Service Tax India: Read the latest service tax notification, challan, news & updates, circulars, act, rules, articles & forms on ST1 ST2 ST3 payment challan budget amendments, place of provision, point of taxation.
Service Tax : Understand the CESTAT Ahmedabad ruling in Vishal Tansukhbhai Gohel vs Commissioner of Central Excise & ST. No service tax on freig...
Service Tax : CESTAT Mumbai, in Tata AIG case, rules credit can't be denied for incorrect service description on invoices when correct service t...
Service Tax : CESTAT Ahmedabad ruling in Shakti Enterprise vs Commissioner of Central Excise & ST clarifies that CHA's reimbursable expenses are...
Service Tax : Dive into the legal battle over corporate guarantees' taxability as Business Auxiliary Service. Explore the CESTAT's decision, the...
Service Tax : Learn about a CESTAT ruling regarding service tax on advance membership fees collected by clubs. Analysis and implications include...
Service Tax : [Screening, Diagnosis & Management of Mucormycosis (black fungus)] Mucormycosis – if uncared for – may turn fatal ...
Service Tax : Chartered Accountants Association, Jalandhar has made a representation to FM regarding Misuse of Official Position by making rovin...
Service Tax : Officers of CGST Delhi North Commissionerate have arrested one Director of a Company for evasion of Service Tax. The Company had...
Service Tax : A suitable amnesty scheme must be thought of for all Central Laws and State Laws which have been merged in GST in one go to reduce...
Service Tax : Section 16 of CAG’s (DPC) Act, 1971 mandates CAG to audit receipts payable into consolidated fund of India and to satisfy that t...
Service Tax : CESTAT Mumbai overturns refund rejection for Syntel Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd., allowing SEZ input credit for Business Support Se...
Service Tax : CESTAT Allahabad remands appeal in Krishna Road Carrier case, ruling that pre-deposit via DRC-03 before 28.10.22 is valid under ne...
Service Tax : Tata Asset Management Ltd wins appeal against CGST demand for service tax on overseas advisory services. Tribunal affirms export s...
Service Tax : CESTAT Mumbai sets aside tax demand against Shipping Corporation of India, questioning the legal basis of the show cause notice an...
Service Tax : CESTAT Chandigarh rules that Supreme Court clarifications do not justify invoking the extended limitation period in service tax di...
Service Tax : Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority in respect of SCNs issued to M/s Shell India Markets Pvt. Ltd. vide Order No. 08/202...
Service Tax : Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority (CAA) in respect of SCNs issued to M/s A.K. Construction Co. vide Order No. 07 /2023-...
Service Tax : Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority (CAA) in respect of SCNs issued to M/s Hi-tech Equipment Services vide Order No. 06/2...
Service Tax : Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority (CAA) in respect of SCNs issued to M/s Subhash Earthmovers vide Order No. 05/2023-Ser...
Service Tax : CBIC earlier noted that the practice of payment of Service tax by way of book adjustment adopted by the Department of Posts and th...
In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 3 of Service Tax rules, 1994, the Central Board Excise and Customs hereby makes the following amendment in Order No. 3/3/94 Service Tax Rules (3) dated the 11th October, 1994: in the opening paragraph, in the Table under the column titled “Assesse”, for the sub-clauses (vi) and (iv) against Serial No. 2 and 4 respectively, the following shall be substituted
In relation to services provided by a clearing and forwarding agent, every person who engages a clearing and forwarding agent and by whom remuneration or commission (by whatever name called) is paid for such services to the said agent.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 88 of the Finance Act, 1997 (26 of 1997), the Central Government hereby appoints the 16th day of July, 1997, as the date on which the service tax on taxable service specified in sub-clause (j) and (r) of clause (41) of section 65 of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994) shall come into force.
Attention of the Trade/Public and all concerned, is invited to Section 88 of the Finance Act, 1997 which provides, interalia, for charging of service tax on the services rendered by Consulting Engineers and Manpower Recruitment Agency, Levy of Service Tax on these services will come into force from 7.7.97 vide Notification No. 23/97-Service Tax dt. 2.7.97 Notification No. 24/97-Service Tax dt. 2.7.97 has been issued to define the person responsible for collecting the Service Tax in relation to the services provided by the Consulting Engineers and Manpower Recruitment Agency
Trade is hereby informed that in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with sub-section (2) of Section 94 of the Finance Act,1994 (32 of 1994), the Central Government, hereby makes the following rules to further amend the Service Tax Rules, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules ), mainly:- (i) These rules may be called the Service Tax (Fourth Amendment) Rules,1997.
The Trade is hereby informed that in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 88 of the Finance Act, 1997 (26 of 1997), the Central Government hereby appoints the 7th day of July, 1997, as the date on which the service tax on taxable services specified in sub-clauses (g) and (k), of clause (41) of section 65 of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994) shall come into force.
The Trade is hereby informed that in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 93 of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994), the Central Government being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby fully exempts from the levy of service tax, the value of taxable service rendered by a consulting engineer to a client in respect of any project based in a foreign country subject to the condition that the charges for such services are received in convertible foreign exchange.
Attention of the Trade is invited to this office Trade Notice No. 50 to 52 (service Tax)/97 dated 4.7.97 through which it has been informed about the imposition of service tax on the services rendered by Consulting Engineering and Man Power Recruitment Agency w.e.f. 7th July, 1997 in terms of Notification 23/97 to 25/97-ST dated 2.7.97- Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue.
TRADE NOTICE NO. 6/97-SERVICE TAX DT. 1.7.97 Attention of the Trade/Public and all concerned, is invited to Section 88 of the Finance Act, 1997 which provides interalia for levy of service tax on services rendered by Mandap these services will come into force from 1.7.97 (Notification No. 19/97-Service Tax dt. 26.6.97 referred) Notification 20/97-Service Tax dated 26.6.97 has been issued to define the person responsible for collecting the Service Tax in relation to Air Travel Agents and Mandap keepers
The expression Custom House Agent has been defined to mean a person licensed, temporarily or otherwise, under the regulations made under sub-section (2) of Section 146 of the Custom Act, 1962. A person is permitted to operate as a Custom House Agent, temporarily under regulation 8(1) and permanently Regulations, 1984