ITAT Chennai held that addition towards on-money sale amount based on the third-party statement without any cogent positive evidence to sustain addition is unsustainable in law.
ITAT Chennai restored the matter back to the file of AO for re-adjudication as additional ground raised by the assessee in appeal were not taken up before lower authorities.
Egberts India Pvt Ltd wins against ITO as ITAT Chennai allows deduction of consultancy charges paid to resident director. Full text of ITAT Chennai order.
Read the detailed analysis of Renault Nissan Automotive India Pvt Ltd vs DCIT case where ITAT Chennai grants relief on bonus disallowance under section 43B of Income Tax Act.
Detailed analysis of DCIT vs Tangi Facility Solutions Pvt Ltd case by ITAT Chennai regarding taxation of bonus shares under Income Tax Act. Understand ITAT’s ruling and implications.
Read ITAT Chennai’s decision on deductibility of interest paid on borrowings for property acquisition from sale consideration. Full text order included.
Read the detailed analysis of ITAT Chennai’s decision to grant full S.54F deduction for property purchase in wife’s name out of a bank loan. Understand the legal implications and arguments presented.
Read the detailed ITAT Chennai order on Rameshlal Kailash Vs ITO for AY 2017-18. Money lending business income added, upheld as business income despite challenges. Full text of the order included.
Read the detailed analysis of ITAT Chennai’s decision on penalties under sections 269SS and 269T for Pearl Beach Promoters P. Ltd. in the case of cash loans from directors.
Explore the ITAT Chennai order on expenditure allowances for Casa Grande Homes Pvt Ltd, whether or not income was earned, with detailed analysis and conclusions.