The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issue e-form DPT-3 w.e.f. 01st May, 2019. In this article author compiles check list for filing of e-form DPT-3 First Requirement: 3. Purpose of form: S. No. Purpose of Form Applicability 1. Onetime Return for disclosure of details of outstanding money or loan received by a company but […]
Practical Difficulties – MCA Updates (DPT-3, MSME-1, DIR-3 KYC, Demat of Public Company) FAQ’S – DPT-3- One Time 1. Which information are required to filed according to Rule 16A in e-form DPT-3:- As per New Rule 16A, Every Company has to file e-form DPT-3 with ROC containing following Information: √ Every Outstanding Loan (Not Considered […]
Creation/ modification of charge are one of crucial activity for Loan from Bank/ financial institutions etc. When Companies Act, 2013 introduced at that time Charge satisfaction form required to be submitted with ROC within 30 days of satisfaction otherwise Company have to file application of compounding with Regional Director. However, by Companies Amendment Act, 2017 […]
1. What are the information required to be mentioned on Board of Company?. As per Section 12(3)(A), Every company must painted or affix following details outside the registered office. 1. Name of Company (mandatory in local language) 2. Address of registered office (mandatory in local language) 3. GSTIN of Company (As per CGST Rule 18) […]
Adjudication of Penalties is New Concept under Companies Act, 2013. In earlier Companies Act, 1956, there were no such provisions like this. As all of us are aware that Compliances and governance has been increased under Companies Act, 2013.
There is confusion regarding Consequences of Filing e-Form MGT-14 After 30 Days which includes- Whether it is required compounding/ Condonation or adjudication and Which authority have power under the Companies act, 2013 for compounding/ Condonation or adjudication? LEGAL BACKGROUND: As per Section 117, a copy of every resolution or any agreement, in respect of matters specified […]
To get status of updated compliances (Detection of Shell Companies) of Companies. MCA has introduced on 21st February, 2019, Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2019. These rules shall come into force from 25th February, 2019. A new Rule 25A inserted after Rule 25. A New Form 22A (e-form Active) Introduced. In this Flash Editorial author begins […]
Article compiles due date of ROC forms/ Compliances for the period from April, 2019 – June, 2019 which includes DPT-3- Reporting of Outstanding Sum of Loans, DPT-3 (Half-Yearly) Reporting of Outstanding Sum of Loans, MSME-1 (Initial Return) Submission of Details of Outstanding dues Beyond 45 Days to MSME, MSME-1 (Half Yearly) Submission of Details of […]
Object of Significant Beneficial Ownership (SBO) rules is To identify such individual, who directly or indirectly, holds beneficial interest over the Company, Transparency and to Identify individual who ultimately holding significant The concept of identifying UBOs/ SBO is not a new concept. The requirement has already been prescribed by following: SEBI under Guidelines on Identification […]
A. Whether Disqualified Director can continue in Companies as Director? B. What shall be the effect date of cessation of Disqualified Director? C. Whether there is any way out to remove the disqualification of Directors? D. What are the consequences, if disqualified Director continued as Director in Company?