Tax Collected at Source under Goods and Services Tax Act 2017 and under Income Tax Act, 1961.
Income Tax : Learn about the Lower Deduction Certificate under Sections 197 & 206C(9) of the Income Tax Act. Understand eligibility, applicatio...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore 375 key legal compliances and updates across FEMA, Income Tax, and GST for March 2025. Stay informed on filing deadlines a...
Income Tax : Learn about TCS rules under Section 206C(1G) of the Income Tax Act for non-resident buyers of overseas tour packages and CBDT's ex...
Income Tax : Explore major income tax updates for FY 2025-26, including revised tax slabs, TDS/TCS rules, rebates, and benefits for startups. S...
Goods and Services Tax : Stay updated with key tax compliance deadlines for March 2025, covering Income Tax, GST, TDS, and more. Ensure timely filing and a...
Income Tax : Learn about new rules restricting TDS/TCS correction statements under Income-tax Act Section 200(3) from April 2025. Key dates and...
Income Tax : Stay updated on TDS/TCS filing due dates for FY 2024-25 and download the latest RPU (v5.4) and FVU (v8.9). Key changes and assista...
Income Tax : CBDT simplifies TDS for salaried employees and enables parents to claim TCS credit for minors through recent amendments in Income-...
Income Tax : KSCAA requests review of incorrect TDS credit processing by CPC Bengaluru for AY 2024-25 and urges system corrections and resoluti...
Income Tax : Understand PFA and defective return queries for ITR 1-6 for AY 24-25, including MAT applicability, TDS/TCS claims, and income disc...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune held that since income of minor child is clubbed in the hands of assessee, TCS collected on the same needs to be credite...
Income Tax : The Orissa High Court quashed prosecution against Kashvi International for delayed TDS deposit, citing COVID-19 and financial hard...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court held that order confirming demand due to mismatch between returns under GST set aside with condition to deposit ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad partially upholds CIT(A)'s decision on TCS collection under Section 206C. Analysis focuses on Form 27C delays, proc...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that TCS credit is allowed to the entity conducting the business, irrespective of the fact that the liquor lic...
Income Tax : Government specifies IFSC units exempt from tax collection under Section 206C(1H) for eligible purchases. Details outlined for buy...
Income Tax : CBDT exempts tax collection at source (TCS) on payments received from the Reserve Bank of India under Section 206C(1F) of the Inco...
Income Tax : Income Tax Circular 08/2024 exempts higher TDS/TCS rates if deductee/collectee dies before PAN-Aadhaar linkage, addressing taxpay...
Income Tax : The Ministry of Finance exempts RBI from Section 206CCA of Income Tax Act, 1961 through Notification No. 46/2024 dated 27th May, 2...
Income Tax : RBI exempted from Section 206AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961, via Ministry of Finance notification dated May 27, 2024. Learn more a...
Recent CBDT circular on Section 206C(1H) and Section 194Q has created more confusion. There are still anomalies. I have tried to collect all Problems related to drafting of these sections & Problems related to implementing Section 206C(1H) & Section 194Q. Also check suggestions. I have suggested 3 measures which can streamline section 194Q and section […]
a) Applicability and Rate [Section 206C(1)/(1C)/(1F)] Section 206 C(1) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Sr. No. Nature of goods Rate of TCS (upto 13.05.2020) Rate of TCS (w.e.f 14.05.2020 to 31.03.2021) i. Alcoholic Liquor for human consumption 1% 1% *(no change) ii. Tendu Leaves 5% 3.75% iii. Timber obtained under a forest lease 2.5% 1.875% […]
Non- Applicability of the Section 206AB 1. If specified person is non-resident who does not have permanent establishment in India. 2. The section has overriding effect on all provisions of Chapter XVIIB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 except the below mentioned sections S. No. Section Particulars 1 192 TDS on Salary 2 192A TDS […]
TCS (Tax Collected at Source) On sale of Goods- New Income Tax Compliance w.e.f 01.10.2020. With a view to widen the tax-net, the Indian government has extended the scope of Tax Collected at Source (“TCS”). The Government of India has added a new sub section (1H) in the section 206C which would be called as […]
Section 194Q of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is applicable with effect from 1st July 2021 to any buyer who is responsible for paying any sum to any resident seller for purchase of any goods of the value or aggregate of value exceeding fifty lakh rupees in any previous year. The buyer, at the time […]
Section 206AB states that where, for any transaction, a TDS has to be deducted under any provision of the Income Tax Act, such TDS shall be deducted at a higher rate if the transaction is entered with a Specified Person. Similarly, for any transaction where a TCS has to be collected, such TCS shall be collected at a higher rate if the transaction is done with the Specified Person.
The Finance Act, 2021 has enacted special provisions namely Section 206AB and Section 206CCA, for deduction and collection of tax at source applicable to deductees who were non-filers of income tax returns, effective from 1st July 2021. While Section 206AB specifies the rate of deduction of tax applicable to a person who has been defined […]
What was the need OF TDS/TCS u/s 194Q/206C(1H)? (If the purpose is to get Information to whom big sales are made then, we could have given the list PAN +Aadhar of such parties). Whosoever has brought the idea of 194Q and 206C(1H) i.e. TDS/ TCS on Goods PURCHASE/SALE, deserves Global Award for ‘World’s Most Innovative Taxation Compliance’.
Clarification on Applicability of TCS And TDS on Buying and Selling of Bullion & Jewellery In view of Circular No. 13 of 2021, dated 30/06/2021 issued by Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of finance, with regard to chargeability of TCS Vs TDS. Vide clause 4.9.5(v), following can be concluded.
Complete Guide on Section 206C(1H), Section 194Q including TDS/TCS rate in case non Pan/ Non- filer? An analysis of Section 206C(1H), Section 206CC, Section 206CCA, Section 194Q, Section 206AA and Section 206AB. All about TCS on Goods Various discussions are going on about the applicable rate of TCS and TDS on various forums in case […]