Office of the
Commissioner of Sales Tax Maharashtra State
8th Floor, Vikrikar Bhavan,
Mazgaon, Mumhai — 400010.
No : JC(REG)/Documents/2017
Trade Circular No. 20T of 2017
Mumbai, Dt. 16/6/2017
Sub : Documents required to be uploaded for grant of Registration
Ref : 1) Trade Circular 5T of 2015 Dt 6/5/2015.
2) Trade Circular 7T of 2015, Dt 19/5/2015.
3) Trade Circular 10T of 2015, Dt 7/7/2015
4) Trade Circular 2T of 2016, Dt 21/01/2016
5) Trade Circular 4T of 2016 Dt 05/02/2016.
6) Trade Circular 7T of 2016, Dt 25/02/2016
7) Trade Circular 15T of 2016, Dt 09/05/2016.
8) Notification No VAT/ADM 2016/1B/ADM-8 Dt : 28/4/2016
Issued by this office.
Maharashtra Sales Tax Department has started utility to upload documents along with online application for registration under various acts, from 07/05/2015. Department has issued above referred Trade Circulars specifying the documents to be uploaded by the applicant while submitting application for registration. Department has shifted their registration process on SAP. Accordingly, a notification referred as 8 above was issued and new registration forms along with list of documents was notified. The trade has represented that they are facing difficulty in getting some of the documents and it is creating hurdle in obtaining registrations. Therefore considering the difficulties faced by the trade it is necessary to modify list of documents appended to the above referred Trade Circulars and notification. The list of required documents is appended as Annexure “A” to this circular.
Considering the instructions in various Trade Circulars and Notifications regarding documentary requirements for obtaining registration, the need was felt to consolidate the instructions issued. Hence this circular is issued replacing all above referred Trade Circulars to the extent of instructions as to documentary requirements.
If any member of the trade has any doubt, he may refer the matter to this office for further clarification. You are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of the members of your association.
Ravi Jalota
Commissioner of Sales Tax
Maharashtra State, Mumbai.
No : JC(REG)/Documents/2017
Trade Circular No. 20T of 2017
Copy forwarded to Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (Mahavikas) with a request to upload this Trade Circular on department’s web-site.
Addl. Comn ss er of Sales Tax,
(VAT-2), Mumbai.
Addl. Commissioner of Sales Tax,
(VAT-2), Mumbai.