SEBI : Corporate Action is gaining more and more importance nowadays. Competition has prevailed over this too. To understand, Corporate a...
CA, CS, CMA : Sagar Gupta Consistent with its January 2015 announcement, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has moved quite swiftly and not...
Company Law : Detailed Procedure Procedure of Incorporation of a One Person Company (OPC) Under Companies Act,2013. Step 1: Acquire DSC. Step 2...
Company Law : Step by Step procedure to Formation / Registration / Incorporation of Private and Public Company in India.Incorporation / Formatio...
Company Law : Reference sections: 123(2) and Schedule II Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013 requires depreciating the asset over its useful ...
Corporate Law : Now, cattles in Uttar Pradesh will only be purchased after giving proper ID proof to the seller. It will be the duty of seller to ...
Corporate Law : The proposal regarding increment of the house tax in UP is soon to be presented before the cabinet. Houses in UP has been divided ...
Service Tax : Notification No 16/2013-Service Tax -Reduction of threshold limit for mandatory e-payment of Service Tax duty to Rupees One lakh w...
Copyright ensures certain minimum safeguards of the rights of authors over their creations, thereby protecting and rewarding creativity. Creativity being the keystone of progress, no civilized society can afford to ignore the basic requirements of encouraging the same.
Buy-Back of Securities (Unlisted Public Co. and Private Co.) as per Companies Act, 2013 Buy Back of Securities is a very important tool for Companies who wants to reduce their Share Capital. First of all, here are few preliminary notes of Buy Back: Governing Sections of Companies Act: 68 69 70 Specified Security: includes ESOP […]
PROVISION RELATED TO COMPANY’S STATIONERY INCLUDING LETTER HEAD As per companies Act 2013, companies are required to get its name, address of its registered office and the Corporate Identity Number along with telephone number, fax number, if any, e-mail and website addresses, if any, printed in all its business letters, billheads, letter papers and in […]
Buy-Back of Securities (Unlisted Public Co. & Private Co.) Buy Back of Securities is a boon for Companies who wants to reduce their Share Capital. First of all, here are few preliminary notes of Buy Back: a. Introduced by ‘The Companies (Amendment) Act, 1999 b. Governing Sections of Companies Act, 1956:
A new system of taxation is proposed by a Pune based research group Arthkranti Pratishthan where it has 5 components in its proposal: Withdrawal of existing Taxation system completely (except Customs i.e. Import Duty) Every Transaction routed through a bank will attract certain deductions in appropriate percentage as Transaction Tax i.e. Single point tax deducted […]
Now, cattles in Uttar Pradesh will only be purchased after giving proper ID proof to the seller. It will be the duty of seller to maintain the records of the cattles sold, to whom it was sold and his ID proof.
Procedure for Registration of Factories under Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948- Ascertain whether your factory / establishment is situated within the area of implementation by ESIC (Implemented area). Regional Office, Sub Regional Office, Branch Offices, and Inspectorates Office of ESIC will guide you, on this matter, if contacted.
For registration, a employer has to get these documents ready (to be submitted by an employer along with one or more of the documents mentioned below for obtaining Code Number): 1. Name of the establishment/factory and address. 2. Details of Head Office and branches with address.
Provident Fund scheme was started by few concerns even before the enactment of the act. The government in 1952 framed this act for the benefit and welfare of the employees. This act is applicable to employees drawing pay not more than Rs. 6,500 pm but at the time of registration the same employee pay should not exceed Rs. 5,000.
For the purpose of charging service tax on any service, the incidence of levy is on person rendering of a taxable service which is termed as point of taxation. Usually people have confusion regarding the point in time when a service is deemed to be provided and thereby service tax is to be deposited.