Warranty is a type of guarantee that provides repairs or exchanges if the product does not function as expected. Learn about GST credit Reversal on goods used for free supply under warranty period here!
CESTAT held harvesting and transportation charges deducted were not to be considered as charges for independent supply. Hence, not liable for service tax.
हाल में ही हैदराबाद आयकर अपीलीय प्राधिकरण ने एक सामाजिक एवं सेवा संस्थान फर्नाडीज फाउंडेशन की करमुक्त मान्यता को विभाग द्वारा रद्द करने के फैसले को सही ठहराया है. इस केस का नं आईटीए १८८४, १८८५, हैदराबाद, २०१९ एवं आईटीए २९९, हैदराबाद, २०२० है. कहा यह गया कि उपरोक्त संस्थान जो की फर्नाडीज हास्पिटल नाम […]
Department is pleased to inform that last date for submission of applications has been extended by 30 days from date of this advertisement.
Agricultural implements manually operated or animal driven i.e. Hand tools, such as spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry other than Ghamella.
Few States have requested for extension of payment of GST compensation beyond transition period of five years. As per Section 18 of the Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016
Currently, crpyto assets are unregulated in India. The government does not register crypto exchanges. Crypto assets by definition are borderless and require international collaboration to prevent regulatory arbitrage.
Income Tax Act 1961: Explore the section 10 clause that exempts some income from Total Income. Learn more about Sec 10(39) and its parameters!
Impugned show cause notices are void and bad-in-law in view of non-adjudication after a lapse of nearly 10 years from the date of issuance of first show cause notice.
Taxation and its primary objective in India: generating revenue, redistributing wealth, and more. Learn about the implications of taxation in India.