Measures for MSMEs under Prime Ministers (PMs) ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan’ (Self- Reliant India Movement) A. Background On 13th May 2020, the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced his Vision calling for ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan’ (Self- Reliant India Movement). He proposed Five pillars of Atmanirbhar Bharat (1) Economy (2) Infrastructure (3) System (4) Vibrant Demography and […]
DIRECTOR: As per section 2(34) ‘director’ means a director appointed to the Board of a company. There are various category of directors given under the Companies Act, 2013 for example: Managing Director, Whole Time Director, Part time Director etc. Types of Directors on the basis of time of Appointment: 1) First Director 2) Subsequent Directors. […]
SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/84 Dated MAY 20, 2020 read with SEBI/ CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 Dated September 09, 2015: ‘Advisory on disclosure of material impact of COVID–19 pandemic on listed entities under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘LODR Regulations’/ ‘LODR’)’ 1. Effective date of circular: the circular came into effect from may 20, 2020 2. […]
CBDT Notifies New Annual Information Statement (AIS) to replace Form 26AS to report TDS, Foreign Tax Credit, and more CBDT Notifies New Annual Information Statement (AIS) to replace Form 26AS to report TDS, Foreign Tax Credit, and more: CBDT has notified vide Notification No. 30/2020 dated 28.05.2020 the new Annual Information Statement (AIS) under section […]
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is the most dynamic and vibrant topic of Indian economy. Now days, government has introduced a lot of schemes and provided a lot of packages to MSMEs to uplift them vis a vis economy. For detailed knowledge about MSME, MSMED Act, 2006 and related other provisions, kindly refer to […]
One of the major decisions for any businessman is to incorporate their company and running business as company. All the big business run in the form of Company. In India, companies are incorporated under The Companies Act, 2013 and its related rules. Recently, there has been major change in way of incorporating a company by […]
There are changes /updated by Ministry of finance in certain provision and rule of income tax due to consideration of COVID-19 which is being shared for the benefits of everyone at all in one place. 1. The CBDT has modified the norms for Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) by prescribing two years as the average time-frame for resolving cases. What […]
Ministry of Home Affairs New Guidelines to fight COVID-19 to be effective from 1st June 2020 Strict enforcement of lockdown in Containment Zones, which are to be demarcated by State/ UT Governments based on Health Ministry guidelines Phased re-opening of all activities outside Containment Zones; Unlock 1 to have an Economic focus Night Curfew to […]
The issue under consideration is whether A.O. is correct in disallowing claim of stamp duty and registration charges by considering it as capital expenditure?
ESOPs is one of the best ways to incentivise employees, and to retain them for a long period of time. It works as a catalyst for the employees’s growth as well as for the growth of the company. There are other options such as ESPP and SARs which are similar to ESOP. This article also […]