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CESTAT Chennai

No Service Tax on Advertisement Expense Reimbursement

August 11, 2023 930 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai ruled no service tax is leviable on ABC Consultants Pvt. Ltd. for reimbursement of advertisement charges following precedent.

Sale of tickets for cricket tournament not an exempted service hence no CENVAT reversal u/r 6(3)

August 10, 2023 1584 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai held that sale of ticket for cricket tournament cannot be considered as an exempted service and therefore no Service Tax is required to be reversed in terms of Rule 6(3) (i) CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004.

‘Computer System Desktops’ even though marketed as gaming PC are classifiable under CTH 8471

August 10, 2023 897 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai held that ‘Computer System Desktops’ are classifiable under CTH 8471 as ‘automatic data processing machines’ even though it is being marketed as a gaming PC that is capable of running graphic intensive gaming applications.

Notebook Computers Imported for Institutional Consumers assessable U/s. 4 on transaction value

August 9, 2023 366 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai held notebook computers imported for sale to Rajiv Ghandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Hyderabad (RGUKT) i.e. institutional consumer and not ultimate consumer is assessable under section 4 based on transaction value and not based on Retail Sale Place.

Diffused Silicon Wafer cannot be classified as Solar Cell: CESTAT

August 9, 2023 1119 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai held that Diffused Silicon Wafer does not have capacity to perform the essential function of a Solar Cell and hence it cannot be classified under specific heading of Solar Cell i.e., CTH 8541 4011. However, Diffused Silicon Wafer can be classified under CTH 8541 9000 as parts of semi-conductor device.

Factory Closure: Appellant Ineligible for Unutilized CENVAT Credit Refund

August 9, 2023 900 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai rules that the refund of unutilised Cenvat Credit for a sold factory is not allowable. Alfred Berg & Co. Vs Commissioner of GST & CE explained.

Commissioner (A) Cannot Reverse its Earlier Sanctioned Service Tax Refund order

August 9, 2023 558 Views 0 comment Print

When an order has already been passed upholding the sanction of part of the refund claim, the same authority cannot pass another order setting aside the sanction of entire claim. Such order is ab initio void and non-est.

Service Tax on Real Estate Agent for Property Transactions: CESTAT

August 9, 2023 855 Views 0 comment Print

Service Tax Leviable on Real Estate Agent if it acted as a middleman/ agent in the purchase and sale of immovable property and the amount received is consideration for such services.

CENVAT Credit without actual receipt of service is ineligible

August 7, 2023 1440 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai held that Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company paying Commission to unapproved dealers in the guise of receipt of ‘data processing and policy servicing and related activities’ service. Accordingly, since such service is not received by the company they are ineligible to avail CENVAT Credit of the same.

ERP Implementation Taxable as ‘Information Technology Service’ from 16.05.2008

August 6, 2023 588 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Chennai held that service of ERP implementation falls under the category of ‘Information Technology Service’ and the same is taxable only with effect from 16.05.2008. Accordingly, such services received from abroad is leviable to service tax on reverse charge only from 16.05.2008.

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