Income Tax : Learn about income tax exemptions for universities, hospitals, and educational institutions under Section 10 of the Income Tax Act...
Income Tax : An analysis of trust taxation under the Income Tax Act, including Finance Bill 2025 amendments, tax exemptions, anonymous donation...
Income Tax : Understand the audit requirements for trusts under Form 10B/10BB, including due dates, filing process, clauses, and key difference...
Income Tax : Learn the step-by-step procedure for NGO Darpan registration, required documents, and how to obtain a unique ID for your NGO or ch...
Corporate Law : Learn the procedure and requirements for registering an NGO as a Trust in India, including necessary documents and benefits....
Income Tax : Learn about the rationalisation of provisions for charitable trusts and institutions under the Income-tax Act, merging two regimes...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the ambiguity of Trust provisions under the Income Tax Act highlighted by Chartered Accountants Association Surat (CAAS). ...
Income Tax : Explore the detailed representation by BJP Professional Cell to Maharashtra's Dy CM, highlighting challenges faced by trusts and C...
Income Tax : Income Tax Bar Association & All Gujarat Federation of Tax Consultants request a one-year deferment for new Form 10B and Form 10BB...
Income Tax : Know the challenges in Form 10B/10BB filings in 2023 and Income Tax Bar Association in Jalandhar appeal for deferment or extension...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai rules in favor of charities, allowing Form 10A for 12AB registration after initial rejection. Detailed analysis on th...
Income Tax : Explore SAE India vs ITO tax dispute (ITAT Chennai) over Section 11 exemption, GPU classification, mutuality principles. Key issue...
Income Tax : Explore case of Vasan Sheri Kelavani Samiti Trust vs. ITO, where Section 11 exemption was denied due to a punching error. ITAT ord...
Income Tax : The J&K High Court ruled that trust registration under section 12AA cannot be denied solely for generating surplus profit. Read th...
Income Tax : Discover the intricacies of the ITAT Pune's recent decision in Vashi Parivaar Foundation Vs Commissioner of Income Tax(Exemptions)...
Income Tax : CBDT extends deadline for trusts and institutions to submit audit reports in Form 10B/10BB until November 10, 2024....
Income Tax : Explore Circular No. 3/2024 by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance. Learn how Finance Act 2023 affects tax exemptions for...
Income Tax : Learn about CBDT's circular allowing trusts/institutions to submit Form 10B/10BB audit reports by March 31, 2024, to avoid denial ...
Income Tax : Understand CBDT's recent clarifications on trust audit reports. Learn about substantial contributions, relatives, and concerns in...
Income Tax : Circular No. 6 of 2023, issued by the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, provides clarificat...
In case where the activity of any trust or institution is of the nature of advancement of any other object of general public utility, and it involves carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business; but the aggregate value of receipts from the commercial activities does not exceed Rs. 25,00,000/- in the previous year, then the purpose of such institution shall be considered as charitable, and accordingly, the benefits of exemption shall be available to it.
It is proposed to insert a new clause in section 10 of the Income-tax Act to provide exemption from income-tax to any specified income of a body, authority, board, trust or commission which is set up or constituted by a Central, State or Provincial Act or constituted by the Central Government or a State Government with the object of regulating or administering an activity for the benefit of the general public, provided
In view of the foregoing, we are in agreement with the findings of Id. CIT(A) that activities undertaken by the taxpayer were in respect of production and export of computer software within the meaning of provisions of section 10B of the Act, especially when the AO himself concluded so for the purpose of section 80HHE of the Act. We are also in agreement with the uncontroverted submission of the Id. AR on behalf of the taxpayer that the taxpayer did not claim any deduction in AY 1996-97 and for the first time claimed deduction u/s 10B in AY 19987-98 and this being the 5th year, claim has to allowed.
12. In order to come to a definite conclusion whether section 194H of the Act would be applicable to the assessee-airline in respect of transaction, in issue, we propose to first look at the scope and ambit of section 194H of the Act and then analyse the transaction as to whether it falls within the purview of the said Section. In this context, it would be necessary to extract the relevant portions of Section 194H of the Act.
In October 2007, Disciplinary proceedings were initiated against two partners of M/s Pricewaterhouse (PWC) for alleged professional and other misconduct in conducting the statutory audit of Global Trust Bank. The proceedings were based on the findings in the Special Audit report and the Annual Financial Inspection of the RBI. Though several hearings were conducted by the Disciplinary Committee,
7. Under section 12AA1(a) of the Act, the CIT is empowered to call for information to satisfy himself about the genuineness of activities of trust /institution. The Commissioner may make such enquiries as he thinks fit for the purpose. Under section 12AA1(b) of the Act, after having satisfied about the objects of Trust/institution and genuineness of its activities,
5. Having heard the learned counsel for the Revenue as well as the assessee, we are of the view that no fault can be found with the reasoning of both the CIT(A) as well as the Tribunal. In our view, the issue raised by the Revenue before us that the liability under the “long service award” scheme of the assessee is contingent as the payment under the same scheme is dependent on the discretion of the management
Circular No. 107/01/2009 – ST New Delhi, dated 28th January 2009 F.No137/23/2007- CX.4 Government of India , Ministry of Finance , Department of Revenue , Central Board of Excise and Customs Subject: Levy of service tax on educational institutions- regarding Various educational institutions impart training and conduct courses in different fields. Many of these institutions […]
When the legislature has categorically defined the purposes like religious and charitable and if the assessee-society is engaged as per their objects in mixed activities, which are partly charitable and partly religious, it cannot be said that section 11(1)(a) does not contemplate such situation.
If there is cash credit, creditworthiness of the creditor, genuineness of the entry, identity of the creditor, the source of money, etc. is required to be considered under section 68 of Income-tax Act.