This is to bring to the notice of trade that a large number of online registrations filed are pending issuance in various Ranges/Division offices due to non submission of required documents. It is noticed that while the registration are filled online, either no hard copy of documents is submitted or the documents are submitted after considerable lapse of time. This results in substantial delay in granting registration. In fact, in a very large number of cases (more than 1,000), no documents have been submitted at all.
Letter D.O.F.No.334/03/2010-TRU Vide Finance Act, 2010, eight new services were added to the list of taxable services while the scopes of nine existing services were modified. As these changes become effective from 01.07.2010, activities that are covered under taxable service categories due to above additions or modifications, would start attract service tax from this date.
F.No.354/189/2009-TRU Customs duty on packaged software – As basic customs duty is Nil for packaged software, the additional duty of customs („CVD?) levied in lieu of the Central Excise duty payable on like goods manufactured in India (including education cess and secondary and higher education cess on such CVD) is the effective customs duty paid on import of such software; and Service tax in relation to providing right to use information technology software for commercial exploitation under the category of ITSS on reverse charge mechanism.
The new centralized web based software application of CBEC under the name Automation of Centralized Excise and Service Tax (ACES) is likely to be introduced shortly. The details of the same can be accessed at http:// It is designed to provide you an electronic interface with the department and aims at reducing paper work, visit to the departmental offices and improving transparency, accountability and efficiency in indirect tax administration in India.
Attention of the Trade is invited to Trade Notice No. 2/2005-S.T., dated 31-3-2005, No. 21/2005, dated 4-7-2005, etc., notifying the geographical area of Service Tax Divisions-I & II and the allocation of various taxable services under both the said Divisions presently comprising of the concurrent geographical area while they are bifurcated on the basis of category of service. Divisions other than I & II of the Service Tax Commissionerate, Mumbai, have been created on geographical basis. The present geographical jurisdiction of Division-I & II is as given below:-
Trade Notice No. 19/2009 Rule 5 A was inserted in the Service Tax Rules, 1994 vide Service Tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2007 (Notification No.45/2007 – ST dated 28.12.2007 refers). Attention is also drawn to the instructions issued by the Board vide F.No.137/26/2007-CX.4 dated 01.01.2008 in this regard
Trade Notice No. 14/2009 Prior to 01.04.2008 [before the amendment in Rule 6(3)] the option available to the taxpayer, under Rule 6(3), was that, he was allowed to utilize credit only to the extent of an amount not exceeding 20% of the amount of service tax payable on taxable output service. However, there was no restriction in taking CENVAT credit and also there was no provision about the periodic lapse of balance credit. This resulted in accumulation of credit in many cases.
Trade Notice No. 13/2009 Issues relating to taxable services provided during the course of production of alcoholic beverages (such as Indian Made Foreign Liquors, Branded Country liquors and similar products) are matters of dispute for a considerable period. In this regard, a draft circular of Central Board of Excise & Customs in F.No.249/1/2006-CX.9 dated November, 2006 (on applicability of service tax on taxable services provided in certain cases during the course of production of alcoholic beverages) was placed on the official website for eliciting responses from the stakeholders. The responses received from various stakeholders were carefully examined.
The issue whether service tax is payable by Central Board of Film Certification under the category of ‘Technical Testing and Analysis Service’ and / or ‘Technical Inspection and Certification Service’, on the services provided by Central Board of Film Certification by way of certification of films has been examined by Board.
It was already clarified vide Board’s letter F.No.137/70/2007-CX.4 dated 26.04.2008 that Schools running transport services for their students are not liable to pay service tax under the category of tour operator. There has been no change in the stand taken by the Board.