Sushil Kumar Vs. State of Punjab (Punjab High Court) There is no quibble that the liberty of a person is of utmost importance. But when personal liberty is pitted against a sovereign function i.e. collection of tax which is life blood of the economy, the latter would prevail. Present is a case where arrest is […]
In the instant case, the petition id filed to seek the bail to a person accused of tax evasion and bribery as per GST Act and Prevention of Corruption Act.
Gurvinder Singh Sohal Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation (Punjab High Court) The prayer in this petition is for grant of anticipatory bail to the petitioner regarding his alleged involvement in Bribery Case. In the present case, the petitioner and the other officials has raided the premises of the complainant and on that day, 03 other […]
UFV India Global Education Vs. Union of India (Punjab & Haryana High Court) The bare reading of Section 83 of the Act would show that the Commissioner has to form an opinion that for the purpose of protecting the interest of the Government revenue, it is necessary to provisionally attach either the property or the […]
Mukesh Tanwar Vs. State of Haryana (Punjab High court) As discussed above, investigation is still going on and out of total 31 accused, 10 are yet to be arrested and they are openly in league with the petitioner as well as other co-accused, who are in custody, while circulating the misleading information through social media […]
Ranjit Singh Vs State of Haryana (Punjab and Haryana HC) This Court is of the opinion that since the maximum punishment which can be awarded is upto 5 years and the petitioner has almost undergone a period of one year having been arrested on 06.09.2019. The onerous conditions would thus violate Article 21 of the […]
Bouncing of Cheque Considered as Offence Under NI Act which leads to Imprisonment upto 2 Years alongwith compensation amount of cheque alongwith interest @9%
The High Court forwarded the application to GST Council for appropriate consideration of exact GST rate applicable on Ayurvedic/ Unani/ Sidha (AUS) ingredient based sanitizers in accordance with law. Accordingly the petition is disposed off with the hope that the same shall be taken up for consideration by the Council at the earliest, considering the issue involved.
Vijay Goverdhandas Kalantri & Another Vs Union of India & Others (Punjab and Haryana High Court) The issue under consideration is whether the filing of the petition without jurisdiction only to gain benefit of its interim order is sustainable in law? In the present case, admittedly, both the petitioners are residents of Mumbai and the […]
The petitioner has an alternative and efficacious remedy to assail the impugned order by filing an appeal before the appellate authority. Consequently, the petitioner is relegated to file an appeal before the appellate authority.