Telangana HC overturns CBDT’s refusal to reassess Satyam’s tax after fraud, citing genuine hardship and unlawful tax collection.
Telangana High Court addresses the validity of GST notices and orders without digital or physical signatures. Implications for GST compliance discussed.
Telangana High Court sets aside ITAT’s remand to CIT(A) in a penalty case, emphasizing the Tribunal’s duty as a final fact-finding body.
Telangana HC upholds cost of goods sold-based apportionment of common expenses over turnover for Prabhat Agri Biotech. Case emphasizes reasonable allocation methods.
Telangana High Court held that interest paid for broken period on securities held as stock-in-trade is allowable as deduction. Accordingly, petition filed by revenue dismissed and question answered in favour of respondent-assessee.
Telangana High Court quashes non-speaking income tax stay orders for AY 2022-23, remanding the case for fresh consideration per legal guidelines.
In the recent ruling HC of Telangana have held that assessee is eligible to claim capital gain after observing that the possession of the immovable property has not been handed over to the developer as contemplated u/s 53A of the Transfer of the Property Act, 1882.
Telangana High Court held that passing of assessment order without considering the defence of the petitioner and without giving reasons for not accepting defence of the petitioner is liable to be set aside. Accordingly, directed to re-consider the matter.
Telangana HC upholds tax addition under Section 69A, ruling that the assessee’s land was not under cultivation, rejecting agricultural income exemption claim.
Telangana High Court rules on tax exemption delay for Global Organisation for Development. Case examines condonation of Form 10B filing delays under Income Tax Act.