Corporate Law : Online Trademark Lookup is the primary and most critical step before registering a hallmark. It facilitates corporations keep awa...
Corporate Law : Explore the intersection of personality rights, copyright, and trademark laws in India, focusing on celebrity branding, legal fram...
Corporate Law : Trademarks are critical for businesses to differentiate their goods or offerings from others in market. They help construct brand...
Corporate Law : Explore the risks and consequences of using an unregistered trademark, including potential legal actions and the implications of o...
Corporate Law : Learn how IP attorneys help in trademark registration, protecting intellectual property rights, and defending against infringement...
Corporate Law : Beware of fraudsters soliciting money for IP applications. Report any suspicious claims to the office. Applications processed lega...
CA, CS, CMA : Company Secretaries in Practice are allowed to be registered as Trade Marks Agent under Rule 144 of the Trade Marks Rules, 2017, r...
Corporate Law : A writ petition is filed before Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur while challenging the Circular dated 28.08.2020 being issu...
Corporate Law : The Union Cabinet in its meeting dated 15.09.2020 gave the approval for signing the MoU with Denmark in the field of IP Cooperatio...
Corporate Law : A trademark application is processed in accordance with The Trade Marks Act, 1999 and The Trade Marks Rules, 2017. 1. Application ...
Corporate Law : Dive into the Supreme Courts judgment in Shyam Sel & Power Ltd vs Shyam Steel Industries Ltd case regarding trademark infringement...
Corporate Law : Gloster Cables claims ownership of the GLOSTER trademark in a dispute with Fort Gloster during insolvency proceedings. Learn about...
Income Tax : Explore the Delhi High Court's landmark judgment awarding ₹12 lakhs to Castrol in a deceptive trademark case against 'Newcast Ro...
Corporate Law : The Delhi High Court settles the trademark dispute between Theobroma Foods Pvt. Ltd. and Theos Food Pvt. Ltd. Read the full judgme...
Corporate Law : Discover groundbreaking People Interactive v. Gaurav Jerry case where Bombay High Court deems trademark use in meta-tags illegal, ...
Corporate Law : Trade Marks (Holding Inquiry and Appeal) Rules 2024 now in effect. New procedures for complaints, inquiries, and appeals under the...
Corporate Law : Explore the proposed Trade Marks (1st Amendment) Rules, 2024 by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Learn about adjudication pr...
Corporate Law : The common or generic names of the commodity contained in the package and in case of packages with more than one product, the name...
Corporate Law : It has been brought to the notice of the under signed that the documents submitted at the counter of the Trade Marks Registry, Mum...
Corporate Law : A registered trademarks agent may apply in Form TM-G for alteration of his name, address of the place of residence, address of the...
Government has notified the new Trade Mark Rules, 2017 on 6th March, 2017 to streamline and simplify the processing of trade mark applications in the country. Some of the salient features of the new Trade Mark Rules, 2017 are as under:
The new Trademark Rules, 2017 came into existence from March 6, 2017, which makes the entire trademark registration process easy & hassle-free and The Trademark Rules, 2002 are hereby repealed without prejudice to anything done under such rules before the coming into force of these rules.
The Government has notified the Trade Marks Rule, 2017 with an aim to simplify the process of Trade mark application and e-filing of trademark. Some of the main features of new Trademark rule are:
A registered trademarks agent may apply in Form TM-G for alteration of his name, address of the place of residence, address of the principal place of business or qualifications entered in the register of trademarks agents. On receipt of such application and the fee prescribed in that behalf, the Registrar shall cause the necessary alteration to be made in the register of trademarks agents.
The objective of this tool kit is to provide a standardised ready reckoner for law enforcement agencies in India in relation to enforcement efforts against IP crimes, specifically trade mark and copyright counterfeiting and piracy.
Definition of an intangible assets- As asset is identifiable if it either is separable or arises from contractual or other legal rights. For eg: A company takes access rights of operating a page on any website which is customized as per the requirements of the Company
The expression Trademark in this context is used in the broad sense to mean trademark, copyright, design, patent, secret formulas and more essentially the recognition, acceptance, acknowledgement, assurance and association with the quality of the product and services.
So, by just incorporating a company with no issue it doesn’t mean you have secured your brand name. So it is advisable that entrepreneurs before started brand development programme by investing huge efforts and huge amount get clearance from Registrar of Companies and also from Trade Mark Registry.
The process relating to generation & issuance of registration certificates for applications made for registration of trademarks has been fully automated. Accordingly, from 1st august 2016 the registration certificates will be generated through an automated system in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trade Marks Act & Rules and made available to the applicants concerned or their authorised agents on record, in respect of all trademark applications-
A Patent Box is a special tax regime for Intellectual Property (IP) revenues. It is also known as IP-Box or Innovation-Box. The concept of Patent Box was first introduced by Irish and French Tax Authorities. In a Patent Box Tax Regime, a lower rate of tax is applicable for the income generated from licensing or transfer of intellectual property rights like trademarks, copyrights, patent, know-how etc.