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On July 11, 2024, the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued a new Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the management and regulation of EPF exempted establishments. This notification, addressing all Zonal and Regional Offices, highlights the finalized format of Form RM-6, essential for third-party audits. The EPFO’s issuance of the Standard Operating Procedure for the management and regulation of EPF exempted establishments, including the finalized Form RM-6, marks a significant step towards enhancing the transparency and accountability of these entities. By adopting the new audit format and ensuring strict compliance, Zonal and Regional Offices can effectively manage provident fund contributions, thereby safeguarding the interests of millions of employees across India.

Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-11oo66
Website: www.epfindia.gov.in, www.epfindia.nic.in

File No. E-111/10(116)2023/SOP-ManagementandRegulation-Part(1)/6108

Dated: 11 JUL 2024


All ACC(HQ)/ACC (Zones)
All RPFC-I/RPFC-11/APFC In-charge of Field Offices

Subject: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Management and Regulation of EPF Exempted Establishments – regarding

Ref: Head Office Letter No. E-III/10(116)2023/SOP-ManagementandRegulation /1071 dated 06.10.2023.


Please refer to the subject and reference  above.

In this connection, ide 110 letter dated 06.10.2023 referred above, the SOP for Management and Regulation of EPF Exempted Establishments was circulated to all Zonal/Regional Office stating that the “Form RM – 5 (Balance Sheet of the Trust) and Form RM – 6 (format of Third Party Audit) arc under preparation and shall be issued separately”.

In this regard. it is to inform the format of the Form RM – 6 (format of Third Party Audit) has been finalized and is being circulated to all Zonal/Regional Offices for strict compliance.

The ACC (HQ)/ACC (Zones) are requested to ensure adoption and implementation of the said Form RI\1 – 6 in their respective offices and in the Regional Offices under their jurisdiction.

[This issues with the approval of CPFC]

Yours faithfully,

(P. Veerabhadra Swamy)
ACC (Exemption)


1. Form RM – 6; Format of Third Party Audit.

Audit report under Condition 24(a) of Appendix A of Para 27AA of EPF Scheme, 1952

*I/we report that the re-audit of ………………………………………….. (Name and address of the Trust) was conducted by *me/us/M/s. ………………………..  in pursuance of the provisions of the EPF & MP Act ,1952 read with relevant provisions of EPF Scheme 1952 , and*I/we annex hereto a copy of *my/our/their audit report dated ………………………………….. along with a copy of each of :-

(a) the audited Income and Expenditure A/c for the period beginning from …………………………………………. to ending on

(b) the audited Balance Sheet as at ; and

2. The statement of particulars as per Form R.M 6, as prescribed under S.O.P on Management and Regulation of EPF Exempted Establishments has been certified after due verification and is annexed herewith.

3. In *my/our opinion and to the best of *my/our information and according to examination of books of account including other relevant documents and explanations given to *me/us, the particulars given in the said Form R.M 6 are true and correct subject to the following observations/qualifications, if any:

a. ……………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………

c. ……………………………………………………

**(Signature and stamp/Seal of the signatory)

Place: …………


Name of the signatory: ………………………..

Full address : ………………………………………..


PERIOD (01.04.20__ TO 31.03.20__)


Particulars Reply of the Auditor
1 Name of Audit Firm and FRN
2 Name of FCAs in the Audit Team alongwith their membership number and experience
3 Name of ACAs in the Audit Team alongwith their membership number and experience
4 Name of Other Team members in the Audit Team alongwith their experience
5 Date of commencement and completion of Audit


Particulars Reply of the Auditor
6 Name & Address of the establishment
7 P.F. Code No. of the establishment
8 PAN of the establishment
9 Name of the Establishment as per PAN
10 Ownership Type(Proprietorship/Partnership/Trust/Co-operative Society / Association of person/Limited Liability Partnership/HUF etc.)
11 Details of various Participating Units(Exempted Establishments) and their Branches As per Annexure A
12 Has Exemption under EPF & MP Act ,1952 been notified for all the Participating Units(Establishments)? Give details. In case of relaxation, the details of relaxation orders to be provided. As per Annexure B
13 Date of finalization of the Balance Sheet of the establishment for the year
14 Whether there been a change in the legal status of the establishment as per Condition No. 29 of Appendix A to Para 27AA of EPF Scheme, 1952. If yes, has the establishment promptly report the matter to RPFC concerned for grant of fresh exemption?
15 Particulars of Bank Account of each of the Participating Units (Establishment) in the Trust. As per Annexure C
16 Whether Establishment has posted Annual Report of the Establishment and the Trust on its website? In case the answer is No, reason thereof.


Particulars Reply of the Auditor
17 Name of the Exempted EPF Trust
18 PAN of the Trust
19 Name of the Trust as per PAN
20 Details of Income Tax Order recognizing the Trust. Attach a copy thereof.
21 Name of the Chairman and other Trustees with their address and contact no and date of appointment.

(i) From Employees’ side

(ii) From Employer’s side

22 Whether the composition of the Board of trustees is in accordance with Para 79 C of EPF Scheme? In addition to common reply, specific details to be furnished in Annexure D
23 Whether amendment to the EPF Scheme, 1952 which is more beneficial to the employees has been incorporated in the Rules of the Trust by formal amendment? Provide the details thereof alongwith the date of formal amendment.(Condition No. 10)
24 If the answer to the above is No, whether it is has been made applicable automatically pending formal amendment of the Rules of the Trust from the date amendment has been done in the EPF Scheme, 1952? (Condition No. 10)
25 Whether any amendment in the rules has been made by the employer during the year which is other than the one necessitated due to amendment in EPF Scheme, 1952? (Condition No. 11)
26 If answer to above is Yes, whether prior approval of the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner has been taken? (Condition No. 11)
27 Date of last re-constitution of the Board of Trustees
28 Details of Depository Participant with whom the Board of Trustees is maintaining DEMAT Account.
29 Details of Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger Account
30 Details of SDS Account
31 Details of all the Bank Account maintained by the Trust As per Annexure E

Part III: Enrolment of Employees

Sl. No. Particulars Reply of the Auditor
32 In case of exemption u/s 17(1) of the Act, whether all the employees (including contractual employees) as defined under Section 2(f) of the Act are enrolled as members (after verifying all the accounting heads in the accounts of Establishment). As per Annexure F
33 In case of exemption u/s 17(1) of the Act, whether due PF Contribution has been paid by the Employer to the Trust?. As per Annexure G
34 Where Trust rules allows for exclusion of employee, whether Form 11 in respect of all the Excluded employees is available and has been verified? In case Form 11 is not available in respect of some employees, provide details thereof
35 In case of exemption under Para 27/27A of the EPF Scheme,1952, whether the contributions of employees other than those in respect of which exemption has been either granted or applied for, have been remitted to EPFO. If No, kindly provide details thereof
36 Whether any person has been employed directly or indirectly, by or through a contractor, in or in connection with the work of the establishment, whose contribution is being remitted to the Exempted Trust?
37 If answer to above is Yes, kindly provide details thereof As per Annexure H
38 Whether the Employer is registered with Principal Employer portal of EPFO and he has filled the details of all Contracts/Contractors?
39 If the answer to above is No, kindly provide reasons thereof
40 Whether the Establishment is maintaining proper records to determine that PF contribution remitted to Contractor has been properly deposited with EPFO? As per Annexure I


Particulars Reply of the Auditor
41 Rate of Contribution (10%/12%)
42 Details of month wise contribution of EPF amount payable by Employer to Board of Trustees alongwith calculation of Interest under Section 7Q and Damages under Section 14B, wherever applicable As per Annexure J
43 Whether there are cases of missing contributions i.e. amount deducted from the Salary/Wages of the employees but not credited in the members PF account, wrong posting of contribution etc. If yes, such cases may be specified.
44 Details of month wise payment of Inspection Charges by Employer alongwith calculation of Interest under Section 7Q and Damages under Section 14B, wherever applicable As per Annexure K
45 Whether there is any outstanding Interest under Section 7Q or Damages u/s 14B, still to be paid. If yes, furnish details As per Annexure L
46 Whether the Establishment has     filed the prescribed Monthly/Annual returns within the specified time limit? As per Annexure M
47 Details of un-invested amount as per Schedule item No-1 of the Balance-Sheet.
48 Whether any loss on account of diminution in book value of Debt securities has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof.
49 Whether any Interest due/ Maturity amount not received by the Trust has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
50 (a) Whether any Loss on sale of Equities & NAV based instruments has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof.

(b) Whether any loss on account of delisting of Equities & NAV based instruments has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof


Particulars Reply of the Auditor
51 Whether all claims are settled within the maximum time frame prescribed by the EPFO (Condition no. 12)
52 If the answer to the above is No, kindly provide details thereof As per Annexure N
53 Whether the Loans/Advances to the members have been sanctioned according to the eligibility as delineated in the EPF Scheme, 1952 or EPF Trust Rules, whichever is more beneficial? In case of deviation, provide details thereof. As per Annexure O
54 Verification of the rejected/returned claims

(i) Total number of claims received during the audit period

(ii) Total number of claims settled during the audit period (iii) Total number of claims returned/rejected. Reasons for return/rejection as verified from records and percentage of return/rejection

55 In case an employee who was already a member of the EPF or the PF Trust of an exempted establishment, is employed, whether his accumulations with his previous   employer have been transferred and credited into his account by his new employer? (Condition No.4)
56 Whether there are cases of Stale Cheques/ undelivered cases where no action has been taken by the BoT for re-authorization. If yes, specify the cases.

PART VI: Rate of interest

Particulars Reply of the Auditor
57 Whether interest declared by the Board of Trustees is at par with or higher than that declared by the Central Govt. In case the income earned during the year is not commensurate with Interest credited to members’ A/c for the year, specify the source of funding of the shortfall. As per Annexure P
58 Whether Credit of Interest in the Members Account is on Monthly Running Balance? Kindly provide copies of 3 Test Checks.

Part VII: Investments

Sl. No. Particulars Reply of the Auditor
59 Whether the Board of Trustees has invested the monies of the provident fund within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the said amount as per the condition of the Investment Pattern? If No, kindly provide details thereof. As per Annexure Q
60 Details of Fresh Accretion to the fund during the year as per Para 3 of notified Investment Pattern As per Annexure R
61 Whether the Fresh Accretion has been invested as per notified pattern? In case of deviation, provide details of surcharge to be levied As per Annexure S
62 Details of securities held during the year As per Annexure T
63 Whether any security issued by a PSU/PSE has been categorized as Government securities (Category (i)(a) of notified investment Pattern)?
64 If yes, provide the details thereof.
65 Whether the portfolio invested under Govt. guaranteed security (Category (i)(b) of notified investment Pattern) exceeds 10% of the total portfolio of the fund.?
66 If yes, provide the details thereof.
67 Whether the portfolio invested under mutual funds that invest dedicatedly in Govt. securities (Category (i)(c) of notified investment Pattern) exceeds 5% of the total portfolio of the fund at any point in time and whether investments made during the year in such security exceeds 5% of the Fresh accretion invested during the year?
68 If yes, provide the details thereof.
69 Whether the Trust has purchased any listed/proposed to be listed debt security which has a residual life of less than 3 years
70 If yes, provide the details thereof.
71 Whether portfolio invested in Basel III Tier I bonds Category (ii)(b) of notified investment Pattern), at any time, exceeds 2% of the total portfolio of the fund?
72 If yes, provide the details thereof.
73 Whether a Term Deposit Receipt of a non-scheduled Commercial Bank has been purchased during the year?
74 If yes, provide the details thereof.
75 Whether Term Deposit Receipt of only that bank has been purchased which complies with condition mentioned under Clause (d) of Category (ii) of notified investment pattern?
76 If No, provide the details thereof.
77 Whether the portfolio invested under Debt Mutual Funds (Category (ii)(e) of notified Investment Pattern) exceeds 5% of the total portfolio of the fund at any point in time and whether fresh investments made in them exceed 5% of the Fresh Accretion invested during the year?
78 If yes, provide the details thereof.
79 Whether any investment has been made during the year in a bond (except Govt. guaranteed bonds) that does not carry a minimum AA or equivalent rating from at least two credit rating agencies?
80 If yes, provide the details thereof.
81 Whether during the year, the credit rating on any bond except Govt. guaranteed bonds) has fallen below AA or equivalent rating?
82 If yes, provide the details thereof.
83 In case of a credit downgrade below AA, as confirmed by one credit rating agency, whether the option of exit has been exercised within the specified time limit?
84 If No, kindly provide the explanation of the Board of Trustees regarding the same.
85 Whether any investment has been made during the year in a Commercial Paper which does not carry minimum A1+ or equivalent rating from at least two credit rating agencies?
86 Whether Equity Share of only that company (listed on BSE or NSE) has been purchased whose market capitalization is atleast Rs. 5000 cr as on date of investment and has derivatives with the shares as underlying, traded on either of the two stock exchanges?
87 If No, provide the details thereof
88 Whether the portfolio invested under Equity-oriented Mutual Funds (Category (iv)(b) of notified Investment Pattern) exceeds 5% of the total portfolio of the fund at any point in time and whether fresh investments made in them exceed 5% of the Fresh Accretion invested during the year?
89 If Yes, provide the details thereof.
90 Whether only those ETF/Index Funds have been purchased which replicate BSE Sensex Index or NSE Nifty 50 Index?
91 If No, provide the details thereof
92 Whether any investment has been made in Category (v) of the notified investment pattern that does not carry a minimum AA or equivalent rating from at least two credit rating agencies?
93 If No, provide the details thereof.
94 Whether Turnover ratio (the value of securities traded in the year/Average value of the portfolio at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year) has exceeded two?
95 If Yes, provide calculations thereof and reply of the BoT.
96 Whether investment has been made at arm’s length as per Para 8 of the notified investment pattern?
97 If No, provide the details thereof


98 Whether Fund Manager has been paid a fee on investment made in Mutual Fund/ETF/Index Fund?
99 If yes, provide details thereof.
100 Whether in respect of Govt. Guaranteed Bond, documentary proof is available regarding fully and                 unconditionally guaranteeing of Principal and Interest by the Central Government or State Government
101 If No, on what basis, the same has been categorized as Govt. Guaranteed Bond?
102 Whether any security has been purchased from the secondary market during the year?
103 If yes, details of instances wherein security has not been purchased at the average/highest YTM of the purchases made in that security on the day
104 Whether all off-market transactions have been made on authorized platforms or have been reported to authorized platforms. Please give details. If not, please give details.
105 Whether all the investments made like the purchase of securities and bonds have been lodged in the safe custody of Depository Participants (DP). [Condition no.18 (d)]
106 Whether there is any mismatch between the statement of holdings issued by the depository and the investment holding as per the Balance Sheet of the trust. If yes, provide details thereof.
107 Whether the Board of Trustees has maintained a scrip wise register and has ensured timely realization of interest & Maturity proceeds. If there is delay in receipt of maturity proceeds or the interest, the overdue interest and maturity proceeds may be worked out in the format. [Condition no.   18 (b)] As per Annexure U
108 Whether prior approval of RPFC has been obtained before sale of any security? (Condition 20)
109 Whether all commission, incentive, bonus or other pecuniary rewards given by any financial or other institutions for investments made, by the Trust have been credited to its account. Furnish the details.  (Condition no. 21)
110 Has TDS been deducted on Interest/Maturity payments of any of the investments made by the trust so far? If yes, provide details thereof. As per Annexure V
111 Whether confirmation certificate has been received from the Bank maintaining the SDS Account?
112 Whether any security purchased through Private Placement route during the year? If Yes, provide details thereof.
113 Whether there is any deal entered directly with the counterparties with respect trade of any Security? If Yes, provide details thereof.
114 Whether all Fixed Deposits Receipts (FDRs) has been counter verified through Bank?
115 Whether there is any security in the holding of Trust that has an embedded option?
116 If the answer to the above is Yes, whether the option has become due during the year, and action taken by the Trustees?
117 Whether there is any other deviation from the notified Investment Pattern? If yes, provide details

Part VIII: Losses and Expenditure

Sl. No. Particulars Reply of the Auditor
118 Whether the Company has reported loss for three consecutive financial years or erosion in the capital base thereby invoking condition No. 25 of Appendix-A annexed to Para 27AA of the EPF Scheme, 1952? (Condition no. 25)
119 Whether all the expenses of the administration of the provident fund have been borne by the employer. (Condition no.6)
120 Whether all the losses as defined under the laid down policy /Scheme have been compensated and made good by the Employer? If not, provide details thereof
121 Whether there are any unreconciled amounts. If yes, please specify


Sl. No. Particulars Reply of the Auditor
122 Number of International Workers (as defined under Para 83 of the Scheme) employed during the year in the establishment As per Annexure W
123 Whether the Employer is filing prescribed returns relating it International Workers in a timely and comprehensive manner. In case of No, provide details thereof.
124 Whether appropriate amendment has been made in the PF rules in regard to International Workers
125 Details of COC obtained (outward) cases and compliance thereof in the PF Trust.
126 Details of COC exempted (inward) cases.
127 Details of COC overstayed cases, if any, and action thereof
128 Details of settlement of claims under the special provision, if any
129 Whether balances withdrawn from P.F accounts of International
Workers is as per Para 83 of the Scheme?


Particulars Reply of the Auditor
130 Whether there is any amount lying in forfeiture account with the trust? If yes, the details thereof.
131 Whether any unclaimed amount is lying with the trust? If yes, the details thereof. As per Annexure X
132 Details regarding amount liable to be transferred to Senior Citizen Welfare Fund As per Annexure Y
133 Number of disabled workers. Whether the PF contribution is as per Para 82 of the Scheme?

PART XI: Additional Points to be incorporated in Audit Report in case of Cancellation/Surrender of Exemption

Sl. No. Particulars Reply of the Auditor
134 Whether the establishment has submitted a proposal for surrender of exemption to RPFC at least 30 days before the proposed date of surrender?
135 Whether there is any loss to the Trust not made good by the Employer and is still outstanding?
136 Whether Past accumulation statement has been forwarded to the RPFC within 25 days of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment as per Para 28 of EPF Scheme?
137 Whether the Cash component of Past Accumulation has been transferred within 10 days of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment as per Para 28 of EPF Scheme,1952? As per Annexure A1
138 Whether the securities component of Past Accumulation has been transferred within 30 days of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment as per Para 28 of EPF Scheme,1952? As per Annexure B1
139 Whether the Past Accumulation statement (From SE-6) has been verified and found to be in order? If not, provide details thereof
140 Whether UAN is available in respect of all the members?
141 In case answer to above is No, whether necessary details for generation of UAN has been given by the Employer?
142 Whether the record of last balances of the member indicating Balances and the interest accrued till the date of surrender has been provided to the RPFC?
143 In case the answer to above is Yes, whether the same is found to be in order?
144 Whether all the dues pertaining to Contribution under Section 6 upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment have been paid by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
145 Whether all the dues under Section 7Q upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment have been paid by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
146 Whether all the dues under Section   14B upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment have been paid by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
147 Whether all the Inspection Charges upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment have been paid by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
148 Whether any Interest due/Maturity amount not received by the Trust upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
149 Whether any Loss on sale of Equities & NAV based instruments upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
150 Whether any Loss on account of Delisting of Securities upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
151 Whether any Loss on account of Diminution in book value of Debt securities upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
152 Whether any Surcharge on not fully investing the “investment surplus” as provided in pattern of investment notification upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof.
153 Whether all the levied Surcharge amount has been paid by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
154 Whether any other loss upto the date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has been compensated and made good by the Employer? If No, provide details thereof
155 What is the total employee strength at the time of surrender/ cancellation of Exemption (include both left and presently working employees)?
156 What is the total corpus at the time of surrender/ cancellation of Exemption ?
157 Whether any liability not backed by appropriate transfer of funds is likely to arise on EPFO on account of cancellation of Exemption?
158 Whether undistributed reserve or surplus, by whatever name called, as on date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has been transferred to RPFC? If No, provide details thereof.
159 Whether Certificate about the financial health of the Trust in prescribed format has been signed by the Third Party Auditor and is annexed with the report? As per Annexure C1

Annexure A

Name of Participating Unit as per Condition 30 of Appendix A to Para 27AA of the Scheme Branches of Participating Units as defined u/s 2A of the Act location-wise (Note) Address P.F Code Whether branches of Participating unit complying under the Exempted Trust (Yes/No) Reason for Non-Compliance


Details of all the branches shall be provided, whether having a separate PF Code number or otherwise.

Annexure B

Name of Participa-ting Unit (Establish-ment) P.F Code No. Concerned RPFC Number, date, and effective date and period of validity of Exemption notification under Section 17(1)/Section 17(2) of the Act Number, date, and effective date of Relaxation Order under Para 79 of the Scheme Details of Surrender/ Cancella-tion proposal recomm-ended by concerned RPFC or Notification for revocation of exemption by the Appropriate Govt., if any

Annexure C

Sl. No. Account No. Name of the Bank Address IFSC

Annexure D

Particulars Reply of the Auditor
No. of Employer’s representative
No. of Employees’ representative
In case of Common P.F Trust, is there atleast one representative each from the participating establishments?
Whether Employer’s representative has been appointed as per Para 79C(2) of the Scheme? By whom Employer representative has been appointed? In case the answer is No, provide reasons thereof.
Whether Employees’ representative has been appointed as per Para 79C(3) of the Scheme? In case the answer is No, provide reasons thereof.
Whether the Trustees have submitted a self-declaration that they are not disqualified as per Para 79C(6) of the Scheme?
Whether any person has ceased to be Trustee as per Para 79C(7) of the Scheme?
Whether the Chairman of the Board of the Trustees has been appointed as per Para 79C(4) of EPF Scheme, 1952? In case the answer is No, provide reasons thereof.?

Annexure E

Sl. No. Account No. Name of the Bank Address IFSC

Annexure F

Sl. No. Particulars Number
Eligible Regular employees
Number of employees at the close of previous year
Number of employees who joined during the current year
Number of employees who left during the current year
Number of employees at the close of current year
Eligible Contractual employees hired directly by the establishment
Number of employees at the close of previous year
Number of employees who joined during the current year
Number of employees who left during the current year
Number of employees at the close of current year
Eligible Contractual employees hired through a contractor
Number of employees at the close of previous year
Number of employees who joined during the current year
Number of employees who left during the current year
Number of employees at the close of current year
Excluded employees(including excluded contractual employees)
Number of excluded employees at the close of previous year
Number of excluded employees who joined during the current year
Number of excluded employees who left during the current year
Number of excluded employees at the close of current year

Annexure G

Sl. No. Particulars Accounting Head Amount (in Rs)
1 Salary & Wages pertaining to eligible regular employees
2 Salary & Wages pertaining to eligible contractual employees hired directly by the establishment
3 Salary & Wages pertaining to eligible contractual employees hired through a contractor
4 Salary & Wages pertaining to excluded employees (including excluded contractual employees)
5 Total Salary & Wages (1+2+3+4)
6 Salary & Wages pertaining to employees in categories 1 to 3 above, on which PF dues is paid mandatorily upto the wage ceiling
7 Salary & Wages pertaining to employees in categories 1 to 3 above, on which PF dues is paid voluntarily over and above the wage ceiling
8 Salary & Wages pertaining to employees in categories 1 to 3 above on which PF dues is not payable/paid (Note 1)
9 P.F amount due on (6&7) above (Note 2)

Note 1

It includes allowances/emoluments on which P.F contribution is not payable/paid and emoluments in respect of employees (Category1 to 3) above wage ceiling on which P.F Contribution is not paid by Employer

Note 2

The value shall match with P.F amount due furnished in Annexure J.

Annexure H

Sl. No. Name & Address of the Contra-ctor PF Code No. of the Contractor Name of the Employee UAN Whether excluded or not Whether complying with the Establish-ment or Contra-ctor In case of excluded employee, whether Form 11 available

Note: Above shall include details of all the Contractors whether covered with EPFO or not

Annexure I

Month & Year Wages Paid Amount paid to the contractor on account of the Employer share Amount deposited by Contractor as Employer share with EPFO Date of remittance of amount by Contractor to EPFO

Annexure J

Sl. No. Wage/ Salary Month P.F amount due Due date of paym-ent Actual date of paym-ent to BoT Delay in days Interest under Section 7Q Date of payment of Interest Dam-ages u/s 14B Date of paym-ent of Dama-ges

Annexure K

Sl. No. Wage/ Salary Month Inspec-tion Char-ges due Due date of paym-ent Actual date of paym-ent of Inspe-ction Charges Delay in days Inter-est
Section 7Q
Date of paym-ent of Inte-rest Dama-ges u/s 14B Date of paym-ent of Dama-ges

Annexure L

Sl. No. Wage month Nature of dues Amount due Amount paid Balance Reply of the Employer Remarks of the

Annexure M

Sl. No. Calendar Month Due date of filing Actual date of filing Delay in days in
filing of return
Reply of the
Remarks of the Auditor

Annexure N

Claim Id Name of member UAN/PF Code No. Type of Claim Amount Date of filing of Claim Date of settlement Reason for delay

Annexure O

Claim Id Name of member UAN/PF Code No. Type of advance Amount Nature of deviation

Annexure P

Sl. No Particulars Amount (in Rs)
1 Interest Rate declared for the year by the Trust (in %)
2 Interest to be credited to members’ Accounts for the year
3 Income earned during the year
4 Shortfall (2-3)
5 Amount transferred to meet the shortfall (including the nature of source)

Annexure Q

Sl. Nature of Amount (in Date of Date of Delay in Reason for Surcharge on Whether
No. amount recei-ved Rs) Receipt invest-ment days delay not fully investing the “invest-ment surplus” as provided in pattern of investment notific-ation Surch-arge has been paid or not

Annexure R

Sl. No. Particulars Amount (in Rs)
1 Opening Bank balance
Add: Receipts
2 Contribution during the year
3 Refund of advances during the year, if any
4 Interest/Dividend received during the year
5 Maturity amount of securities received during the year
6 Any other receipt
7 Total Receipts (2+3+4+5+6+7)
Less: Payments
8 Withdrawals during the year
9 Advances paid during the year
10 Any other payment
11 Total Payments (8+9+10)
12 Fresh Accretion during the year (1+7-11)

Annexure S

(in Rs.)
to be
as per
Devia-tion Amount
Occasion of deviation
Surch-arge Rate
10% on
– (ii)
– (iii)
Short Term
Debt Instrument
– (iv)
– (v)

Annexure T

Sl. No. ISIN Name of Security Category Date of Purchase Face
Cost Price Date of Maturity Due date of coupon payment

Annexure U

Sl. No.
Name of Security
Face Value of Security
Date of
Maturity/ Interest payment
Date of actual receipt of money
Delay in days
Overdue Interest
Whether claim filed with issuer for recovery of overdue Interest
Date of recovery of Overdue Interest

Annexure V

Sl. No. Name of Security Payment
Payment amount TDS



Certificate details

Details of
claim filed
for refund
Date of
receipt of

Annexure W

Sl. No. Name of the Employee UAN Date of Joining and leaving Nationality Status of IW (Outward/ Inward)

Status of Country (SSA/Non SSA) Total emoluments paid/payable Emoluments on which PF contribution is paid Emoluments on which PF contribution is not paid Whether contribution is paid as per Para 83 of the scheme If not, reasons therof

Annexure X

Sl. No. Particulars Amount(in Rs)
Unclaimed amount at the beginning of the year
Unclaimed amount added during the year
Unclaimed amount claimed during the year
Unclaimed amount transferred to SCWF during the year
Unclaimed amount at the end of the year

Annexure Y

Particulars Amount (in Rs)
Amount liable to be transferred to SCWF at the beginning of the year
Amount which becomes liable to be transferred to SCWF during the year
Amount transferred to SCWF during the year
Amount liable to be transferred to SCWF at the end of the year


In case there is any amount liable to be transferred to SCWF at the end of year, reply of BoT to be furnished for non-remittance of the said amount.

Annexure A1

Details of Cash/Bank transferred

Sl. No Date of transfer Mode of transfer Amount (in rupees) TRRN

Annexure B1

Details of Securities transferred

Date of transfer Name of
Nature of Security (Govt./ Govt Guaranteed) Face Value Amortised Value Accrued Interest from the last coupon date till date of transfer

Annexure C1

Audit Certificate

On the basis of the audit conducted into the books of accounts of the                                                                                                         

Trust, which was formed due to exemption granted to establishment, M/s.                                                        (Code
No.________________), it is certified that the financial health of the trust is sound and is sufficient to balance the liability arising out of the subscribers, members and accounts maintained by the said trust and no liability will occur to Employees Provident Fund Organisation on account to the intended cancellation of Exemption. Further, undistributed reserve or surplus, by whatever name called, as on date of commencement of compliance as an un-exempted establishment has also been transferred to RPFC.

(                                     )

Chartered Accountant




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