Circular No. 59/97-Cus.
dated 10/11/97
Government of India
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Excise and Customs)
F.T.T. Section, New Delhi
Subject : Inclusion of Visakhapatnam EPZ in Notification No. 177/94-Cus – To enable setting up of Jewellery Units in the Zone
I am directed to enclose a copy of the Notification No. 83/97-Cus dated 27.10.97 and to say that the Visakhapatnam Export Processing Zone (VEPZ) is functioning since 1994-95. It was not included in the Notification No. 177/ 94-Cus. governing Gem & Jewellery in the EPZ / FTZ as there were no jewellery units earlier. Notification No. 83 /97-Cus dated 27.10.97 amends notification No. 177/ 94-Cus. dated 21.10.94 to include VEPZ in Annexure II of the said Notification. This amendment will facilitate Gems & Jewellery Units set up in the VEPZ to source specified goods duty free. Visakhapatnam, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad have also been notified as airports through which export of Gem & Jewellery manufactured in units set up in VEPZ can be exported.
2. You are requested to give wide publicity to the above said notification by issue of Public Notice.