Income Tax : Learn key tax rulings on Section 54/54F exemptions for property sales, including land size, appurtenant land, property use, and ag...
Finance : Understand real estate tax changes post-Budget 2024, including LTCG tax reduction, removal of indexation benefits, and rollover pr...
Income Tax : Learn how recent amendments to Section 112 of the Income Tax Act impact capital gains tax, including indexation rollback and new t...
Income Tax : 1. Further to the article Capital Gain Tax Exemption on Residential Property: Land Mark Judgment PART A, This article delves into ...
Income Tax : Explore landmark judgments on capital gain tax exemptions under Sections 54 and 54F of the Income Tax Act. Key highlights from ITA...
Income Tax : Representation against Extension of time limit under section 54 to 54GB without extension of Income Tax Return due date Vidarbha I...
CA, CS, CMA, Income Tax : We have not noticed any heed being extended towards various issues and possible solutions we have proposed through those represent...
Income Tax : KSCAA has requested to Hon’ble Minister of Finance to extend various time limits under section 54 to 54GB of the Income-tax Act,...
Income Tax : All India Federation of Tax Practitioners (CZ) has requested CBDT that due date of filing return of income u/s 139(1) for all the ...
Income Tax : Direct Taxes Committee of ICAI has Request(s) for extension of various due dates under Income-tax Act, 1961 especially Tax Audit R...
Income Tax : ITAT held that the Allotment of New Flat did not fall within the scope of Section 56(2)(x), as the new flat was received in exchan...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that the assesse is entitled to claim deduction u/s. 54 of the Act if the assesses able to establish the fact ...
Goods and Services Tax : Jharkhand High Court held that rejection of refund of statutory pre-deposit merely because refund application was filed beyond sec...
Goods and Services Tax : The petitioner is inter-alia, engaged in the manufacture and sale of edible oil. According to the petitioner, the rate of tax on o...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay High Court held that registered person making a zero rated supply under LUT may claim refund of unutilized credit including...
Income Tax : For claiming exemption Section 54 to 54 GB of the Act, for which last date falls between 01st April. 2021 to 28th February, 2022 m...
Income Tax : Vide Income Tax Notification No. 35/2020 dated 24.06.2020 govt extends Due date for ITR for FY 2018-19 upto 31.07.2020, Last...
Income Tax : Notification No. 44/2012-Income Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 54, sub-section (2) of secti...
Bombay High Court held that interest on delayed refund is payable as per section 56 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act (CGST Act) and the period for grant of interest would begin on expiry of 60 days from the date of the shipping bill.
The petitioner sold his residential property and based on an advise invested the sale proceed in the bonds issued by the Respondent – Power Finance Corporation in order to avail the benefit of capital gain tax exemption.
Delhi High Court held that keeping in abeyance refund order by exercising powers conferred u/s. 108 of the CGST Act merely on the basis of intelligence regarding wrongful availment of ITC unjustified since pre-requisite conditions for invoking section 108 not satisfied.
ITAT Bangalore held that exemption under section 54 of the Income Tax Act allowable based on the amount utilised towards construction of new house property where the construction is not complete.
CESTAT Allahabad held that claim of cash refund of service tax paid under RCM not admissible since CENVAT Credit was never claimed and transitional provisions under GST was not complied.
The CoC resolved not to initiate liquidation process and decided to file an application for dissolution of the CD. In pursuance of the resolution passed by the CoC in its fifth Meeting dated 29.04.2024, an IA was filed by the RP which came to be rejected by the Adjudicating Authority.
Held that Rule 96(10) of the CGST Rules, as inserted by notification 53/2018-CT dated 09-10-2018 w.e.f. 23-10-2017 is declared ultra vires the provisions of Section 16 of the IGST Act and unenforceable on account of being manifestly arbitrary.
ITAT Mumbai held that where two houses joint together constitutes a single unit for residence, then exemption under section 54F of the Income Tax Act would be available to such joint residential house.
ITAT Bangalore held that penalty under section 271D of the Income Tax Act not leviable in terms of section 273B of the Income Tax Act since claim of exemption u/s. 54 is made in an open and bonafide manner.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that Form No. 35A signed by the Authorized Representative is only an irregularity which is curable u/s. 292B of the Income Tax Act and not an illegality. Thus, order set aside with a direction to pass order on merits.