Delve into the GST ruling on Balat Enterprises in Tamilnadu, examining e-commerce definitions, nature of supply, and tax liabilities. Get detailed insights here.
Explore the detailed analysis and ruling on Input Tax Credit eligibility for Rotary Parking System based on the case of Arthanarisamy Senthil Maharaj (GST AAR Tamilnadu).
Explore the intricate legalities surrounding the GST levies on goods sold from third-party Free Trade Warehousing Zones (FTWZ) to bonded warehouses under the MOOWR Scheme in Tamil Nadu. Detailed insights, rulings, and implications discussed.
Detailed analysis of the GST AAAR Tamil Nadu order on Faiveley Transport Rail Technologies’ appeal, focusing on GST applicability and the condonation of delay.
Explore the AAAR Tamil Nadu ruling on TANGEDCO’s GST appeal, covering key details on tax liabilities for various charges and the condonation of appeal delay.
AR Haryana rules Subway’s appeal rejected due to incomplete application and non-payment of requisite fee under IGST Act.
In re Subway Systems India Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR Haryana): Appeal rejected due to incomplete application and non-payment of requisite fee.
Read the CAAR ruling on Elentec India Pvt. Ltd.’s query regarding Customs duty exemption under Notification no. 09/2024 for manufacturing “ASSY-CASE-FRONT” and classification.
Read the detailed analysis and ruling by CAAR Mumbai regarding the import of “Infant milk-based formula Aptamil-C Proteq” by Nutricia International Private Limited. Learn about the third-party invoicing model, eligibility for AIFTA benefits, and more.
Read detailed analysis of Customs Authority of Advance Ruling (CAAR) Delhi’s classification ruling on Roasted Areca Nut (Whole, Split, Cut) imports. Understanding legal implications.