Income Tax : Budget 2025 proposes a 10-year registration for small charitable trusts with income under ₹5 crores, aiming to reduce compliance...
Income Tax : Learn how to maximize tax deductions with Section 80G for donations to approved funds and institutions. Find out eligibility, paym...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover which companies qualify for CSR under the Companies Act, 2013, the scope of eligible activities, tax implications, and co...
Income Tax : AQs on charitable trusts, covering registration under Section 12AB, income tax rules, donation management, audit requirements, and...
Income Tax : Learn about key deductions under Section 80 for Income Tax Returns (ITR) filing. Explore benefits, limits, and eligibility criteri...
Corporate Law : Finance Bill 2024 updates Section 80G to reflect "National Sports Development Fund" and changes approval procedures for charities....
Income Tax : Explore amendments to section 80G for filing approval applications by funds and institutions, effective from October 2024, ensurin...
Income Tax : Learn about the updated timelines for processing applications by trusts, funds, and institutions seeking tax exemption under secti...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the ambiguity of Trust provisions under the Income Tax Act highlighted by Chartered Accountants Association Surat (CAAS). ...
Income Tax : CAG noticed ineffective monitoring of accumulation of income and its utilization, ineffective monitoring of receipts and utilizati...
Income Tax : ITAT Surat allows Swaminarayan Gadi Trust to rectify errors in its tax exemption applications under Sections 12A/12AB and 80G(5) o...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that Sai Baba Sansthan Trust being both charitable and religious trust falls within exceptions provided under sec...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai remands case after CIT(E) rejects 12A registration due to missing documents, directing the applicant to submit require...
Income Tax : Assessee claimed deduction of IMC Transfer Expenses, City Environment Expenses, Contribution and Aid Expenses, Land Acquisition an...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai ruled in favor of Jamnagar Utilities, allowing CSR donations as deductions under Section 80G, rejecting the Revenue's ...
Income Tax : Explore the notification under section 80G(2)(b) of the Income Tax Act 1961 for Shree Ramanuj Kot Trust in Indore. Details of vali...
Income Tax : The amendments brought about by Notification No. 45/2023 – Income-Tax (Income-tax (Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 2023) encompas...
Income Tax : CBDT issued Notification No. 34/2023-Income Tax, dated May 30, 2023 & introduces amendments to rule 11AA of Income-tax Rules, ...
Income Tax : CBDT extends the last date for filing of Form No.10AB for seeking registration or approval under Section 10(23C), 12A or 80G of th...
Income Tax : CBDT vide Notification No. 36/2021-Income Tax Dated: 23rd April, 2021 notifies ‘Maa Umiya Temple managed by Vishv Umiya Fo...
Deduction for Medical treatment of dependent :- Under Section 80DD of the Act, where an individual has incurred expenditure for the medical treatment, training and rehabilitation of a dependent, being a person with disability or has paid or deposited any amount under prescribed scheme for the maintenance of dependent, such individual will be allowed a deduction to the extent of Rs 50,000. However, if the dependent is suffering from severe disability, a deduction of Rs 75,000 will be allowed.
This is an appeal by the Assessee directed against the order dated 22.12.2016 of the ld. CIT, Exemptions (ld. CIT(E)), Kolkata relating to A.Y.2016-17, wherein the ld. CIT(E) has passed an order rejecting grant of the approval u/s 80G of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (here nafter referred to as the Act).
CIT(E) was not justified in rejecting approval sought by assessee under section 80G(5) on the allegation that assessee had sufficient disposable fund because sufficiency of funds available with an institution seeking the approval is not mentioned as condition under section 80G, which needs to be looked into before granting approval.
Contributions made to certain relief funds and charitable institutions can be claimed as a deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. All donations are not eligible for deduction under section 80G. Only donations made to prescribed funds qualify as a deduction.
Batra Hospital Employees Union Vs. Batra Hospital & Medical Research (Delhi High Court) It would be hazardous to presume that every organization, which is certified under Section 80-G of the Income Tax Act, would, of necessity, be entitled, ipso facto, to immunity from the applicability of the Payment of Bonus Act. There is substance, in […]
Mattapalli Chalamayya Charitable Trust Visakhapatnam Vs CIT (ITAT Visakhapatnam) If the activities of the trust are genuine, at the stage of commencement of institution, registration has to be granted automatically and claim u/s 80G of the Act can be followed with grant of registration. Ld. Commissioner (Exemptions) did not reject the request of the assessee […]
Central Government hereby notifies Arulmigu Kapaleeswarar Thirukoil, Mylapore, Chennai, to be place of historic importance and a place of public worship of renown throughout the state of Tamil Nadu for the purposes of the said section.
Central Governmentnotifies Ariyakudi Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple, Kottivakkam, Chennai,to be place of historic importance and a place of public worship of renown throughout the state of Tamil Nadu for the purposes section 80G.
Under existing provisions of section 80G, deduction is not allowed in respect of donation made of any sum exceeding Rs.10,000, if the same is not paid by any mode other than cash.
In this case Punjab & Haryana High Court upheld the The law laid down in Visvesvaraya Technological University vs. ACIT 384 ITR 37 (SC) that generation of surplus is not fatal to the grant of exemption under section 10(23C)(vi)(via)/ 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961 if such surplus is utilized for charitable purposes. In this […]