Any Business should base in a city where they have the best relationships with the business environment. This includes relationships with talent, suppliers, buyers, and investors. Let us understand briefly about some states in India for starting a new venture: – # Capital State of India i.e. New Delhi: – New Delhi is the capital […]
Article explains Documents/Information needed to Form an Indian Company under Companies Act, 2013 and same includes Documents required from client’s end, Document required In case of Body Corporate/Company acting as Subscriber cum shareholders in Indian Company and Documents that require to be drafted and filed as per Laws in India towards Company Registration. Documents required […]
A Foreign National can start a business in India without being a Resident and one can setup up a new business in India in any of the following ways: A. Limited Company (Private Limited/Public Limited Company) B. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) C. Branch Office or Liaison/Representative Office, Project Office A. LIMITED COMPANY A non-resident Indians […]
The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Assented by President as Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020, provides the following, namely: — ♦ To incorporate a new Chapter XXIA in the Act related to Producer Companies. ♦ To decriminalize certain offences under the Act. ♦ To make provisions for allowing payment of adequate remuneration to non-executive directors in case […]
An investment outside India can be done by an Indian party or an individual or (single or in association with another resident individual or with an ‘Indian Party’). All resident individuals, including minors, are allowed to freely remit up to USD 250,000 per financial year. An Indian Party can make overseas direct investment in any […]
Every company has its own capital structure like: – – Share capital – Debt funds – Reserves and Surplus Shares can be of two different types: Equity Shares:- Equity Shares are the main source of raising the funds for the firm. All equity shareholders are collectively owners of the company and they have the authority […]
VALUATION OF SHARES FOR COMPANY REGISTERED UNDER STARTUP INDIA WITH MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY: – Valuation of equity shares is generally required for regulatory or financial reporting purposes for a business. In valuation of shares, the underlying asset is the business and per share value is calculated to arrive at the final valuation. Methods […]
Startup: Startup India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to build a strong ecosystem that is conducive for the growth of startup businesses, to drive sustainable economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities. Who can be registered as Startup? Private Limited Company Registered Partnership Firm limited liability partnership (LLP) Note: […]
An employee is the key of the success of every organization and every employee deserves to be compensated for the efforts made by them to make the organization successful in the competitive market and the issue of Sweat Equity shares and ESOP is the best way to compensate them also in order to motivate the […]
Liaison Office Companies incorporated outside India can open ‘Liaison Office’ (also known as representative office) in India. Liaison office is a place of business to act as a channel of communication between the principal place of business or Head Office. The Liaison office can undertake only liaison activities, it is not allowed to undertake any […]