F.No. A-32013/1/2018-Ad.VI
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Direct Taxes)
North Block New Delhi
The 14th September 2021.
Office Order No. 245 of 2021
In continuation of CBDT’s Office Order No. 137 dated 23.08.2018 and subsequent respective orders for extending ad-hoc appointment to the grade of Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax, the President is pleased to extend the ad-hoc appointments of the following Assistant Commissioners of Income Tax from 23.08.2021 to 22.08.2022 or till their regular promotion. whichever is earlier:-
SI. No. | Name of the Officer(S/Shri/Smt./Ms.) |
1. | P. Sunanda |
2. | Lokesha |
3. | P.K Swarnakar |
4. | Rajaraman S |
5. | Latha V K |
6. | Ramakrishnan V |
7. | Paramasivam P |
8. | BalajiSethuramalingam |
9. | SathishBapu K R |
10. | Krishnamurthi S |
11. | Subbarathinam G |
12. | Srinivasan S |
13. | Rajesh Kumar Jha |
14. | KanhaiyaLalMeena |
15. | Ram Kishore Meena |
16. | Bharat LalMeena |
17. | Rakesh Kumar Singhal |
18. | Ram NiwasYadav |
19. | SatyanarayanaRao S |
20. | C. VinodJayan |
21. | Ramesh S |
22. | Bhaskar Bhattacharya |
23. | MithunSikdar |
24. | John Brendan Tamsang |
25. | Hema Singh Munda |
26. | PradeepVerma |
27. | Deepak Kumar |
28. | Shailesh Kumar |
29. | Singh Vijay Kumar |
30. | Somashekar H |
31. | Srinivasa H |
32. | V.M. Jayadevan |
33. | K. Krishnakanth |
34. | V.G. Sivadasan |
35. | Uma Rani V |
36. | Jaby Charles Derick |
37. | Srinivasulu C |
38. | Kalaiselvi E |
39. | Lata Subhash Kurup (Deptt.) |
(Miss. PanickerLathaKuttappan) | |
40. | Basant Kumar Araya |
41. | Kumar Rajiv Prasad |
42. | NitinEknathWarghat |
43. | Sreenivas K.V. |
44. | ShivrajDeo Prasad |
45. | Barn Baal Kumar |
46. | Nitin V. Helgaonkar |
47. | H.S. Kelkar |
48. | Anil Kumar Barolia |
49. | Virender Singh Yadav (Xs) |
50. | Ra.eev Jain |
51. | Mahesh Kumar Gupta |
52. | Bhagat Singh |
53. | Kishore Mal |
54. | Choth Mal Meena |
55. | Sanjay Kumar |
56. | IndrarajMeena |
57. | RupsinghMeena |
58. | Kamlesh A Bhatt |
59. | ShailendraJayprakashLodha |
60. | VikramRatnoo |
61. | Mukeshkumar M Solanki |
62. | HarimohanMeena |
63. | DhanaramMeena |
64. | Abid Ali |
65. | Shrawan Kumar |
66. | Amit Kumar Sonker |
67. | Lazarus Jojo |
68. | AlkaKurnari |
69. | DipankarBhattacharjee |
70. | UpendraNahakpam |
71. | Dhanasekaran D |
72. | Anuradha R P |
73. | Kirubakaran D |
74. | Madhuri D |
75. | Pushparaj J |
76. | Venkatesan G |
77. | DharaniKalvagunta |
78. | Saravanan J |
79. | Ravi Chakravarthi B |
80. | P. Satish Kumar |
81. | M. LakshmanaBabu |
82. | Kumar Brajesh Singh |
83. | ShashiBhushan Sharma |
84. | Vijay DiwaluShendre |
85. | Amudha D |
86. | Jojo P. Kuriakose |
87. | Parvathy S |
88. | Laxmana Kumar Km |
89. | Kannan S |
90. | LineshNarendraPathak |
91. | AarthiSrinivasan |
92. | Rajakrishnan C |
93. | Dinesh Shrivastava |
94 | Deepak ManoharPanvalkar |
95. | Ashutosh Mishra |
96. | Ranjeet Singh |
97. | Muthu S |
98 | ShashiPrabhaSaxena |
99. | Yuvraj Malik |
100. | S.K. Arela |
2. In view of pending complaints on vigilance matters. the Competent Authority has declined further extension of ad-hoc appointment to the post of ACIT in respect of S/Shri Virender Kumar Rathee (175CE) and Ashok Kumar Vishrant(175CG) and has decided to revert them to their substantive post i.e. Income Tax Officer with effect from 14.09.2021(A.N.). However. approval for continuation of their term of ad-hoc appointment is conveyed for the period from 23.08.2021 to 14.09.2021 (A.N.) i.e. the period during which they have discharged the duties & functions of ACIT. in view of administrative necessity.
3. On account of their reversion to the post of ITO, Shri Virender Kumar Rathee and Shri Ashok Kumar Vishrant are posted to their parent region i.e. Delhi region where they were earlier posted as ITO at the time of their appointment to ACIT (ad-hoc) grade. Pr.CCIT (CCA) concerned is requested to ensure that compliance report to this order be sent to the Board within 15 days.
4. These promotions are intended to be purely on ad-hoc nature subject to the following conditions: –
(i) Such appointments shall not confer any right to the officers for continued officiating or seniority or for regular promotion and shall be governed by the instructions of DOP&T as contained in OM No. 28036/8/87-Estt.(D) dated 30.03.1988 and instructions issued by Government from time to time:
(ii) These appointments will not confer any right or equity in favour of the appointees.
5. Hindi version of this order will follow.
(Yogesh Shar )
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel. 011-23095474
Copy to: –
1. Officer concerned through their respective Pr.CCIT (CCA).
2. All Principal Chief Commissioners of Income Tax/ Principal Director General of Income Tax.
3. Principal Chief Controller of Accounts. CBDT. New Delhi.
4. Zonal Account Officer, CBDT C/o Principal CCiT (CCA) concerned.
5. PSs to FM/MoS (Finance).
6. PPSs to Finance Secretary/ Chairman, CBDT/Members. CBDT/JS (Admn.). CBDT)/ JS (Revenue).
7. Adviser to FM.
8. DoP&T w.r.t. their ID Note No. 1454892/21 dated 22.07.2021
9. Hindi Section for Hindi Version.
10. Under Secretaries. DT/Per and Ad.VI(A), Department of Revenue. North Block.
11. Secretary General, IRS Association/ ITGOA/ ITEF/ All India Income Tax SC & ST Employees Welfare Association.
12. Commissioner of Income Tax (Media & TP) and official Spokesperson. CBDT.
13. Data Base Cell. CBDT.