are always distinct legal entities and hence assets of the subsidiary company of the corporate debtor cannot be part of the resolution plan of the corporate debtor.
Supreme Court held that Section 206C of the Income Tax Act is not applicable in respect of Mysore Sales and that the liquor vendors(contractors) who bought the vending rights from the appellant on auction cannot be termed as “buyers”
Supreme Court directed constitution of ‘Committee for Service Conditions of the District Judiciary’ overseeing the implementation of the recommendations of the SNJPC as approved by this Court.
Supreme Court held that owner of the goods has liability to pay customs duty and interest even after confiscated goods are redeemed after payment of fine and other charges under section 125 of the Customs Act.
Mineral Area Development Authority & Anr. Vs Steel Authority of India & Anr Etc. (Supreme Court of India) In Mineral Area Development Authority & Anr. Vs Steel Authority of India & Anr, the Supreme Court’s 9-judge bench, with an 8:1 majority, clarified several critical issues regarding the taxation of mineral resources. The court determined that […]
In Commissioner of Central Excise vs. Miraj Products Pvt Ltd, Supreme Court rules chewing tobacco in HDPE bags not retail products under Excise Act. Detailed analysis of judgment.
Explore the Supreme Court judgment denying anticipatory bail for GST summons under Section 69, with interim protection detailed. Full text included.
Supreme Court verdict on Maruti Wire INDS. Pvt. Ltd. vs S.T.O. examines penal interest under Kerala General Sales Tax Act, 1963. Learn about the judgment’s implications.