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Redevelopment is a method of urban renewal that seeks to provide additional and better quality housing, make land available in the center of the city, eliminate urban decay and improve infrastructure. In the recent past there are two major reasons observed for the rapid surge in the number of redevelopment projects across India.

1.)  Increase in Land Prices

Land rates are increasing rapidly in India. For instance, according to data published by makaan.com, the rate of land has increased by approximately 200% in certain areas of Bengaluru as well as well above 400%in certain areas of Noida in the past year.

2.)  Need for replacement of old buildings:

Dilapidated buildings on the verge of collapse are a grim reality for thousands of housing societies in India.When a society is in dire need of extensive repairs but is starved of the necessary funds for it, the best option available is Redevelopment where Developers offer additional area, money, and the promise of a new flat with better amenities.

Further the applicability of RERA on projects under redevelopment has made the compliance more complex and challenging. This of course, is in addition to the complexities of GST which are highlighted in this article.

GST on Redevelopment Projects

For any project of redevelopment of a Society, the following transactions, as per the Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, are treated distinctly:

1. Supply of Transfer of Development Rights/Floor Space Index (commonly known as TDR/ FSI) by the Society to a Developer

2. Supply of Residential units by the Developer to the Society in lieu of supply of TDR/ FSI by the Society

3. Sale of Residential units by the Developer to outsiders

4. Sale of Commercial units by the Developer to outsiders.

Redevelopment of a Residential Society by a Developer (Classified as an RREP).

1. Supply of Transfer of Development Rights/Floor Space Index (commonly known as TDR/ FSI) by the Society to a Developer.

Before 01/04/2019 Supply of Transfer of Development rights/FSI was levied @ 18 % and payable by society under forward charge and the liability would arise at the time of receipt of completion certificate or first occupancy, whichever is earlier.

However after 01/04/2019, vide Notification No. 03/2019 CT(R) dated 29th march 2019 applicability of GST in a Residential Real Estate Project (RREP)on supply of transfer of development rights/FSI by the society to a developer is as elicited below.

A “Residential Real Estate Project (RREP)” shall mean an REP in which the carpet area of the commercial apartments is not more than 15% of the total carpet are a of all the apartments in the REP, where in REP means “Real Estate Project (REP)” as defined in clause (zn) of section 2 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (16 of 2016).

    • When the /Society provides Development Rights (TDE/ FSI) to a Developer, such a transaction is exempt from payment of GST on the condition that the flats constructed by utilization of such TDR/FSI are booked before receipt of completion certificate or first occupancy, whichever is earlier.
    • Thus, if there are any flats which remain un-booked on the date of receipt of completion certification or first occupancy, GST shall be payable at the rate of 18% on the value of TDR proportion ate to the carpet are a of un-booked flats subject to maximum 1 % / 5% of the value of such un-booked flats.
    • The liability to pay GST shall arise at the time of receipt of completion certificate or first occupancy, which ever is earlier and payable by the Developer under Reverse Charge Mechanism(RCM).
    • The total taxable value of TDR/ FSI will be equal to the rate of the flats sold to in dependent buyers nearest to the date of development agreement.

2. Supply of Residential units by the Developer to the Society in lieu of supply of TDR/ FSI by the Society.

    • In are development project the Developer gets the development rights from the Society and in turn he gives flats to them. This is a barter of supplies; here there is no consideration in the form of money. However,for the purposes of levy of GST, the value of services has to be quantified. Therefore, the law provides that in such cases the value of construction service i.e. flats supplied to Society, shall be equal to the rate of the flats sold to independent buyers nearest to the date of development agreement.
    • GST shall be payable by the Developerat the effective rate of 1%/5%,at the time of receipt of completion certification or first occupancy, which ever is earlier.

3. Sale of Residential unitsby the Developer to outsiders

    • For Flats sold by the Developer, to other customers, before receipt of Completion Certificate, GST will be chargeable at the effective rate of 1%/5% (after taking in to consideration 1/3rd a bate mentin value towards cost of land) by the Developer. For flats sold post receipt of Completion Certificate, the same shall be exempt from payment of GST. The Liability to charge and pay GST, a rise sat the time of receipt of every in stallment/payment* (refer Section 31(5)).

4. Sale of Commercial units by the Developer to outsiders

    • As any REP having commercial are a upto 15 % of total carpet area of all the apartments in the REP is defined as RREP, therefore, the commercial units in the RREP GST is charge able at the concessional rate of 5% and payable at the time of receipt of every installment/payment*(refer Section 31(5))

To being more clarity the following example can be explored.

XYZ Housing Society Limited has entered into Re-development agreement with “The ABC Builders” on 1st June 2019 for re-development of society.

Other relevant details are as under:

  • Total Number of Existing Members 12 having total area of 4800 Sq. Ft. (400 Sq. Ft each)
  • Total area to be constructed post redevelopment is 14,000Sq Ft. fully residential, Out of which Society members will get 6,000 Sq Ft, (500 Sq. Ft each)and Area Available for Builder for Sale is 8,000 Sq. Ft, Hence 16 new flats of 500 Sqft carpet area are available for sale to Developer, out of which 10 flats sold before completion certificate or first occupancy and 6 remained unsold on OC date.
  • First flat was sold to Independent buyers at Rs. 110 lakhs (500 Sq. Ft Carpet Area @ of Rs. 22,000 per Sq. Ft) as on 15th September, 2019.
  • Further one Flat was sold to independent buyer at Rs. 150 lakhs (500 Sq. Ft Carpet Area @ of Rs. 30,000 per Sq. Ft) as on 21st May, 2022.

i. Calculation of GST on Development Rights Transferred by Society to Developers:

The liability would be LOWER of the following (A or B):

 (A) GST payable on development rights:

  • The development rights were transferred in June, 2019.
  • the rate of the flats sold to in dependent buyers nearest to the date of development agreement is Rs. 110 lakhs (Rs. 22,000 * 500 Sq. Ft)
  • Since 12 units were to be given to Society Members, the total value of transfer of development rights willbe: 12 * 110 = 1,320 lakhs.
  • Hence the total GST payable on transfer of development rights will be Rs. 237.60 lakhs ( Rs 1,320 lakhs * 18%).
  • However we will be required to pay GST proportionate to construction of residential apartments that remain un-booked on the date of issue of completion certificate

i.e.  Total GST Payable on TDR * Carpet Area of the unbooked Residential Apartments / Total Carpet Area of the Residential Apartments in the Project

237.60 Lakhs * (6*500) / 14,000 = 50.91 Lakhs

Liability as per (A) will be Rs. 50.91 lakhs

B) GST liability un-booked apartments as on OC date

Per Sq. Ft. Value of unit booked nearest to the OC date * Carpet Area of the unbooked Residential Apartments * GST rate

30,000 per Sq. Ft. *(500*6)*5% = Rs. 45 lakhs

Liability as per (B) will be Rs. 45 lakhs

√ So the Final liability on TDR will be lower of A (Rs. 50.91 lakhs) or B (Rs. 45 lakhs) i.e. Rs. 45 lakhs

ii. GST liability on Residential units provided by the Developer to the Society in lieu of supply of TDR/ FSI by the Society.

The GST liability will be (Total Carpet Area to be allotted to old members * the value of apartments sold to independent buyers nearest to the date of Development Agreement * GST Rate)

6000*22000*5% = Rs. 66,00,000

So the total liability on construction services provided by the developer to the society will be Rs. 66,00,000/-


Mr. Sachin Dharwal is a practicing Chartered Accountant and a GST Expert. He is the founding partner of M/s DBMK & Co and his area of expertise is Taxation in real estate. He has been instrumental in structuring and formulating effective tax strategies for various corporates that have culminated into substantial tax advantages. He can be reached at casachindharwal@gmail.com.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for information purposes only and do not constitute an advice or a legal opinion and are personal views of the author. It is based upon relevant law and/or facts available at that point of time and prepared with due accuracy & reliability. Readers are requested to check and refer relevant provisions of statute, latest judicial pronouncements, circulars, clarifications etc before acting on the basis of the above write up.  The possibility of other views on the subject matter cannot be ruled out. By the use of the said information, you agree that Author / TaxGuru is not responsible or liable in any manner for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, errors or any kind of omissions in this piece of information for any action taken thereof. This is not any kind of advertisement or solicitation of work by a professional.


Author Bio

Mr. Sachin Dharwal is a practicing Chartered Accountant and a GST Expert. He is the founding partner of M/s DBMK & Co and his area of expertise is Taxation in real estate. He has been instrumental in structuring and formulating effective tax strategies for various corporates that have culminated View Full Profile

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  1. Sakshi says:

    Dear Sachin sir,
    I want to know about GST implications on existing member who get 30 percent extra area from devloper. example if old members has 100 sqft area but after redevelopment they receive extra 20 sqft area from devloper area (all residencial) in total 120 sqft area then on which amount required to calculate GST ( developers liability)

  2. Sakshi says:

    Dear Sachin sir,
    I want to know about GST implications on existing member who get 30 percent extra area from devloper. example if old members has 100 sqft area but after redevelopment they receive extra 20 sqft area means in n total 120 sqft area( all residencial )then GST applicable (liability of developer) on which amount to be calculate ?

    1. sachintaxguru says:

      Dear Sakshiji,

      The GST will apply to the whole area of 120 Sqft. However at what value and at what rate the GST will apply is another question which i cannot answer with this limited information.


    We have taken on a redevelopment project of a Society, wherein we are constructing a building consisting of 14 flats.

    8 flats will be given to the existing members and the balance flats will be available for sale by us.

    We have purchase TDR Regular Adm. 136.048 SqMts for Rs 19,33,650/- and TDR Slum Adm. 55.50 SqMts for Rs 6,54,000/-

    In this context, you are requested to please advice the GST payable on

    1. TDR (Regular) & TDR (Slum) purchased .
    2. Service Provided to Existing Members
    3. Sale of Flats which came to Developers share after procuring completion certificate
    4. Any other GST liability.

    Please note the following details of the plans sanction

    a) No of Flats of Existing Members : 8
    b) No of Flats after Redevelopment : 14
    c) Total Area after redevelopment : 14,834

    Advice on GST payable for service provided to Existing Members
    Area in Sqfts – Carpet
    Flat No Type Existing Area – Carpet Additional Area to be given free of Cost – 36% Area of the Proposed Flat to be given incl Balcony Extra Area to be purchase by the Existing Member Money Receivable from the Existing Member for Extra Area

    101 2 BHK 241.82 87.055 328.88 860.69 531.81 5300000
    102 2 BHK 551.48 198.53 750.01 860.69 110.68 1501896
    201 2.5 BHK 705.53 253.99 959.52 961.44 1.92 0.00
    202 2.5 BHK 284.32 102.36 386.68 961.44 574.77 7760127
    301 3 BHK 781.10 281.20 1062.3 1107.29 45.00 0.00
    602 3 BHK 979.15 352.49 1331.6 1170.26 -161.38 0.00
    701 3 BHK 781.10 281.20 1062.3 1107.29 45.00 0.00
    702 3 BHK 979.15 352.49 1331.6 1170.26 -161.38 0.00
    Advice on GST payable for service on the flats which will be sold by the
    Developer after procuring Completion Certificate
    Area in Sqfts – Carpet
    Flat No Type Area of the Proposed Flat to be given incl Balcony

    302 3 BHK 1107.29
    401 3 BHK 1107.29
    402 3 BHK 1107.29
    501 3 BHK 1107.29
    502 3 BHK 1107.29
    601 3 BHK 1107.29

  4. Mahadev says:

    For a redevelopment project where the DA was signed on 7th April 2019, and allocation of apartments to the members started in 2023, whose responsibility is it to pay the GST on the society members apartments? The individual society members or the builders? In case it is the builder’s responsibility but he is claiming GST from each of the society members for their apartments, what kind of action can be taken collectively by the members?

    1. sachintaxguru says:

      Dear Rajeshji,

      First of all excuse me for the late reply

      With reference to your query, In my humble opinion the ultimate responsibility to pay GST is the person who is receiving service. As in the present case you are receiving service from builder, you are liable to pay GST to him. Later he will deposit the said GST to the government exchequer on your behalf. However the question whether the builder agreed to discharge the said liability on his own or not is cannot be answered with this limited information. Kindly provide the complete details of the project on casachindharwal@gmail.com in case you wish detailed opinion on the same.

  5. RAJESH SHARMA says:

    We are a small society situated on Deonar Farm Road, Near Raj Kapoors Bunglow, Mumbai 400088 and my flat area before going for redevelopment was 251 sq.ft. After Redevelopment i will be getting extra 127 sq.ft. from developer. Hence total area of 378 sq.ft. I will be getting after the redevelopment work is finished……My question is how much GST i will have to pay.

    1. sachintaxguru says:

      Dear Rajeshji,

      First of all excuse me for the late reply

      With reference to your query, It won’t be possible for me to comment on applicability of gst with the limited information provided. Kindly provide the complete details of the project on casachindharwal@gmail.com

  6. AMIT NAYAK says:


  7. Jinal says:


    If old house has 1000 sq. ft. and new house will get 1500 sq. ft and purchase additional area is 300 sq. ft. in which GST is applicable?
    Please rply urgently. the whole thing is related to re-development

  8. Sneha says:

    Who pays GST on the redeveloped flats of the society old members. the members have to pay or the developer pays?
    is the builder liable to give certain amount to members as per current rate for the extra area developed ..or any amount .
    how will old members pay so much GSt if the members have to pay.

  9. Shabbir Jawadwala says:

    Dear Sir,
    Need your advice on gst. Is gst to be paid by old tenants Residents and commercial residents of redeveloped bldg prior 1940 under 33/7 DCR, work commenced after may 2019. On their residential or commercial property on the construction service provided by the builder. Property is south Mumbai,
    Developer is landlord himself, after the nearing the project completion, he is demanding GST is to be paid for each tenant, coming upto Rs 7.5 Lac each.
    Can you help on this. Awaiting your reply
     Thanks & regards.

  10. Lalla H L says:

    Our Society in Mumbai is undergoing major repairs like replastering, plumbing and drainage replacement etc. The approved contractor is charging GST at rate of 18% on Running bills. I fail to understand that redevelopment of society, there is no GST or lower between 1-5% then why the GST on improving health Of existing society is being charged with 18% GST. If there is any provision to reduce this burden by any legitimate method, we shall engage the advisor to help us out

  11. Tejas Ashwin Mehta says:

    Hi, I would like to know how GST will be applicable in case of Redevelopment of society as well as Tenanted properties in Mumbai?

  12. Anisha says:

    Hi sir
    My client Co-operative Housing Society went in a redevelopment with a builder in 2016 and on completion of building, the builder has demanded GST amount on old area, free of cost area given by builder and also purchased area.
    We got free flats with existing area and additional area given by the builder.
    On the purchased extra area from the builder at market rate for which the members have paid applicable GST. Now, the builder is insisting that as per new rules in 2019, we need to pay GST@ 5% for the entire flat (existing area before redevelopment + free area received) and possession is with held by him subject to payment of GST on entire flat. The society went into redevelopment since entire flat was to be received free. Please tell us the rule position on paying of GST by old members on their complete flat after redevelopment.

  13. Rahul Kulkarni says:

    Hi sir
    Our Co-operative Housing Society in Pune went in a redevelopment with a builder in Dec 2017 and we got possession in December 2020. We had originally 12 members. After redevelopment, we have 20 members. We got free flats with existing area and additional area given by the builder. Some of us also bought extra area from the builder at market rate for which we paid applicable GST. Now, we have to get into a reconveyance deed with the builder. The builder is now insisting that as per new rules in 2019, we need to pay GST@ 5% for the entire flat (existing area before redevelopment + free area received). The society went into redevelopment since entire flat was to be received free. Please tell us the rule position on paying of GST by old members on their complete flat after redevelopment.

      1. vivek says:

        I am from the same CHS where Rahul Kulkarni has his flat. Now as you have answered to his question, GST will be applicable. OK accepted.

        Builder has provided us construction services for rebuilding area equivalent to our old flat. And against these services we have to pay the GST. Hope this understanding is correct.

        Now would request to clarify my doubts –

        what would the base value on which this GST payable is to be calculated?
        1) value equivalent to (construction cost X carpet area of our old flat)
        2) value equivalent to (construction cost x builtup area of our old flat)
        3) market value of old flat ( prevailing at the time of demoilition of old flat / signing of re development agreeement)
        4) market value of area equivalent to old flat as a part of redeveloped flat (prevailing t the time of handover of new flat)

        On payment of GST should builder provide each flat holder a TAX Invocie as prescribed in GST law ?

        Should the payment of GST to builder routed through our CHS account? or Should it be done idividaully? (Beacuse Development Agreement was signed between Builder’s firm and Member’s Society and not by individual flat owners) . Should builder provide tax invoice of to society?

        What is the mechanism to verify that builder has fully transfered the entire amount taken from us under the head of GST to governement and not misappropriated the funds?

  14. Nirja says:

    Dear Sir,

    Please advise us that will GST applicable for 355 sqft buildup and 248 sqft carpet area ??

    Or no gst ?
    This is redevelopment project

  15. ankita says:

    Hello. My building has gone in redevelopment scheme and yet after 10 years and above i have not got possession. I had booked an extra sq feet in 2007 at that time there was no service tax,vat or gst.
    Later during 2016 installement the builder has charged Service Tax and Vat which is paid by me.
    From 2017 he is charging GST at 12% so does i have to pay this rate of gst which is not mentioned in the agreement. In 2020 onwards till now he is charging 8% GST does i have to pay the amount or not as when booked in 2007 no gst was applicable. would i get the ITC of this Gst. He is not giving any proof for the GST paymeny and charging 8% is this reliable and applicable.

    Please clear my doubts for this GST issue in redevelopment since last 10 years.

  16. Atul Velji Nathani says:

    Can we treat free area given to society members against TDR/FSI to builder as works contract service and take input/inputs service?

  17. L.P.Bathija says:

    Dear Sirs,
    Hi Sir-I have a important question for you.Please advice & help.
    Ours is a redeveloped building at Santacruz west named Uday Bhanu co-Op society.The building was completed around 2014.But unfortunately the builder has failed to get OC from the BMC because of various area discripencies & Propert taxes.
    The building consist of total 32 flats,out of which 20 are old flat owners & 12 are new flats which have been sold to new owners.
    Now, the old society is not issuing a share certificate unless we pay the sinking fund amount which the old members have contributed over a number of years ealier.This amount is Rs. 19,10946/ for the total area of old flats 17387 Sq ft.
    i.e. Rs.109.9/ft.
    Now, the nos of New members are totally 12 & the total area of new members occupied is 13401 Sq ft.
    Each new flat is of different area ranging from 850 sq ft to 1260 sq ft.
    Now, if we consider a factor of 109.9/sq ft as of old members & multiply the same with different areas of new members, we derive at a figure of New members contribution towards the sinking fund.
    Please advice if this correct.
    Or Alternativey ,if possible we divide the total contribution of old members by nos of old members & arrive at a figure to be contribed by each of new member.
    Please advice & also if the GST is applicable for new members contribution.
    With Regards.

  18. Rahil says:

    Dear Sachin ji
    My building is in Borivali which is going to be redevelop I want to know that if the Developer sell all the flats before CC is Society is exempted from paying GST and if there are unsold flats than the Developer has to pay GST on unsold flat as well as on Society redvelop flat also can you please guide me thanks

    1. Vinod Khilnani says:

      Dear Sachin, kindly advice: my building in Santa Cruz (west), Mumbai is going for redevelopment shortly. I want to know the GST implications for the existing old members who will be getting 30percent more area. Will the GST be required to be paid on only the additional area provided or the full area allotted. Also how much will the GST be? My initial area is 600 sq.ft.n new area will be 780 sq.ft. Kindly let me know. Thanks n regards.

  19. Anirudh Patel says:

    Great article. Like by replacing old buildings, there will be more space for new housing, which is particularly significant due to the current problem of overcrowding. In doing so, it can guarantee basic living standards. And the GST necessities apply to builders in the same way as they do to other businesses.

  20. Sunil pandey says:

    Dear sir/Mam
    My building is Andheri east area and one Builder has approch us for redevelopment but Builder is asking to pay stamp duty Registration charges and Gst from present members request pls send the best suggestions who is entitled to pay above charges.

    Warm Regards
    Sunil pandey

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