Securities and Exchange Board of India
Cir. /IMD/DF/5/2011
March 16, 2011
All Recognized Stock Exchanges
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Sub: Listing Agreement for Securitized Debt Instruments
1. In order to develop the primary market for securitized debt instruments in India, SEBI has notified the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Public offer and Listing of Securitised Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2008. The regulations provide for a framework for issuance and listing of securitized debt instruments by a special purpose distinct entity (SPDE).
a. Give effect to the above mentioned policies and put in place the Listing Agreement for securitized debt instruments as set out at Annexure.
b. Make consequential changes, if any, to the bye-laws of the Exchange, as may be applicable and necessary
7. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with S.17A of Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.
8. This circular is available on SEBI website at under the category “Legal Framework” and under the drop down “Corp Debt Market”.
Yours faithfully,
Maninder Cheema Deputy General Manager